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[IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around


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ender_wiggin said:
Ringly vigorously scratches his hair as he sees several of the villagers assembled in the interior of the tavern. "H-hi," he stammers, "Perhaps we should take the liberty of finding ourselves a table?"
"A table? Yes, why not. Well, looks like Kilyea and Jerran have beaten us to it. Here, Bubbles," pulling out a bench, "here's a seat for you." Trying not to look too smitten. "So, does anybody know why we're all here?"

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Bubbles Greenbottle

Alton said:
"Oh, uh, Bubbles ... hi! Gosh, you look wonderful today - uh, I mean ... it's good to see you ... er, how are you?" Alton is clearly captivated - that bodice indeed does wonders.

'Yep struck dumb'

"Oh, why thank you Alton." Alton had always been a nice boy, Bubbles had had to work really hard to get him into trouble when they were kids, but she had always managed to find a way. "I am fine. I haven't seen you around as much, been working alot?" Bubbles knew something had happened recently to Alton. He had been acting a little "different" lately, but she hadn't been able to put her finger on it and he didn't seem ready to talk to him about it.

Alton said:
"So, any idea why we're here? I mean, look, there's Ringly - hello, Ringly - and young Eddie, and Kiylea, and me ... and you. We were just wondering what was going on."

Bubbles waved to the other young halflings. "Hello Ringly, Eddie, Kiylea." While they all knew each other it was a rather odd grouping of halflings. Ringly and Kiylea were kind of loners and Eddie was so quiet most of the time you didn't even know he was around. "I have no idea Alton, I didn't even know about all this until about a half and hour ago."

Jerran said:
"Approaching from behind, he briefly considers Bubbles' very pinchable rear end, but decides to play it safe for today and instead hops on a bench and seats himself on a table near Kiylea. He leans down and whispers in her ear.

"Hello Jerran," It is apparent to those around that the greeting is only being made to be polite. "How's Sif?" She had warned Molle, she really had, but the poor girl just wouldn't listen.

'All that humour and those devilishly good looks...oh and that voice, what a waste! He can be such a jerk sometimes.' Bubbles thought. Jerran was a pretty good friend of her and her brothers and eventually she would let him off the hook for treating Molle the way he did, but not quite yet.

Ringly said:
"H-hi," he stammers, "Perhaps we should take the liberty of finding ourselves a table?"
Alton said:
"A table? Yes, why not. Well, looks like Kilyea and Jerran have beaten us to it. Here, Bubbles," pulling out a bench, "here's a seat for you." Trying not to look too smitten. "So, does anybody know why we're all here?"

"Such a gentalmen," She chides Alton and takes a seat across from Kiylea and Jerran. "No clue here. Anyone else heard anything?"


Eddie enters the tavern, tensely with a hunted look on his face. It changes to puzzlement as he sees the young halflings beginning to gather in the tavern, he self consciously brushes at his wrinkled and stained clothing. He gives small waves of greetings as they enter. As the others take seats at a bench Eddie moves to the shadows of a nearby wall, behind Kiyela and Jerran. Its obvious that none of the others know why they have been called, and he runs through the possibilities in a low voice that carries to the pair and the others with sharp ears.
An inquisition? – then where is Log? He should be a prime suspect.
A warning to the young of the village?
A party? Bubbles birthday is the closest, but still a few weeks away.

his eyes linger on her until she meets his gaze, and he blushes as he looks away
A project? – something to keep us busy, or something the town actually needs – prolly both. Yes a warning or a project, either way.
The stiffness goes out of Eddie and his whole body relaxes. He slouches happily
I wonder if they will feed us lunch...
*gurgle *rumble*


First Post
Kiylea smiles back before entering the tavern; she and Alton aren't much alike on the outside, but for some time now she's sensed a common bond, though what it could be is still unclear to her. There's just this feeling she gets whenever Clara is showing them some new wonder of Yondalla's creation - a kind of spiritual resonance. Not that she's taken the time to really investigate it, especially since she's pretty sure Alton would call her crazy if he ever found out. He seems like a guy with his feet too firmly on the ground to put much stock in such things.

Once inside Kiylea takes a seat and watches in wonder and confusion as the other Halflings arrive. Bubbles or Jerran she might expect to see here, but Ringly, who dislikes hanging around town just as much as she does? Eddie, who's usually trying to stay as far away from Mero as possible? Very strange! She gives a half-wave in response to Bubble's greeting and a distracted nod to Jerran, who comes and sits near her.

Jerran said:
"Good morning, what are we all doing here?"

