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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Pathfinder: Jade Regent

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Yeah, what she said!" agreed the lion-haired one after Elli spoke, discretely eying the lithe, dark-haired bard: It was GOOD to see her again, even after only a single day away!

Then he got distracted by a certain half-orc trying to discretely sneak away...
"I ... well, I'm sure I have a little time to spare," Wireth says.
Whatever was in the other's eye instantly burnt away. He barely hesitated before gripping his arm, grinning up at the giant man: "Thanks, Wireth! You won't regret it!"

"I'm sure Jariah and Suldrel will keep the shop owners busy for a while, and I'd likely just make them nervous."
"Is that-" Fastus held up a hand. "So ARE WE good for tonight, Ameiko? Say sunset, right?" Enthousiasm positively brimming.

<If it is:
"PERFECT! Come on, Wireth, we're going to tell the WHOLE town. ASSUMING you galls can keep the home fires burning here?" As if he had ANY doubt!

OOC: Planning to get the word out AND help Wireth with his shopping (AKA using Diplomacy to haggle). A favor for a favor, right?

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First Post
Wireth Norin, half-orc falconer

The large half-orc's discomfort at the thought of racing about town interacting with even more humans is clear in the child-like panic of his gaze. He swallows down the fear, however, and sets himself to following through on his commitments.

The eager blacksmith's connections, as it turns out, make Wireth's restocking a far less painful endeavor than usual. Shop folk seem particularly eager to engage in trade with him, which is something he's rarely experienced in human towns. Fastus even convinces the shopkeepers of the "exceptional" make of the half-orc's meager armor and weapon.

Even more impressive, Fastus manages to find a double axe which actually is of exceptional make. Having noted the utility of Sudrel's reach weapon, Wireth adds one to his own arsenal. In keeping with his own preference for versatility, this weapon--like his axe--bears a damaging tool on each end. Wireth also upgrades his armor for the slightly sturdier metal of a chain shirt.

While his standard supplies were filled just a day ago, Wireth stops by the gear shop as another use for his new coin comes to him. He purchases a wide box with a piece of gridded slate at its bottom, and a small holder with colored chalks. He leaves the coin and the kit, along with a short note and instructions for delivery:


I know you value your privacy as I do mine, so I will not presume to call on you. But I wanted to thank you for all your support now that I finally have a modest success. I've heard rumor you have plans for travelling to far, new places. It occured to me an easy means of mapping an ever-shifting locale might come in handy for such a journey.

Forever indebted,

Wireth Norin

[sblock=ooc]Since Fastus is explicitly coming with, I made an assumption Wireth could sell the gear he had which he isn't keeping with the same 10% markup on the sale. Numbers below reflect that, but I didn't spend so much that it ruins me if I have to scale back by the 4 gp that nets Wireth:

Starting coin: 30 gp, 8 sp

Adventure loot: 433gp, 7sp, 5cp

Shopping total (start): 464 gp, 5sp, 5cp


Hide shirt: 11 gp w/ Fastus' help
Orc double axe: 33gp w/ Fastus' help

New total: 508 gp, 5 sp, 5 cp


Mapmaker's Kit (for Shalelu) (10 gp)
Chain Shirt (100 gp)
Lucerne hammer (15 gp)
Masterwork Orc Double Axe (360 gp)

Total purchased: 485 gp

Coin remaining: 23 gp, 5 sp, 5 cp

Changes made to Wireth's sheet to reflect shopping upgrades[/sblock]


Jariah Taliaferro, Human Female


Having been shown some nice clothing from the latest caravans, Jariah picked out a very nicely embroidered jacket with half sleeves. The shopkeeper had told it the designs were made with gold strands woven in the threads. It might not have been the most functional of jackets, but it certainly was in Koya's color and tastes. Jakira balked at the price, but she told him to shush it.

Moving on, she purchased a few more items that she would need if they ventured out into the swamp. She put her new bedroll into the saddlebags along with the other gear. Then she visited the armorsmith.

She picked out chain shirt for herself. It was heavier than the leather armor, but now that the bottomless pit was earning his keep by carrying their gear she could still walk at her normal pace. To ensure he was not feeling left out, she purchased some leather barding meant for a riding dog. Jakira was not very happy to learn that a dog had it before him, but she promised sweet cakes from Koya if he did not complain.

Having spent all the money she intended for the moment, Jariah took her feline to visit their friend Koya. After exchanging pleasantries and freshening up, they enjoyed a meal and presents Koya with the jacket. She did mention that the others were going to put on a performance about their excursion in the swamp.

