Dr. Morgan Wells Race: Human HP: 32/32 AC: 12/15(Mage Armour) | Pass Perc: 11 Pass Inv: 17 Pass Ins: 11 AR: 1/1 | Spell Slots: 1st[ ] [ ][ ] [ ] 2nd [] [] [ ] 3rd [] [ ] [ ] |
Arcane Ward: 0/16 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Save DC: 15 |
STR: 10+0
DEX: 14 + 2 CON: 12 + 1 INT: 18+4(+7) WIS: 12 +1(+4) CHA:12 +1 |
History: 7 Investigation:7 Medicine: 4 Persuasion: 4 Religion: 7 |
Control Flames, Chill touch, Shape water, Shocking grasp Memorized spells 1st Grease, Mage Armour, Shield 2nd Arcane Lock, Invisibility, Web 3rd Clairvoyance, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Haste, |
Morgan nods and then ponders at the question to Vairar,"This is good decision. Having it makes us targets and it will tempt you when we're in dire straits. Plus, if we ever lose it or you get captured again, the other side could use it freely."
Turning to Vairar "What do you need to destroy that altar down there? Do we even want to explore the tunnels again? I am for clearing it completely out, but it is dangerous with all the undead."
"What I think is the altar with the wraiths was actually guarding the blood altar. When I was possessed by Baazka, I learned that he'd been trying to get past the ghostly undead but they were preventing him from searching the area. I don't think he realized there was an different way to get to the blood altar. I'm not even sure he knew where the blood altar was hiding. In a sense, we helped him find it.
"My point is this: the other altar was probably placed there, after the fact, to prevent people from accessing the blood altar. There's probably no need to disturb it. As far as the blood altar itself, or the rest of the complex, I leave it up to you all to decide. The Red Wizard and his gnoll underlings were here for a reason. It could have been the rod or maybe it was something else. I do wonder if we can question the wraiths....
"I'm just happy that you came along and rescued me and I'm happy to help you in whatever endeavors you have planned until I have an opportunity to get back to Daggerford. Whatever you decide."