Don't you know? Kiylea looks surprised. You're the one who usually catches on to these things in advance. Then she falls silent as Bubbles and the others join them, listening with one ear to Eddie's running monologue and with the other to the conversation around her.


First Post
Ringly sits where a seat is available. He says nothing, but he scratches his head as his mind continues to assimilate the possibilities.

Assuming we are here to embark on some sort of rite of passage, which seems to be the only plausible option at the moment, what sort of obstacles would they toss at us?

Is this something unique to us, or does every generation go through a similar trial?

He stops scratching and begins to pick his nails.

If the latter is true, then perhaps Wellsly will be able to provide some --- bah, better not go to him. His advice will result in our deaths. Mother, perhaps.

It seems more likely that the former is true; I have never heard of such a trial, or any rumors of such. If so, Mero will most likely attempt to kill two birds with the same stone - that is, task us with an issue all of Amblestock will benefit from....


Jerran leans back and shrugs in responce to Kiylea's questions.

"Sorry, this time I'm just as in the dark as everyone else."

He looks around for the marshall and addresses the next comment to the group at large.

"I guess answers shall have to await for the arrival of our host. . . wherever he has gotten himself to."

He smiles warmly at Bubbles as she joins them, despite the wintery look that she is passing his way. He mentally rolls his eyes as she brings up Sif in an obvious attempt to make a dig at him. But on the outside he simply treats the question as a polite inquiry.

"Good morning to you as well, my sweet. I haven't actually seen Sif yet today, but I'm sure she's fine. How're your knuckles feeling today?"

He grins widely as he asks this, and makes a great show of rubbing his jaw where their last encounter made it's mark.


As the conversation ranges, the waft of food catches your attention as Meegan comes out through the kitchen door, trailed by Molle. Each carrying a platter twice the size of themselves deftly and placing it on the table.

Fresh baked sourdough rounds from the Highdumple bakery sit, each one as large as a kickball (roughly 6 inches diameter). Their tops cleanly sliced off and within their hollowed out shells steams what must be Meegan's classic Zesty Ginger Stew, including fresh ginger, chick peas, celery, carrots, potatos and scallions. Before the tray comes to a rest Eddie has nabbed one of the breadbowl stews and produced a spoon from somewhere, eating it with a wholesome abandon.

The second platter boasts an array of apples, pears and honeydew melon, alongside three full pitchers of ice cold spiced apple cider.

Molle gives a broad smile to Bubbles, "Hi Bubbles," she says happily, she then proceeds to begin filling five glasses full of cider placing one in front of each person except for Jerran, whom she fully ignores.

Meegan grins to the assembled, "you can be gettin' on with yer chatter, I'm not going to peep a word of it to your parents." She pauses, her large brown eyes giving an amused look to Molle, she then sets an empty glass down in front of Jerran without a word. "And no, I don't be know'n what Mero's got in mind fer the lot o'ya, so dun' be askin' me."

Gesturing for Molle to follow, Meegan disappears back into the kitchen, Molle gives a sheepish grin to Bubbles and follows her mother.


First Post
Well, whatever conspiracy brought us here, at least it seems to be a friendly one! Kiylea is as fond of good food as any Halfling and digs in readily. She watches the little drama unfolding between Jerran, Molle and Bubbles with curiosity, not sure what's going on but not inclined to care. She's more interested in what Ringly's pondering. He could think the autumn leaves off the trees - I bet he'll be the first one to figure out why we're here. She nods in agreement with her own thoughts, then looks behind her momentarily. Come on over to the table and eat, Eddie - you don't want to spill your drink. She makes room on the bench and motions him to take it.


Jerran looks down at his empty glass, then over at the pitchers of cider, and finally around the table at the filled glasses of his companions. He doesn't even pretend to hide his moves as he calmly reaches across the table and exchanges Alton's full glass for his empty one. He takes a long drink from the cool cider and then lowers the glass again. He nods his thanks to the youngster.


His left hand flicks out and nabs an apple from a tray even as his right produces a knife from somewhere on his body. He begins idly peeling the apple in long, continous strands that he drops into his mouth as they seperate from the apple.


First Post
Ringly's eyebrows are raised by the sudden appearance of delicious food. He is physically reminded that he hasn't eaten today yet, having been too avid to finish a good book in the morning, and then spending the rest of it deciding whether or not to come.

He grips the cider, raises it a few inches, and makes an imaginary toast with friends he doesn't have. To raised spirits and lowered wits

And he drinks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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