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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Pathfinder: Jade Regent


Sitting comfortably back at the Rusty Dragon Suldrel is somewhat taken back by the size of the spoils. He made decent wages as a ranch hand, and sank a lot of his funds into his younger sister, but now he practically felt that he had been a pauper before given the amount of coin he had just dumped into his pack.

The elf leans towards Sachiko and says softly, "I have some thoughts on things I would like to pick up from the store and the smithy. If you would prefer to stick around here with your friends then I will see you later at home. I promised we would head back to investigate the map markings, and it would probably be best for me to get in some solid resting before then."

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"You're not staying for the storytelling?" boggled Fastus. Speaking of: "So what do you think, Ameiko? CAN WE do a show here tonight? You think people will come?"

Don't know why he asked that last part. Just slipped out.

OOC: Did Ameiko show any interest for the Tian stuff by the way TS?
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Jariah Taliaferro, Human Female


Jariah looked at the remaining loot and put the gear she was taking into her backpack. She was going to encumbered leaving the inn with it all. She was going to have to do something about that. She held up the magical ring, "I think I will hang onto this for now. We can decide who should wear it after we are all outfitted for the next excursion. Someone should also take the second cloak."

With Suldrel also taking his leave, Jariah did not feel guilty about not staying around either. She nodded in agreement with him, "I have some things to do myself as well." Jakira appeared to object, "What, no show? But I'm... oh, okay then." The mental explanation from his mistress quelled the objection.

The pair left the Rusty Dragon to return to the store where the sold much of the excess equipment. She purchased a harness and saddlebags for her feline to wear and help carry gear. Jakira did not look happy about that at first, but the mental argument was short... he gave in to his mistress.

Jariah also sold her leather armor, intending to ask Fastus's help later to get something better. She picked up some hemp rope to go with the grappling hook, and few other essential supplies for an excursion back to the swamp. She was overdue to see Koya and wanted to find something special for her. Now that she had money, she could afford to pay back some of the older woman's kindness. She asked the shopkeeper, "Do you have some nicer clothing for sale? Perhaps something that came in on the caravans?"

[sblock=Shopping]Selling Leather Armor +5gp
Harness 2gp
Hemp Rope 1gp
Saddlebags 4gp
Torch 1cp
2 Waterskins 2gp
Mess Kit 1sp
Grooming Kit 1gp [/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Jariah Taliaferro
Init: +5, Senses: Perception +6
AC: 15, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 12 (Leather armor)
HP: 9 Current: 7
Fort: +1, Ref: +3, Will: +3
Summon Monster: 4/7 Remaining
1st Level Spells: 0/2 Remaining (Mage Armor, Lesser Rejuv)
Conditions: None

Weapon in Hand: Acid Flask

Init: +2, Senses: Perception +4, Darkvision
AC: 14/18 (Mage Armor), Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 12/16
HP: 12 Current: 4
Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +0
Condition: Darkvision, Power Attack, Pounce
Weapons in Hand: Claws & Bite[/sblock]


First Post
"I have some thoughts on things I would like to pick up from the store and the smithy. If you would prefer to stick around here with your friends then I will see you later at home. I promised we would head back to investigate the map markings, and it would probably be best for me to get in some solid resting before then."

Sachiko chuckles and pops up to give Suldrel a hug. "I'm going to stay and help Fastus tell Ameiko what happened," she says. "I was kind of hoping you might stay for it too, but if you've gotta go...I'll see you later."

She does take out the two treasures; the pin and fan, and bring them over to Ameiko.

"We found these. They're from Tian Xe, right? The art on them looks like it, but I figured you'd know for sure."


Suldrel returns his sister's embrace warmly, then turns to motion goodbye to everyone else before grabbing his things and heading out the door.

Upon exiting the elf lets out a long breath of air. When they had set out seemed like more than a day or two in the past, and despite not shying away from letting his voice be heard he was ill-suited to carrying on long and quick paced conversations. Especially when more than one of his companions was of such, energetic, temperament.

He already had a pretty good idea of what he was looking for and decided to head to the nearby market first before heading across town to the smithies.

Suldrel felt sometimes that he had never quite adequately been able to thank Shalelu for taking him and Sachiko in with her family. Being a trained carpenter he was able to contribute his fair share by keeping the house in good order and earning a wage, but once taking care of Sachiko figured in there had never been much left over for his older adoptive 'sister' . With the windfall from purging the goblin village he was now in a position to change that though.

Shalelu, for her part, often kept to herself travelling the wilds. She could provide for herself well, and avoid dangers, but gear inevitably suffered wear and tear. Suldrel knew the merchant in the market well that furnished Shalelu with her gear and he knew that at the moment he was stocking some particularly high quality kits. It was costing him what seemed a small fortune for such a thing, but he was certain it would provide an upgrade over what she was currently carrying with her.

