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D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford


Grottur was unsurprised to find that the rod was something evil, "These folks yer oop against are nae but awful people. A pox on'em, I sae. I cannae wait t'get back to town an' be doon wi' this whole terrible affair."

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"OK, so will it explode or something is we destroy it? That gate you mention, will it open here?"
Lunn is checking his greataxe and looking at the rod on the floor
"I guess just tossing it into the fire is not enough. And maybe would give access to that demon. Axe it is."
OOC: Lunn doesn't care for casters power, just say the word. Or any evil.


OOC: Okay, so if you want to just spray blood all over the place (pick somewhere) 18 times until the rod is "empty" and then break it, you can do that. The main thing that would have happened, had Tommi broken it over his knee, would have been an extremely messy fountain of blood in a 20ft radius. There's a good chance that Tommi would have been "poisoned" (the 5e catch-all for "sickened") and maybe the rest of you, but not because it's deadly so much as because it would be disgusting (the blood is NOT what you'd call "fresh" either!) But yeah, you can break it. Morgan would be pretty confident that it doesn't have any protective "revenge" wards that would do anyone any particular harm. It's warded to make it tough, but it's also glass - there's only so strong that it could have been made, without the magic that keeps it from being broken being one of the more powerful things about it. If that makes sense.

Dr. Morgan Wells
Race: Human
HP: 32/32
AC: 12/15(Mage Armour)
Pass Perc: 11
Pass Inv: 17
Pass Ins: 11
AR: 1/1
Spell Slots:
1st[ ] [ ][ ] [ ]
2nd [] [] [ ]

3rd [] [ ] [ ]
Arcane Ward: 0/16Initiative: +2 Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10+0
DEX: 14 + 2
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 18+4(+7)
WIS: 12 +1(+4)
CHA:12 +1
History: 7
Medicine: 4
Persuasion: 4
Religion: 7
Control Flames, Chill touch,
Shape water, Shocking grasp

Memorized spells
1st Grease, Mage Armour, Shield
2nd Arcane Lock, Invisibility, Web
3rd Clairvoyance, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Haste,

Listening to Morgan's description of a castle, Helgrim whistled as a possibility dawned on him. "That sounds a lot like Dragonspear Castle, laddie! An' it makes sense, too, though I ken it was demons an' nae devils, but a great battle was fought there, a century ago, an' the place was used t'summon fiends. 'Tis under 200 miles south o'Daggerford joost offa the Trade Way."
"I wish I knew more. I really don't think it could be used for anything that would help us. I wonder if this is in any way related to the titan? shrug

"I can consult my Uncle, Ashfield, in Waterdeep." suggested Titus, "On Blaze, I can get to Zundbridge before nightfall, and on to Waterdeep in the morning. I'll meet you in Daggerford."

Titas, I didn't know Master Ashfield was your uncle. Say hi to him for me and let him know everything - including what we found out about the Thayan Wizards. See what he can find about a fiend named Baazka."

"OK, so will it explode or something is we destroy it? That gate you mention, will it open here?"
Lunn is checking his greataxe and looking at the rod on the floor
"I guess just tossing it into the fire is not enough. And maybe would give access to that demon. Axe it is."
"I think Tommi has a good idea. I'll drain it of charges and it shouldn't open any gates. I think. The gate must have something to do with that castle otherwise the fiend would have just done it here. I'm going to unload the rod where we disposed of the other bodies" Morgan seems disgusted by the thought.

With that, Morgan took the rod outside, with Lunn and the others, away from the well and activated the rod. He did it with a clinical mindset, not thinking about how morbid it was. Like performing an autopsy. Or a colonoscopy.

Once that was done, he brought it to the chopping block near a wood shed,

"Go for it, Lunn."

I hope that works for everyone. also, trying a new colour for text...

Hey Fitz, I hate to sound like a broken record but did we manage to disarm the trap on Theggar's spellbook and did Morgan get a chance to peruse any of the spells within?
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Morgan," sighs Tommi, not believing what he is about to say, "Are you sure tis is what you want? My impulse was to destroy it because, well, because it's a thing of evil and thant Thing wanted it. My thought was..." he looks at Lunn "...to protect the group, and, well, to frustrate It. I still think it is right to empty the charges, but even without the blood, it remains a very rare object that would help you with your spell casting. It should not be destroyed just because we who understand less want it.

