• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Thulwar manages the stairs almost double his height by simple expediency of climbing on his machine which is more than high enough to climb or even jump freely over small obstacle.

At one point, he notices the glint between the stones and goes over to investigate. Climbing down from Tinks back, he takes a vial, drops some powder in and shakes it. As it starts to fizzle he quickly drinks it, his movements visibly quickening.
"Go on, I'll catch up. There is something here."

Tink is large with 40' move :)

Drink Swift Step Draught increasing his speed to 45' for 1 minute
Looking at glinting object and stones

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Archon Basileus

First Post

As the heroes help each other complete the climb, some speed is gained, and some is lost. Advancing with certain difficulty, the group will probably be caught by the storm still exposed. Seeking shelter midway is an option, since there might be fissures hidden amidst the steps, but that will take even more time. The heroes might finish the climb and make a run for the ruins. If they find an entrance, they might be protected from the worse parts of the storm.


As the angelic creature jumps forward, she manages to see what awaits the heroes forward. At the plateau above, a thick cover of moss takes most of the terrain. Oddly enough, the moss glows faintly, even more so after the darkening of the skies. A rich, although sparse, wood spreads around, still leaving enough of the ruins exposed. The green tapestry seems particularly ideal to hide traps...

The ruins themselves are not far away. A simple race would take everyone from the steps to the building. From here, though, Kethra can't see an entrance. It seems as if the place is made of some metallic white material, put together much like Teraphim apron would. Over it, the gleaming moss forms a blanket, leaving areas exposed here and there. Beyond that, through a terrain that goes softly upwards, Kethra sees a huge amount of thick fog, looking a lot like a vaporous emanation. It overs a great extension, hiding any possible spies, intruders, or even buildings. The only thing she can see is a trio of odd metallic towers, placed in line not far from the ruins, bolting towards the sky. She can only see the top of such towers, since the base and most of their bodies remain hidden under the thick cover of the fog.

As Kethra places a firm step over the rock, she realizes that the area beyond her seems to be moving slightly, almost as if it was pulsating... The moss seems to cover more than just the floor, after all...

Right before she steps forward, she realizes the last stones of the slope house, at each side of the path, small contraptions of unknown making. They seem like black plaques built into the stone. Each of them has two holes, where red lenses are placed, and from side to side they seem to face each other with perfection. The strong winds warn Kethra of the danger, since they agitate the fog towards the heroes and, as it crosses the area, an uncertain, half-vanished red line of light seems to appear, almost as a phantasm. Had she walked without caution, she'd have crossed the line, gods-know what results...


Taking point beneath Kethra, Yttrian is able to move faster. As he holds a branch to pull himself up, he looks to the wood above and to his left. Something glows lightly, as a coin flicked under the light, in between two pieces of stone. At first, the traveler takes no interest in it, since the whole steps seem to hold a certain glow underneath them, but then he realizes the persistent twinkling thing forming a certain pattern. The harmony suggests a code of sorts, as if someone was signalling to the party.

[Ok, I need you to give me a constitution saving throw against 14! If you succeed, you'll listen to the phantasm's speech and will be able to react to it... If not, you'll be forced towards the gleam.]


The monk and the gnome necromancer stay behind, moving forward on a slower pace. As the duo makes its way up, the rest of the group going forward, a few feet way, they see a sudden light going off behind them. It falls down from the sky almost silently, landing on the stones behind them, some fifteen feet down. As the surprise wears off and they're almost returning to their task, the place where the light had fallen begins to glow, as if a wisp landed there, and without warning it grows, revealing the faint image of a humanoid.

The illusive creature can't be recognized. It wears a closed horned helmet, drawn in strange, angular patterns. The face is thrown in shadows. It dresses in a dark, heavy robe, built in purple and grey patterns as angular as the helmet's. A rugged, strong voice comes from the recesses of the helmet as it points out to the duo. The voice is so intense that it beats the winds and echoes through the path. Even Kethra is able to recognize someone's speech in the distance.

"WHY?" - the creature says in an elder voice. "WHY ARE YOU HERE, TRAVELERS? BE QUICK TO ANSWER, AND DARE NOT LIE!"

The creature awaits from an answer from the delayed heroes.


Not far ahead from Lyllie and Harfik, the gnome studies the soil, pressing his face against the fissures in the stone. The first thing he realizes is that such strange divisions were actually made by the work in the terrain, as if some catastrophe had happened at some point, lifting the stone and breaking an otherwise soft area appart. As they step up, he sees some dirt getting loose from the rocks, only to fall down towards the strong lights. And, to Thulwar's surprise, they go through! There is something down there! They're actually walking over the shattered roof of a cave! Still, whatever produces such strong lights down there remains a mystery to the gnome.

Thulwar overhears the voice, as all others, while he's still evaluating the terrain. Given a bit more time, he might be able to figure out a way to go down there...


