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Harfik Human Monk

"hurry there are more dangers up here."

Harfik peeks around the corner of the door, trying to keep hidden in the elevator shaft.

Archon Basileus

First Post
As the elevator shakes once more, both Thulwar and Tink manage to secure it, using their available limbs to hold the monstrous shuttle still. Both the prince and the warforged hold on to the walls, as Embla carries both the child and Lyllie up - the first against her chest, the second laying down over her shoulders. The miners follow close as the pacing resumes...

Above, Harfik listens to the dreagging sounds coming closer and closer. A set of lights suddenly flicker into life, but still the monk remains covered by the drywalls. A moan comes from the other side - slightly human, but unrecognizable. Whatever comes doesn't come alone, as something else approaches with it. Harfik's senses tell him that the heroes don't have much time - half a minute at most, before the dragging sounds hit his hiding spot and the elevator's door. He overhears his companions climbing, and his concerns increase even more as the hummind sound from below suddenly reaches a high, as if exploding in rage....

Down the shaft, as soon as the heroes prepare themselves for the climb, the elevator's roof explodes in blinding light! The sound of a potent explosion fills the air as the top plaques of the shuttle fly upwards, swinging and cutting everything in their paths - fortunately, no one stands in their way! Slightly dazzled, the heroes contemplate as four angelic creatures rise from the holes! They're clad in full plates, gleaming in blue and red, crowned by closed helmets that hide their faces. Their round wings spill blue flames as they ascend, carrying thunder crossbows like the one Yttrian holds. Never before have the heroes seen such majesty and precision as the powerful figures rise to face them!

Embla turns as far as she can to face the creatures. Despite her greater size and stronger build, Lyllie feels as she shivers at the sight! Her eyes nearly come to tears as the entities rise their crossbows, vivid and shining with magic. With a gasp, she tries to say something, but only her second attempt reaches out for the heroes, allowing them to know what she means... With fear in her voice, she cries in a drowsing, dragged voice...


Aanzu immediately recognizes that stance. They aren't here to talk. Lyllie's eyes are set on the thunderous weapons, ready to scorch everything in their paths with a ray that only the skies - or powerful magic - could produce. As for Icosa, the machine-like aspect of the armor hides flesh, he knows it, but this flesh is fearless, as he also knows. Thulwar can sense the purpose of those contraptions, made to kill instantaneously. Harfik captures the blue hue coming from below, and the sound of the crossbows adds to the tension - the same as Yttrian's, with which he's grown familiar by now.

The Teraphim are here. And they came for war.
[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] [MENTION=6776182]JustinCase[/MENTION] [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION] [MENTION=6855102]Greenmtn[/MENTION] [MENTION=8858]hafrogman[/MENTION]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"We're here at the behest of Amberilan, Teraphim! Stand down!" even with that shout, little tinkerer cannot help but marvel at the technology displayed here.
"Aha! That's how such small wings can be used to fly. Interesting that Icosa holds different mechanism. Would they fly if those flames are doused? I need to ask Yttrian for his crossbow to see if there is something that can disable it from a distance."

[roll1] ?? Is this correct roll? Or just a copy from above?
[roll=Investigation-TeraphimTech]1d20+7[/roll] Argh! :)
Last edited:


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Recognizing the Teraphim's stance as hostile, Aanzu realizes immediately that there is no place for diplomacy.

"Lizards flee! NOW!" the dragonborn prince shouts, as he himself does the exact opposite. From his place where he is holding on to the wall in order not to fall, Aanzu gets his feet under himself and with a primal roar jumps off the wall, reaching inside for the strength of the Great Blue Dragon while the prince swings his electrically charged greatsword at the flying creatures.

OOC: Aanzu will try to distract the teraphim so the others can escape.

Enter Rage (bonus action): Extra damage, Resistance to all damage except psychic
Move closer to all teraphim, then attack (with Reckless Attack and Extra Attack)
Attack: [roll0] advantage (Reckless Attack): [roll1] for [roll2] damage
Extra Attack: [roll3] advantage (Reckless Attack): [roll4] for [roll5] damage
Note: Reckless Attack means I get Advantage on attacks, and opponents get Advantage versus me.

Archon Basileus

First Post
One of the Teraphim turns to Thulwar, shedding light over the golem's cabin. The words hit the armored warrior without causing any effect. The cold, warlike manners are the only response.

"Surrender." - a harsh, distorted voice comes from the helmet, right before the discharge delivered by Aanzu! As the prince lands on the elevator once more, the platform moans once more, but it remains secured by the golem's solid carcass. Aanzu's attacks hit the Teraphim's armor, one at a time, opening several cuts against the plate and finding weak spots to penetrate! Two strikes hit, one's deflected by the rigid plate worn by the warrior. He swings around, landing right in front of the prince, and as the rifle gets loosened, to hang on his belt, he quickly pulls a strangely shaped blade, with an acute, unnatural noise. The thing vibrates on his hand right before he delivers the next strike, swinging the thing against the prince! Twice he tries, but only once the blade hits the prince's body, cutting as if it was ablaze! Aanzu's flank gets hit, a copious amount of blood running down from his ribs all of a sudden! [Aanzu takes 10 points of damage from the vibro-blade]

Yttrian's crossbow discharges around, hitting another Teraphim. "We can't leave you, prince!" - he cries, right before he himself gets hit. Soon the place is filled with lights exploding against the walls and chest pieces. In response, Embla jumps down, ready to fight once more, tossing Lyllie as gently as possible to the floor. The giantess holds the child back, covering her with her left hand while holding the improvised blade in her right hand. She glances around, yelling at the arrivals. "They're allies! They're here to help!" - her efforts aren't enough, though. The only answer comes in the shape of a shot, delivered by another Teraphim that flies upwards to escape Aanzu's wrath.

[Anzu gets one more strike because of the Teraphim's weapon shift. As for the others, just post the actions and I'll respond accordingly! We have one Teraphim on the 'floor', while the others went up. Reaching the other three means necessarily jumping towards them, at least as far as melee attacks go.]
[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION] [MENTION=6776182]JustinCase[/MENTION] [MENTION=6855102]Greenmtn[/MENTION] [MENTION=8858]hafrogman[/MENTION]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Not what I wanted...Aanzu, not everything is solved by the sword." He sighs, his diplomatic mission to the surface seems cursed. Or maybe such is the way of the world. Diplomacy by sword and spell.

He shrugs. Svirfneblin survived in dangerous world by adapting to its changes.

Thulwar looks up toward the ceiling and concentrates briefly, calling upon his own magical heritage. Short flash under the helm of one Teraphim can be seen as the result.
"Tink, get that one!"

Great metal beast charges into grounded creature (machine?) tearing and biting into the armor, metal squeeling against metal.

Thulwar moves next to giantess
Action: cast blindness CON DC 14 upon one of the flying Teraphim. Save can be repeated at the end of each turn.

[roll0] <-- Teraphim needs to make STR DC 14 or fall prone
[roll2] <-- if Teraphim falls prone

Voidrunner's Codex

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