
I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Thulwar looks the Teraphim soldier over, noting the wounds.
"Soldier, Captain, these potions are made for the people of our world, but I have yet to find a creature to which it wasn't beneficial. If you expect further conflict with the creature you call Chton, maybe your soldiers should be at their best. I'm offering healing if we can come to some agreement of mutual non-aggression. I am not a prince of my people, but I AM official emissary of Three Cities, come to the surface to see what happened on The Lands Above that shook the Deep World."

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The Captain falls right into Harfik's trap. He doesn't seem at all impressed by the title, but the word 'criminal' brings a shiver through the Captain's body, and both Harfik and Aanzu are able to recognize it. Certainly, the man has his pride.

"WE detected YOUR movement through the closed layers of the old terraforming complex and WE were dispatched by the TERAPHIM AUTHORITY, WHICH STILL HOLDS CLAIM OVER THESE AREAS, TO STOP YOU FROM ACTIVATING THE CTHON AWARENESS! Clearly, we arrived TOO LATE!" - he looks around and signals to the two remaining soldiers. "Sisyfus, recon and secure the room. Hermes, open channel to home base and inform that CTHON is active and going down." - his helmet opens as well. He didn't seem to notice Aanzu's body language reading just now, and completely ignored his subordinate's gesture, moments before. Still, he too removes his helmet, revealing a strong, silver-skinned face with no hair and similar, faint blue eyes.

"Captain Solon, Doomguard Division." - he salutes, not knowing how to act towards Aanzu. All too late he seems to realize the trouble he'd fetch, should he offend an emissary. He seems to assume that the prince leads the expedition, but directs his words to Harfik. "A prince, then. Right. This is not my day. Are you lost, then? How did you end up here?"

"Ah, my humblest apologies for the confusion Captain Solon. With the hostility we had seen so far and the conditions upon which we met we could not have possibly known that we had made it into an area claimed by any authority much less lands controlled by the mighty Teraphim. Had I been more observant I would have recognized your armour and known that you were there to help. Please call me Harfik. I am serving as adviser to Prince Aanzu and his allies on this expedition to open political communications."

Harfik steps forward slowly approaching the captain, hands visible and empty, he bows slightly, slowly, clearly trying to show some respect. Stopping out of arms length he leans in and in a lower voice continues so that anyone but the Captain would have to strain to hear. "Prince Aanzu is a proud, honorable, nobleman... We are here with the best of intentions and..." Harfik motions with his eyes to the visible tension between the prince and one of the guards "would like there to be no incidents that would make already complicated political talks more complicated."

OOC: The last bit is said in a tone not threatening at all, more of a request, kind of "lets both keep our hotheads in check" and let cooler heads prevail

Archon Basileus

First Post

[No problem, @Neurotic! I'll assume you analyzed both remnants and add the description as follows.]

Thulwar's wandering gaze falls over the struggling tendrils that still boast strength on the floor. Under the cautious glance of the Teraphim soldier, the snirfveblin manages to provoke a few reactions at the severed members. At first, the thing attempts to grab the equipment applied, as well as Thulwar's hand, but a quick move from the researcher avoids contact. Afterwards, the severed tentacles agitate themselves as they are excited by the currents discharged by the observer. The things struggle for a while, reshaping themselves lightly and moving in an organic manner. It is as if they are shaped from tar, assuming colloidal qualities, whiles stirred by energy streams running through small plaques within the black mass. Thulwar's only guess is that the thing extracts energy from the surrounding biome, feeding on living creatures to turn them into a decomposed black body. A frightening prospect, suggesting that it feeds from all things within reach...

"What is an EXO? What was that crawling thing? Some kind of technology going wild?"

