[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
As they disembark the gand touches Kacela's arm, discretely drawing her attention to the overly-attentive workers... It doesn't slow or speed up his steps though, merely stopping when they get within greeting distance of the two women.

Or a significant bit before that, actually.

Coincidentally, this puts a low-bed baggage/cargo train between them and the ship next door (and the men there). For now.

OOC: Ideally the 'train' is high enough to provide hard cover if they need it, but low enough to be able to see over? He'll take what he can get though.

What does Vivian and Jihahna look like, GreenKarl, Sezarious?


First Post
The togruba speaks up as the pair get closer "Hey your the team sent by the Republic Survey Corp right? Vivian Rell, and this is..."

But before she can finish ten of the miners stop what they are doing and start pulling out stun-sticks. A blue skinned male feeorin shuts out "Hey you Republic scum!! Get back on your ship! We don't need your kind here!!"

[sblock=Vivian Rell]
except her blaster is holstered and she is wearing a coat over the uniform.

GM: Depending on what actions you wish to take. The ten beings are slowly approaching the ship and drawing weapons (stun sticks although the Feeorin has grabbed a big wrench like club. At present they are about 20 meters away...
No one is surprised with this Gand's warning.



Jihahna appears as a human woman about 175cm tall, athletic, muscular build with short black hair. The most unusual thing about her at first galnce is that her left arm and leg have been replaced with cybernetic replacements. She wears dark navy pants and coat ove a green singlet and a green cap. The sunglasses she sports appear to be not particularly stylish, but instead durable, built to last on the desert planet she originates from.

Everything you can see that she owns is in very good condition, very well maintained and cared for. The look she gives you and your friends is devoid of emotion. She sports a blaster rifle and bayonet over her shoulder. However, a look of some concern does creep onto her face as she is warned of the impending danger and you see her quickly whisper to Vivian before spinning around for action.

Before she does this she whispers to Vivian "Their brandishing of weapons this time is a little bit more than just a warning I think. As soon as we're done here, I recommend we go to the control centre and get copies of the footage immediately and submit a report of complaint about these guys. We don't want Czerka erasing any evidence that we weren't the provokers here. And now we give them one final warning!" With that, Jihahna spins around sharp, Rifle at the ready, she takes aim at the Feorin male, locking eyes with him.

"Civilians! this is a public hangar! We are here on Republic business. Further more, you are not official representatives of Czerka, so, be warned, I do not believe Czerka will assist you with this matter when it gets to court as you appear to be illegally bringing their reputation into disrepute. Furthermore...." Jihahna releases the safety on her rifle before continuing, the rifle hums as it comes to life... "You didn't make an appointment!"

I'll attempt an intimidate. But if that fails, Readied action against the Togruba
Intimidate check:
_: 1D20 = [2] = 2

Uh oh......
_: 1D20+6 = [6]+6 = 12

Hmmm, may or may not be enough depending.
Damage (Stun):
_: 2D8+4 = [5, 3]+4 = 12

Not bad if it hits.
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Forged Fury

First Post
Cal exited the Morning Song, grateful to feel solid ground beneath his feet. Quickly noticing the Jedi disembarking the ship next to him, as well as the apparent surveillance their activities were under, the human frowned to himself. He glanced around, looking for any means of fast escape. As he completed his search, one of the two females who had approached them pulled out a blaster rifle and did a poor job of intimidating the workers who had started to harass them.

OOC: Perception (ADV) = [roll0] or [roll1]


First Post
Cal notices that there is a back-way out of here, what looks like a secondary exit in the oppose direction of where the miners are coming from. But then he also notices that the traveler carrying the two lightsabers is also being accosted by a group of six miners. The route out is also away from that fellow. He would be caught between the two groups of miners by himself...

It is than that Cal gets weird chill running down his spin. Glancing across the spaceport he see a humanoid alien watching the group. He is unsure what species the fellow is, but it just seems odd. Most everyone else here, who is not a miner, appears to be ducking for cover or staring in shock. This fellow is standing out in the open with a strange grin on his face. He then notices the young naturalist looking at him and he scowls. Just for a moment Cal is sure that the alien means him harm but then the moment passes and the alien turns and disappears behind another spaceship...