[sblock=Revised Shopping]Selling Leather Armor +5gp
Harness 2gp
Hemp Rope 1gp
Saddlebags 4gp
Torch 1cp
2 Waterskins 2gp
Mess Kit 1sp
Grooming Kit 1gp
Bedroll 1sp
Chain Shirt 100gp
Leather Barding 20gp
Nice Clothing 50gp

Total Transactions = -175.21gp[/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Jariah Taliaferro
Init: +5, Senses: Perception +6
AC: 15, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 12 (Leather armor)
HP: 9 Current: 7
Fort: +1, Ref: +3, Will: +3
Summon Monster: 4/7 Remaining
1st Level Spells: 0/2 Remaining (Mage Armor, Lesser Rejuv)
Conditions: None

Weapon in Hand: Acid Flask

Init: +2, Senses: Perception +4, Darkvision
AC: 14/18 (Mage Armor), Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 12/16
HP: 12 Current: 4
Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +0
Condition: Darkvision, Power Attack, Pounce
Weapons in Hand: Claws & Bite[/sblock]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
On the way to market: "Eh Langdon, you hear?! The goblins have been completely defeated! Come to the Rust TONIGHT to find out HOW! Tell EVERYBODY!" the blacksmith hardly had time to wave one off before somebody else he knew popped up: "You there! Grets. The goblin village's been burned to the ground! Come to the Rusty Dragon tonight when we tell THAT tale! Tell your dad, right? She's Gurney's latest," he confided to the orc walking by his side. "You met old Gurney, right? He's the miller. Good day to you, goodwife Murdle, mister Murdle: you hear about the goblins? Quite a story eh...? You want to hear MORE?"

And that was BEFORE they started talking to the merchants and their customers, people who CARED what happened to their trade routes on a day to day basis!

The eager blacksmith's connections, as it turns out, make Wireth's restocking a far less painful endeavor than usual. Shop folk seem particularly eager to engage in trade with him, which is something he's rarely experienced in human towns. Fastus even convinces the shopkeepers of the "exceptional" make of the half-orc's meager armor and weapon.

"He wore that when he SWEPT through the goblin horde today, you know mister Hirold? Probably get TWICE its value by tomorrow. Heck, I'M tempted... You heard we're re-telling the entire thing tonight at Ameiko's inn, right? We can count on you and your uncles? I'd mean a lot..."


I know you value your privacy as I do mine, so I will not presume to call on you. But I wanted to thank you for all your support now that I finally have a modest success. I've heard rumor you have plans for travelling to far, new places. It occured to me an easy means of mapping an ever-shifting locale might come in handy for such a journey.

Forever indebted,
"Wireth Norin," finished Fastus, mouth-reading over Wireth's shoulder (or rather, under his huge elbow). "You got pretty good letters for an orc." He looked sour for a second: "Better than mine, right? Where'd you learn?"

OOC: has the box got a flip cover (against the weather and brushing against it, you know)? If not, Fastus will suggest a certain carpenter helper he knows.

OOC: Fastus will try to get Wireth a slight discount on his 485gp of purchases. Diplomacy/Haggling: Haggling away: 1D20+6 = [3]+6 = 9. Average result.

OOC: Also trying to draw as many people as he can to the Rusty Dragon, obviously. Let me know if I need a roll for that, TS.


First Post
Wireth merely raises an eyebrow at the question, then shrugs.

"Same place everyone learns," he says, "Birds and wolves, right?"

He maintains a completely serious affect just long enough to make Fastus question his sincerity, then winks and moves on.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Birds and..." blinked the muscled young human. "They can WRITE?" He'd heard they could TALK, sure enough - although they insisted on snubbing a younger him for some reason - but WRITE?! "Just SOME of them though, right?"

That seemed better for some reason.

"Hey Sommeder! The Rusty Dragon tonight at sundown, right?" Word was getting around... "You're STILL coming to the show though," he stated to Wireth, magical animals or no magical animals. "Come on, we'll swing by our forge, tell them the news, and THEN meet back with the girls! Da'll be SO surprised we didn't mess it up!"

OOC: Baring surprises, we can probably safely assume both Fastus and Wireth will shortly be back at the Rusty Dragon. :)


Jariah Taliaferro, Human Female


Jariah with Jakira convinced Koya to get out of the house to see the alleged show Fastus was spreading word about. With some coin in her purse, she even offered to treat them both to a fine meal before things really got started and headed towards the Rusty Dragon. Of course Jakira was excited and she mentally admonished him that if he ate too much he might either get sick or have gas.

[sblock=Mini-stats]Jariah Taliaferro
Init: +5, Senses: Perception +6
AC: 15, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 12 (Leather armor)
HP: 9 Current: 7
Fort: +1, Ref: +3, Will: +3
Summon Monster: 4/7 Remaining
1st Level Spells: 0/2 Remaining (Mage Armor, Lesser Rejuv)
Conditions: None

Weapon in Hand: None

Init: +2, Senses: Perception +4, Darkvision
AC: 14/18 (Mage Armor), Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 12/16
HP: 12 Current: 4
Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +0
Condition: Darkvision, Power Attack, Pounce
Weapons in Hand: Claws & Bite[/sblock]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The sun slowly set over the village of Sandpoint, watching as people made their way to the Rusty Dragon in greater number than usual <correct me>. Fastus' mother was there - although his father had yet to show - as was Gurney the miller and his brood, sheriff Hemlock and most of his helpers, merchants and artisans and farmers and- and hey, even Koya and Jariah/Jakira showed up with some of the caravan people! And the proprietress of the establishment was there too, of course.

Inside, Fastus climbed up on Ameiko's small stage, closed in the back with a curtain, and got everybody's attention: "Alright. Alright. Let's quiet down! I think everybody's here, right?"

OOC: Planning to post the first part tomorrow.

Voidrunner's Codex

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