The soldier approaches the snirfveblin, bending over the tendrils. "Exo, short for exoskeleton" - he points out the golem's carcass. "A terraforming unit, controlled by a worker seated at the cockpit." - he looks at the tendrils, then. "This is a... failed experiment. We are not authorized to share information about it, sir. I'm sorry." - he approaches the thing, readying the crossbow. "Sorry, sir, but this needs to be neutralized. As you've seen, it still out to... to do harm." - right after Thulwar's analysis, he triggers the crossbow, the luminous scorching ray hissing as it dissolves the tendrils for good.

Oddly enough, he did allow Thulwar to study the thing, albeit briefly, before destroying it.


Following Aanzu's refusal, the Teraphim soldier waves away Thulwar's offer, without taking his eyes off the prince.

"This one will live," he answers, the threat not subtle. Making almost imperceptable circles with his mighty sword, he adds, "The Dragon's Fang bites deeper and more painfully."

"Oh, I can take the pain, don't you doubt it!" - the soldier smiles arrogantly. "You'll live... For now." - his expressions are all too evident and easy to read as he rasps the hilt of his vibroblade.

I'm offering healing if we can come to some agreement of mutual non-aggression. I am not a prince of my people, but I AM official emissary of Three Cities, come to the surface to see what happened on The Lands Above that shook the Deep World."

"Prince Aanzu is a proud, honorable, nobleman... We are here with the best of intentions and..." Harfik motions with his eyes to the visible tension between the prince and one of the guards "would like there to be no incidents that would make already complicated political talks more complicated."

The captain nods in agreement.

"Ajax!" - he says in a low tone to the provocative soldier. The other bows to the captain in response, turning to Aanzu one last time. "Riiiight. We have the arena for that. If you have the guts.... Prince." - he turns, moving towards Sisyphus and Hermes.

"Forgive me, Prince Aanzu. Ajax was bred to fight, and sometimes his temper takes the best of him." - he glances around as if evaluating the situation... with distasteful results. His expression is one of consternation. "A prince, an emissary, a Vanir child and we're cut from the city" - he sighs heavily. "Alright. We appreciate all help you can offer, emissary." - he says to Thulwar. "I'll keep my soldiers on a tight leash, don't worry." - he continues, talking to Harfik.

"You've mentioned re-establishing control of the lost levels? I'm at a loss. Who sent you exactly? These Three Cities? I assume Sethmandu is a completely distinct place..." - he asks both Thulwar and Harfik, avoiding Aanzu entirely. Clearly the captain lacks diplomatic skills and wishes to prevent further offense. His eyes shift constantly around, as if at a loss. Even Thulwar somehow intimidates the man, who manages to keep a stoic posture despite the difficult conversation. "I have no recollection of such places within the limits of Amberilan. Unless.... You don't mean to say you come from beyond the demon city, do you?" - he grimaces at the notion.

Meanwhile, over their shoulders, the group sees four surprised miners and a prostrated giantess. Clearly they had never seen a Teraphim's face before. Yttrian stays there, helping them collect themselves as best as he can.

[@JustinCase, sorry for the delay on the info! I'm so focused on writing the descriptions, lining the characters and building the secret rolls that I keep forgetting to post the damage! Aanzu took 5 points, considering the resistance. I'll consider it as standard procedure from now on, every time I display damage, ok? Sorry about that!]

@Neurotic @Shayuri @industrygothica @JustinCase @Greenmtn
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Oh, I can take the pain, don't you doubt it!" - the soldier smiles arrogantly. "You'll live... For now." - his expressions are all too evident and easy to read as he rasps the hilt of his vibroblade.

"Sure, both of you can. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't avoid an opportunity to heal and be at your peek performance." As the captain berates his soldier, Thulwar tries again, mixing two vials and offers them to Ajax and Aanzu.
"Come on, take it. At the same time."
OOC: Heal 1d8+4, 2 slots for CLW

Returning attention to the Captain..."Three cities are, from what I gather from your people, much deeper under Demon City. There is a whole world under the world. Aanzu comes from very far away. And your machines don't recognize us. As for who sent us in, there was some kind of sentient illusion in the glass. We expected contact with Teraphim, not with technomagic. But it makes sense that you have door keeper that doesn't sleep and can ask for help and direct newcomers.