As the prince rises, seeing his colleagues scathering a bit, he takes another look up. The humming sound has not left the heroes quite yet, and even beneath the sound of the growing winds it's still noticeable. As Aanzu peeks at the sky, he realizes the heroes have company. A pack of reavens decided to make a fuss right over the group. Poe might be there, or he might not. One thing is certain, though: the creatures are following the group's steps, and even in their disarray, they seem to be quite evident about it, their cries adding an odd note to the strange melody of this trip.

Aanzu looks once more, and now it seems that the creatures are diving towards the group, not as a sign of hostility, but as a warning. It is almost as if they wanted to communicate in great haste. He bets that any divinatory skills or animal abilities might tell him more...

@Greenmtn @industrygothica @Charwoman Gene @JustinCase @hafrogman @Shayuri @Neurotic
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Ravens want us gone," Aanzu says, pointing towards the flock of birds overhead.

The dragonborn looks around at his companions, seeking one with the ability to make sense of the raven's behaviour. "Which one speaks with birds?"

OOC: Aanzu can only use speak with animals as a ritual, so that takes too long. Which of us has similar abilities, or some divination spell?


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"There is a cave down here, I'll setup a rope. Come! We'll be safe from the storm." calls out the gnome taking out a rope and pitons.
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Lyllie stops in her tracks, as everything seems to be happening at once. The ravens are giving a warning of some sort. The other gnome has found what could be an entrance to this cave that we're apparently walking on, which may shelter us from this supernatural storm making its way to us. But perhaps the most urgent is this creature who has appeared from nowhere, questioning their motives for being here.

"Our reasons for travelling are our own," she says stepping forward. She blinks her large, colorless eyes, and the wind blows her dark, scraggly hair over her pale features. "To our knowledge there is no lord of this land, so who is it that descends upon us with these demands and veiled threats?" She begins to fidget her fingers again, and a faint aura of arcane energy dances between her fingertips like tiny sparks of lightning.

OOC: Neither Lyllie nor I are the greatest at diplomacy. And, to be fair, my mind is going at such a frantic pace lately, I can scarcely remember exactly why it is that we ARE here... so someone else might want to take this one over. And it'll be a great refresher for me as to what it is exactly that we're doing here. :)

[B]AC:[/B] 16; [B]HP:[/B] [COLOR=#FF000]52[/COLOR]/52
[B]Initiative:[/B] +3
[B]Saves:[/B] INT +7, WIS +5
[B]Passive Perception:[/B] 15
[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Gnomish, Sylvan, Druidic
[B]Skills:[/B] Arcana +7, Investigation +7, Nature +7, Perception +5
[B]Stats:[/B] Str 8 (-1), Dex 14 (+2) , Con 14 (+2), Int 18 (+4), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 11 (+0)
[B]XP:[/B]14,075 / 23,000

-[B]Inspiration[/B]? [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] Yes, [ ] No

[B]Spell Save DC:[/B] 13/15
[B]Spell Slots:[/B] 4, 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Slots Used:[/B] 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Spells Prepared:[/B] (4/8) 
[*]1st Level: 1st Level: Healing Word (D), Entangle (D), Faerie Fire (D), Speak with Animals (D), Ray of Sickness, Color Spray, 
Mage Armor, Witch Bolt, False Life
[*]2nd Level: Blindness/Deafness, Ray of Enfeeblement, Misty Step
[/list](D) Druid Spells modified with Wisdom. All others are Wizard spells modified with Intelligence.

Tenser's Floating Disk, Find Familiar, Identify, Gentle Repose

Archon Basileus

First Post

As the Aasimar looks over her shoulder, she realizes how scathered her group has become. Her rogue instincts told her before, and tell her now: this is the perfect spot for an ambush! Still, she understands how peculiar the circumstances are. Back at the city, as she crusaded against the Thieves Guild - the nemesis of the City Watch - she'd constantly find contraptions like those she's seen this far. Antoine the Liar, one of the Guild's leaders, somehow got access to lenses and contraptions such as these. If a guard was on a mile radius from his position, he'd know. If he wanted to missguide someone, he'd use illusions. And the worst is that these tricks would never be found by the Eagles, the City Watch's resident mages.

That faint noise... It is intensifying once more... Almost as unseen locusts in the wind... Kethra knows the direction, but there's nothing there! She's sure of it, it is supposed to be right there, hovering some 15 feet above the ground, but there's nothing there... Whatever the noise is, it is moving, and it is invisible!


The prince throws the question around, and now his eyes are also caught by the faint image down below. As he overhears the question, as well as Lyllie's answer, he feels how uneven his footing is, and how hard it would be to fight here. Thulwar's conclusions would not bring peace to his heart as well... If this is indeed above a cave, the flooring might be particularly frail...