[sblock=Alien fellow]
Alien Watcher.jpg


First Post
As Kacela descended the ramp alongside her companions, Gand's touch alerted her to the oncoming crisis and she gave a nod. Cal looked around, but she focused entirely on the oncoming mob, facing them calmly and without apparent fear.

"You may have been told things about us that make you concerned we're here to interfere with your lives," she says, touching each in turn with her eyes. "These things are false. We are here to help you. None of you want to fight...you're here to make livings, to raise families, and live in peace. That peace has recently been shattered."

"We are here to mend it."

"What I ask now is a small thing. A gesture. Let peace start now. You have but to stay where you are, and let us pass. This small gesture of trust on your parts will be rewarded more quickly than you might believe." /COLOR]

Persuasion [roll0]

Fine words...but perhaps they'd heard those words too often before...or perhaps her highborn accent came off as patronizing?

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The gand by her side simply raises a heavy blaster from beneath her all-weather poncho and fires twice at the feeorin. (For some reason, someone had tied a blood-red piece of cloth at the back of the gun, and the trigger-guard had been coarsely removed, allowing alien fingers to reach.

Funny the little details you notice when under tension.)

A series of muffled drones and clicks from the re-breather. "What she said," mildly comments the female voice.

OOC: That might or might not be considered helping Kacela's persuasion attempt;)

[sblock=Actions]First shot: Pwew pwew: 1D20+5 = [20]+5 = 25, 2D8+3 = [7, 8]+3 = 18 + Crit damage: 2D8 = [6, 8] = 14= 32 stun with -10 damage threshold (-5 Devastating Attack talent, -5 stun setting)

Bonus action attack as per Pistoleer: Pwew pwew:
1D20+5 = [20]+5 = 25, 2D8+3 = [2, 7]+3 = 12
+ Crit damage: 2D8 = [5, 4] = 9=21 stun with -10 damage threshold

DOUBLE CRITS! I think he's down, Jim.[/sblock]
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First Post
As a hush falls over the spaceport at the large feeorin's words as those conducting their regular work are stunned by the sudden thought of violence. Kacela steps forward and tries to assure the angry miners that their intentions are good but the group does not look convinced. While the other group seems to take a collective step back from Reks. The aqualish quickly recovers and says "Republic you Jedi, have no authority here. Leave you should, while walking you can still do." and then takes a threatening step forwards.

It is at this instant that this Gand quickly draws and setting its blaster pistol to stun, shots the feeorin twice! The first staggers the brute but it appears like he would remain on his feet, until a split second later a second bolt strikes him and he falls to the ground unconscious!!! The miners near him are stunned and stand blinking down at their 'boss' and seem unsure what to do...

GM: Reks needs to roll initiative as the aqualish and his thugs appear to be ready to attack you. The thugs are considered 'frightened' for their attack rolls against you (disadvantage) but with this boss there they will still advance and attack (i.e. Intimidate can not normally impose the Frightened condition but for their first attack I will give it to you as you rolled 5 over their Will Defense.

For the rest of the group, Jihahna is watching the main group where the leader just went down and does not notice the group behind her. Cal is also watching the first group (but he notices the one by the other Jedi). The main group of miners appears to be indecisive right now as their leader went down. Depending on the groups action will determine what they are going to do. Right now they are just standing there with their weapons out and surprised looks on their faces

EDIT Reks has won initiative and can choice what he wants to do next. It does appear these miners are going to attack him...
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A surprised look on Jihahnas face at the two crack shots delivered to the Feeorin, Jihahna wants to turn back now, but decides against it. Her eyebrow raises a little and she calls out again, again her action from before is readied, but on a different enemy, the closest.

"THAT was just a couple of stun shots from ONE of us. Turn away now. If you persist, we WILL be forced to swap to lethal force. Are you being paid enough to die today? Nobody has to die!"



_: 1D20 = [9] = 9

Uh oh again....

Do you want me to roll again for my readied action from before?

Voidrunner's Codex

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