"If you felt you could use it safely, drained of its charges, then you would be stronger than you are now, right? It may still be of interest to our 'friend' there, but, well, it's not obvioulsy the prize it was as far as it's concerned.

If you want it destroyed, I can do it. If there are infernal repercussions, they should fall on me, not on Lunn or You or anybody. But if this will help you, well,you may not find an object like this again. Think. We are no longer in the rush we were..
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Lionel had been carefully inspecting the Red Wizard's spellbook, while chewing on a piece of dried cheese that his mother had packed for him. Finally, he said, "Ah ha!" and he got out a long, thin blade and he cut along the book's spine. There were several sounds like popping and sizzling, and he handed the book, now loose pages, to Morgan with an embarrassed suggestion of, "Sorry! You'll have to get it rebound in town, but it's safe to open!"

Morgan leafed through the pages, somewhat nervously. He trusted Lionel had done the job, but he was still uncertain if he would like what he found. The Thayan's arcane notes were strangely looped and difficult to parse, but Morgan was sure that he could clean them up while copying them to his own book. There were spells whose use was questionable, to be sure. And a few standard ones that he knew himself, but there were a few that he was sure that he'd find useful.

OOC: Theggar's Spellbook:
Level 1: cause fear, charm person, false life, mage armor, magic missile.
Level 2: hold person, invisibility, locate object, ray of enfeeblement.
Level 3: animate dead, phantom steed, speak with dead.
Level 4: arcane eye, charm monster.

Dr. Morgan Wells
Race: Human
HP: 32/32
AC: 12/15(Mage Armour)
Pass Perc: 11
Pass Inv: 17
Pass Ins: 11
AR: 1/1
Spell Slots:
1st[ ] [ ][ ] [ ]
2nd [] [] [ ]

3rd [] [ ] [ ]
Arcane Ward: 0/16Initiative: +2 Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10+0
DEX: 14 + 2
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 18+4(+7)
WIS: 12 +1(+4)
CHA:12 +1
History: 7
Medicine: 4
Persuasion: 4
Religion: 7
Control Flames, Chill touch,
Shape water, Shocking grasp

Memorized spells
1st Grease, Mage Armour, Shield
2nd Arcane Lock, Invisibility, Web
3rd Clairvoyance, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Haste,

"Morgan," sights Tommi, not believing what he is about to say, "Are you sure tis is what you want? My impulse was to destroy it because, well, because it's a thing of evil and thant Thing wanted it. My thought was..." he looks at Lunn "...to protect the group, and, well, to frustrate It. I still think it is right to empty the charges, but even without the blood, it remains a very rare object that would help you with your spell casting. It should not be destroyed just because we who understand less want it.

"If you felt you could use it safely, drained of its charges, then you would be stronger than you are now, right? It may still be of interest to our 'friend' there, but, well, it's not obvioulsy the prize it was as far as it's concerned.

If you want it destroyed, I can do it. If there are infernal repercussions, they should fall on me, not on Lunn or You or anybody. But if this will help you, well,you may not find an object like this again. Think. We are no longer in the rush we were..
"I think, regardless of who destroys it, he'll try to get revenge on all of us. If we keep it, he'll try to take it somehow.

"While I dislike everything about this rod, the power it can add to my abilities is tempting. But that's probably what the devil is counting on, isn't it? It's in a devil's nature to tempt mortals. It might be why he was fine with letting us take it, knowing we'd keep it. Then he can take it from us later...or worse, tempt me to use its other abilities.

"So, unless we have a different reason to keep it, I don't need it."



I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Lunn takes the rod without a word and puts is on the floor level. Taking his great axe he brings it down two handed, flat side so the rod is crushed over its whole length, not just broken.

If that doesn't work for some reason, he chops at it on the table or other wooden surface where his axe can pass clean through the rod.

"This is good decision. Having it makes us targets and it will tempt you when we're in dire straits. Plus, if we ever lose it or you get captured again, the other side could use it freely."

Turning to Vairar "What do you need to destroy that altar down there? Do we even want to explore the tunnels again? I am for clearing it completely out, but it is dangerous with all the undead."

OOC: The question for clearing the dungeon is for everyone despite Lunn talking to Vairar - that was just for the first question

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