Up above, the beasts keep at their flight. Aanzu reminded himself that, beyond spells and rituals, some ornithomancers used to read birds flight - or birds entrails - to understand their surroundings or tell the future. Of course, most of them were humans from protected realms and cities, areas forbidden to use magic by the lords of Sethmandu. As he considers such possibilities, the ravens begin to lower, and two of them even come to land on a slab, not far from him, beaking it lightly.


"I assure you, little one... I make neither idle questions nor empty threats..." - suddenly, his eyes shine underneath his helmet. "And I am adamant about protecting my home... Lady of Glitterdale." - if she could see his face, Lyllie thinks, she'd find a smile upon it... Not of the welcoming kind.

He now turns to Harfik.

"And the monk... How does one find peace in servitude? Your mind is not yours... Your limbs obey the will of another... Your talents, are they the results of your efforts, or the accidents of another's decisions?" - he does not give pause. "Yes, yes, you survived. And still, you age; and still, you risk; and still, you obey."

He turns to Icosa next.

"And what have we here? Trying to come home, are we? Do you even know where is your home? Or what you trully are? Of course not. People made it so you wouldn't know. You couldn't possibly know."

"So, you see, Lady of Glitterdale, keep your silence, if you wish. It was, in the end, a rhetorical question. For I have payed the supreme price for all knowledge, and that includes you, your friends, and all that lies in your heart!" - he raises his voice to a menacing tone with his last few words.

[MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION], in short, Lord's promised you a new home to come up here and lift the curse around the land - by begging, negotiating or forcing the Teraphim to do so. :)]

[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION], the opening found by Thulwar is small, but usable. Some of them will probably have to squeeze through a bit. Just so I profit from the opportunity to elaborate a bit! :)]

[And don't forget Yttrian's roll! :p]
[MENTION=6776182]JustinCase[/MENTION] [MENTION=8858]hafrogman[/MENTION] [MENTION=6855102]Greenmtn[/MENTION] [MENTION=5044]Charwoman Gene[/MENTION] [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION] [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] [MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION]


First Post
Icosa regards the strange man impassively, then states, "I seek the answers to those questions. I believe this location will bring me close to those answers. The rest of us have goals to achieve here as well."

"Do you intend to attempt to keep us from our goals here?"

The question, asked with just a little bit of the right inflection...perhaps a suitably intense stare, or a sinister smile...could have easily been a thinly veiled threat. Icosa sent none of those cues however. It was perhaps hard to say if he COULD send those cues as anything besides an accident.

From Icosa it sounded like a perfectly honest question asked out of simple curiosity.


Yttrian spies the gleaming shard, but is able to resist it's pull long enough to try and analyze the pattern. He holds up one hands for those following behind to come to a brief halt, not wanting to set off any trap that the flicker might signal. However, the sudden appearance of the phantom figure is another matter entirely. Lyllie's answer, technically not a lie, is probably not what this figure is looking for. Perhaps it's some form of magical deterrent or safeguard left behind?

He looks back at the others and then turns to face the phantom. "We seek many things, for many reasons. Mostly, we seek knowledge as my companion has stated. But in the short term, we seek shelter from this storm."
OOC: [roll0]
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Lyllie thought she didn't have much to say to this creature, but then he made her angry. She inhaled deeply, preparing the long breath it would take to get out everything in the hurried, frantic tempo that gnomes are wont to use in their ire. But then Yttrian began to speak, and Lyllie bit her tongue. It's better this way, she thought. But if you knew all the answers then why did you ask the question!? She glared at him as the thoughts raced through her head.

You can read minds, I bet. Can you read minds? Oh, I hope you can read minds! If you can, then read this! [insert gnomish obscene gesture here]

[B]AC:[/B] 16; [B]HP:[/B] [COLOR=#FF000]52[/COLOR]/52
[B]Initiative:[/B] +3
[B]Saves:[/B] INT +7, WIS +5
[B]Passive Perception:[/B] 15
[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Gnomish, Sylvan, Druidic
[B]Skills:[/B] Arcana +7, Investigation +7, Nature +7, Perception +5
[B]Stats:[/B] Str 8 (-1), Dex 14 (+2) , Con 14 (+2), Int 18 (+4), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 11 (+0)
[B]XP:[/B]14,075 / 23,000

-[B]Inspiration[/B]? [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] Yes, [ ] No

[B]Spell Save DC:[/B] 13/15
[B]Spell Slots:[/B] 4, 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Slots Used:[/B] 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Spells Prepared:[/B] (4/8) 
[*]1st Level: 1st Level: Healing Word (D), Entangle (D), Faerie Fire (D), Speak with Animals (D), Ray of Sickness, Color Spray, 
Mage Armor, Witch Bolt, False Life
[*]2nd Level: Blindness/Deafness, Ray of Enfeeblement, Misty Step
[/list](D) Druid Spells modified with Wisdom. All others are Wizard spells modified with Intelligence.

Tenser's Floating Disk, Find Familiar, Identify, Gentle Repose

Voidrunner's Codex

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