The next matter to attend to was some new arms for himself. The elf was not entirely comfortable spending that much gold to arm himself when he had trusted in his worn leather armour and sturdy longspear for years, even before reaching Sandpoint, but this talk of skeletons worried him. Such undead were hardly rampaging dragonkin, but they were unnatural and unclean. He would need something better suited to smashing bones than a mere spear tip, and armour that was a little sturdier would not hurt either.

A new suit of armour he tended to first. Leather, a bit stiffer than that he wore now (though that could also be attributed to age) and covered in metal studs that could hamper blows. Though he bought it for function, in style craftsmen of the Southlands put their armour together a bit differently as well. A sharp-eyed traveller like Sandru would have been able to spot his Northern attire before for what it was. And it had always eased his mind just a little that it was not only his exotic features that might make him stand out here. Not so anymore it would seem.

Heading over to the weapon smiths he was unsure of what the weapon he was looking for was called, but he had a good idea of its characteristics. Suldrel used a longspear because reach was critical in the land of his childhood. What he sought now had a long spike instead of a spear blade, but which would do for stabbing enemies well enough. However, quite differently it also possessed a hammer head for crushing blows opposed by a hooked spike for pulling things down or apart. With this he would be sacrificing mostly familiarity instead of function, for it was a sturdily built weapon.

Finally, to round out his purchases with something else quite expensive, the elf found a purchased a strong short bow. For an extra third of the price he could have gotten a longbow like Shalelu, but it was his younger sister that was ever in his mind and he wanted something she could use in a pinch. For some reason she had always found the longbow a bit too unwieldy. Picking up a quiver of arrows with it he payed the vendor and turned his attention to other matters.

Before he headed home there was one other stop he wanted to make. He felt he had given the ranch owner he was currently working for the impression that he would be coming back to work after returning from the raid. His promise to Sachiko came first, but he did not want to leave his employer in the lurch either. So he tracked him down and gave him a pair of gold coins to hire a replacement from the guild in town to cover him for a few more days at least. Money he expected to be repaid, of course, but mostly Suldrel was just interested in avoiding a fuss for now.

With that over, the elf turns towards home. He expects Shalelu might still be engaged with Sachiko's story and report, but perhaps she will be home to receive his appreciation. Feeling just slightly paranoid upon leaving the town proper, he keeps his eyes open for bony looking interlopers.

OOC: Masterwork Survival Kit, 50 gp. Studded Leather: 25 gp. Bec de Corbin 15 gp. Composite Shortbow 75 gp. 20 Arrows 1 gp. Misc 2 gp.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"You're staying," Fastus told Wireth in a tone brooking no discussion -- he hoped! (There was... what could be a hint of uncertainty swimming in his eyes though.)


Guest 11456

"You're not staying for the storytelling?" boggled Fastus. Speaking of: "So what do you think, Ameiko? CAN WE do a show here tonight? You think people will come?"

Ameiko looks at the man puzzled as if she only heard part of the conversation. "What kind of show are you referring to?"


Guest 11456

She does take out the two treasures; the pin and fan, and bring them over to Ameiko.

"We found these. They're from Tian Xe, right? The art on them looks like it, but I figured you'd know for sure."

Ameiko first takes the pin and scrutinizes it very carefully. "I am not sure about this one but it could be Tian." She hands it back and then takes the fan. She spreads it completely out and examines the depiction of a gecko walking amid cherry blossoms. "This one is most definitely Tian." Then she turns it over to see the map. "But this is not." She looks at the map while continuing. "Where did you find these? Were they in the goblin village? The map looks kind of like Brinestump Marsh. But what are the X's for?" She hands it back while smiling a telling smile. "It appears that you have already had quite the adventure. I would love to hear more about it when you have the chance."



It was a strange feeling for her. Here she was with a few of of her friends standing in front of her hero Ameiko and she didn't know what to say. Sachiko had produced the pin and fan for Ameiko to look over. Fastus was eager to tell a grand story about their adventure. To her, it wasn't that great of an adventure. Many of them had suffered great injuries and nearly died. Even though they had eventually won and beaten the goblins, it had not been as easy or gratifying as the bards often regaled. However, she decided that what she felt was unimportant right now. She could dwell on that later. At this moment, all that mattered was what Ameiko and her friends wanted.

"Fastus is eager to tell the tale of our adventure with Sachiko and myself assisting. We would be grateful if you would allow us to do so here this evening."


First Post
Fastus catches Wireth before he has a chance to slink out behind Jariah and Suldrel. The half-orc found himself flummoxed. He had no idea how to appreciate human entertainment, but he also hadn't made a particularly sound showing of himself in the presence of the humans. If he hoped to remain in their company to help clear out his swamp, it might do him good to show support for their particular ... interests. And the blacksmith had managed to procure them a slightly better sale price on the gear they had collected.

"I ... well, I'm sure I have a little time to spare," Wireth says. "I'm sure Jariah and Suldrel will keep the shop owners busy for a while, and I'd likely just make them nervous."

He sits to the back, however, trying to find shadows in the Rusty Dragon. His attention wanders to what he might do with his share of the gold.

Voidrunner's Codex

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