[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness


OOC: I'll just make all the checks here, and you can decide which one is needed.

Charisma (Deception): [roll0]
Charisma (Use the Force) Sense Surrounding: [roll1]
Wisdom (Perception): [roll2]

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GM: Sure ;)

Jor Dan grabs a drink and situates himself a few table over so as not to draw attention to himself. Then with the Force he is able to ignore the chatter of dozens of other patrons laughing, talking, shouting, etc. and filter down to the one table. He catches the tail end of the deraronian cursing again, saying "Why did I have to get assigned to this fools errand? What was the boss man thinking? Why don't we just blast them and be done with it?"

The female chiss replied saying "You know the boss, he likes to think of himself as an honorable man. We have to at least go through the steps to give them a chance on making good on his deal. And if they refuse, and with two Jedi in the group, of course they are going to refuse, well then we can blast them."

"Fine, fine" the deraronian replied back, "the sooner this fiasco is over the sooner I can get back home. This planet doesn't have even a decent casino on it!"

One of the stranger aliens adds "So again... you only saw the one Jedi at the ship. Not the others? Where they onboard the ship?"

"I only saw the one Jedi Twi'lek. She did not want to let me onboard with the rest of them so I was not sure." the deraronian replied.

"We have to wait to make sure they are all there before we do anything." the alien said again "If any of them escape, Jericho will not be pleased. But we cannot act without a high percentage of success. Better to go back empty handed then allow one or more to escape his wrath."

"We will know in a hour..." the chiss said. With that the seem to all grow quiet and simply drinking, perhaps being lost in their own personal thoughts.


Jor lingers for a few moments, finishing his drink before leaving. He wasn't a Jedi anymore, this sort of thing wasn't his responsibility, but one did not simply stop thinking like a Jedi because the Order told them they weren't one anymore.

There was at least one Jedi on that transport, probably more if what these people had said was true. Even if he didn't feel a distinct connection to the ship and its crew, he needed to warn them of what was coming.

He made his way back to the ship to see if the Twi'lek was still there.

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OOC: Assuming the previous conversation Jihahna had with this Gand was a few days back at least, possibly further, given he would have received the upgrades

Jihahna receives a message from Kacela towards opening up, cleaning and reassembling the ventilation and filters for the engine room, something that hasn't been urgent whilst the ship was stationary.

She finishes up, dusting off her hands and, without thinking, wiping the sweat from her face, streaking it with grime.

"Awww, damn..."

Hurrying to make it out to Kacela, she doubles back after forgetting her blaster rifle and helmet.

Emerging from the Song, she greets Kacela and Cal with a smile.

"What's up?"

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First Post
After Jor leaves the cantina, he returns to the spaceport to find the twi'lek female standing by the open ramp of the ship speaking with two other humans and a small gand. They seem to be speaking about something...

C4, at the top of the ramp of the Outlaw Gambit, beeps (in binary) to the team "This unit wishes to report that this ship's sensor logs appear to show that the ship was subject to a high intensity scan approximately 14.2 minutes ago..."
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Jor approached the group, allowing his presence in the Force to shine through once more. These people didn't know him, and at least one of them was a Jedi. He needed their trust if he was to warn them. He kept his hood down, however, covering his eyes. Not many people had met a Miraluka, and he didn't want to spook them.

He approached, speaking to the Twi'lek.

"Excuse me. My name is Jor Dan. I have information regarding the Deraronian that you will want to hear. May I speak with you somewhere private?"

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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Jihahna twists about at C4's information.... "What?! Whaddya mean 'high intensity'? Don't tell me there was enough output to suggest it came from a ship or something?"

She snaps around to face the new stranger in front of her.

"And who are you? You don't look like Czerka, you don't have the stink of a pirate. You're not a bounty hunter are you?"

She tilts her head to Kacela, eyeing the stranger off carefully... "What's this about a Deraronian?"

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"I am neither pirate nor bounty hunter, and I work for no one," Jor Dan said, opening his cloak to reveal his light saber handle, its length revealing itself to likely be a double bladed light saber. "I am a friend, and merely wish to pass on a warning."

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Forged Fury

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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Cal sighed. Great, he thought, another Jedi... He wondered if everyone he was to deal with would be a Force practitioner. Well, at least there was still the Gand to keep him company in not knowing the ways of the Force.

Not sure what to make of the new arrival, the medic kept his blaster on his hip, but his hands at the ready.

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