Jihahna appears as a human woman about 175cm tall, athletic, muscular build with short black hair. The most unusual thing about her at first galnce is that her left arm and leg have been replaced with cybernetic replacements. She wears dark navy pants and coat ove a green singlet and a green cap. The sunglasses she sports appear to be not particularly stylish, but instead durable, built to last on the desert planet she originates from.
Everything you can see that she owns is in very good condition, very well maintained and cared for. The look she gives you and your friends is devoid of emotion. She sports a blaster rifle and bayonet over her shoulder. However, a look of some concern does creep onto her face as she is warned of the impending danger and you see her quickly whisper to Vivian before spinning around for action.
Before she does this she whispers to Vivian
"Their brandishing of weapons this time is a little bit more than just a warning I think. As soon as we're done here, I recommend we go to the control centre and get copies of the footage immediately and submit a report of complaint about these guys. We don't want Czerka erasing any evidence that we weren't the provokers here. And now we give them one final warning!" With that, Jihahna spins around sharp, Rifle at the ready, she takes aim at the Feorin male, locking eyes with him.
"Civilians! this is a public hangar! We are here on Republic business. Further more, you are not official representatives of Czerka, so, be warned, I do not believe Czerka will assist you with this matter when it gets to court as you appear to be illegally bringing their reputation into disrepute. Furthermore...." Jihahna releases the safety on her rifle before continuing, the rifle hums as it comes to life...
"You didn't make an appointment!"
I'll attempt an intimidate. But if that fails, Readied action against the Togruba
Intimidate check:
_: 1D20 = [2] = 2
Uh oh......
_: 1D20+6 = [6]+6 = 12
Hmmm, may or may not be enough depending.
Damage (Stun):
_: 2D8+4 = [5, 3]+4 = 12
Not bad if it hits.