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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

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The team makes their way up the side of the slick, rain soaked mountain, most having little trouble when this Gand slips and falls back to roll a bit down the hill. The tumble bangs her up a bit both otherwise only hurt her pride.

GM: You did not fail by enough to actually fall off the mountain AND remember that you have a faulty Jet Pack. I don't remember the details but it was not as fast as normal and did not have as many charges. Jihahna can eventually fix it but there were no spare parts really on the planet so she need extra time. At least a few days of dedicated work. Fall Damage 1d6=1

After this Gand rejoined the group the team made it to a large flat area that this Gand had detected with the ship's sensors and where Kacela sensed the 'pull' of the Force. The storm still raged and it was fairly dark, but with a few glowrods the team could make out that it appeared that the ground was unnaturally smooth and that the area was recently cleared by the landslide. The side of the mountain also appeared to be unnaturally smooth and the Jedi were drawn toward a central point.

Reaching out, Kacela brushed her hands against the side of the mountain and as she did so strange bluish glowing runes appeared forming something like a large door outline. Thirteen, trying to speak loud enough to be heard over the wind and rain, said "It appears to say, 'Only through the Veil, May the Ways Be Opened', Mistress Kacela"

GM: Thirteen Int check 5, 20 with advantage to translate the runes as he already knows the basics of Kwi/Kwa

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The gand glances at the nearby drop after its thumble, where storm waters swirl and gauge at the newly-fallen rocks... guttural clack, jumble clicketty mumble-hum clack whirr "The weight of the jetpack kept this humble one from rolling too far," it 'shouts' as it rejoins its comrades (and there might be a buzz amidst the rolls of thunder and the pelting of rain on hard chitin).

At the 'door', she snaps a holo of the runes, then quickly dictates Thirteen's translation in a sound file attached to the image of the Kwa runes... Although the weather isn't making any of that easy. Guttural jumble drone mumble hum clacketty click "This one knows a Veil Nebula in D'Astan sector?"

OOC: What's the door (and the general surface) made of, GK? Can she tell how thick it is by hitting it with the pommel of her vibroblade?


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GM: There is no door as far as anyone can see, just the glowing runes that appear in the shape of a door on the side of the mountain. You could try and cut through it or blast it with explosive, just like you might a normal rock...


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Kacela shakes her head and steps up to the stone and places her hand on the smooth surface between two runes.

"Maybe it means the Force," she says. "It has many names across cultures."

She tunes her senses to the ebb and flow of that primal energy, trying to feel if the stone can be felt within it.

(Use the Force! [roll0])


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Kacela reach out with the Force and touches... something. Then in her mind there is a power black-lash, and a shout in something she does not quite understand, but if she guessed "UNWORTHY". When her mind clears she finds herself prone on the ground and two meters back! The other heroes only saw the young Jedi thrown back off her feet, although both Reks and Jihahna felt a strong presence in the Force (not light or dark side, just a powerful presence)...

GM: Kacela felt something like a Force Slam although only directed onto her, [roll0], bludgeoning damage

Forged Fury

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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

As Kacela was thrown off her feet, Cal dropped to one knee and raised his blaster carbine to his shoulder. Scanning through his iron sights, he attempted to make out any threat in the area that may have caused the young jedi's fall. "You okay?" the human called out to the fallen woman.

OOC: Not that Cal can detect it, but he'll look around for any physical threats... Not sure if the storm is going to grant disadvantage, Cal normally has advantage on all his perception checks, so I'll just roll twice and you can take the first roll if he would be at a disadvantage.

Perception: [roll0] or [roll1]


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Cal was sure he was watching the wall pretty well but he failed to see where the attack against Kacela originated from... it was like she was hit with an invisible force!


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Kacela propped herself up on her elbows and shook her head groggily.

"I'm all right," she says, ignoring the stars blooming in her vision from the impact. "It definitely responds to the Force, but it seems very...particular about how it's approached."

Voidrunner's Codex

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