Are you humans who discovered how to utilize metal and energy in better ways or you adapted yourself to look like humans because they live in your area? How do you regulate the energy of your suit when it needs to fly, shoot and move at the same time? Does it use some energy while you stand still? Did Chton come from trying to make yourself better constructs? Icosa here and similar soldiers are impressive, but if you could meld metal and flesh into self-healing whole, that would be different thing. How do we stop Chton? What if we're 'infected'? Would Tink, as metal creature, be immune?"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
As the soldier Ajax is brought back in line by his commander, Aanzu is satisfied he did not back down.

At last he looks away, turning his attention to Thulwar. With only a nod to show his appreciation, the prince takes the vial and downs it in one gulp.

Soon the cut in his flank starts mending as the painful flare quickly dims.

OOC: Regain [roll0] hitpoints.

DM, how many hp did Aanzu lose in the last fight? Still not sure if you already accounted for the resistance I had in rage.


Harfik Human Monk

Harfik relaxes a bit turning to look around with the Captain.

"If you will walk with me we may talk but, I must go check on the others. We come from out side Amberilan. We are not associated with this Demon city but we could be allies against it if all goes well. You know this area far better than us Captain. I think it best if we follow you to your city."

Harfik will talk casually with the captain as they walk or say the above before he survey's the area looking to see who made it and who didn't, and looking to see if he can find where he dropped his spear. If the Giantess and her baby as still with us he makes sure to ask if the baby is doing ok. Also checking in with any of the miners that are left.

Archon Basileus

First Post

Reluctantly, Ajax takes the vial. "The small one, I like..." - he points out towards Thulwar as he speaks to his captain. He seeps from the thing at first, smells it, studies its' color, and finally drinks. "HERMES, GET THAT COMM LINK WORKING! I COULD HAVE CRAWLED TO PALATINE TWICE BY NOW!" - he cries, strolling towards his companion.

"Three cities are, from what I gather from your people, much deeper under Demon City. There is a whole world under the world. Aanzu comes from very far away.

The captain looks pensive for a few seconds. Soon, though, Thulwar himself realizes he's startled and speechless. The captain runs his eyes through Thulwar, Harfik, Aanzu, and then back to Lyllie and Icosa. "We thought it to be destroyed... There ARE survivors, then!" - he rises an eyebrow, a strange sense of awareness rising within him. "As for the princes realm, it must be on another continental mass, I assume, maybe on another hemisphere entirely..."

Are you humans who discovered how to utilize metal and energy in better ways or you adapted yourself to look like humans because they live in your area? How do you regulate the energy of your suit when it needs to fly, shoot and move at the same time? Does it use some energy while you stand still? Did Chton come from trying to make yourself better constructs? Icosa here and similar soldiers are impressive, but if you could meld metal and flesh into self-healing whole, that would be different thing. How do we stop Chton? What if we're 'infected'? Would Tink, as metal creature, be immune?"

As for who sent us in, there was some kind of sentient illusion in the glass.

The captain gives Thulwar a curious, suspicious look. "Sentient illusion... What, like a homid girl? I mean..." - he looks for the word - "Human!?"

Now it's the soldier that approaches Thulwar once more.

"Amberilan." - the captain nods. The soldier continues. "She... Was supposed to be shut down... How did you find her? And what did she tell you, sir?" - the soldier asks as the captain gestures towards him, allowing him to talk to Thulwar.

"As for your doubts, they surely are numerous and complex. I can answer them in time. For now, the most critical ones: the Cthon Awareness was an attempt to merge flesh and technology, yes. It feeds on loose energy lay lines and employs it to regenerate and reform organic matter. It grows by feeding on living bodies and it can control all manner of equipment - even robots and androids" - he points out towards Tink and Icosa."

"May I ask in return how have you come across both a robot and an android, sir? Given your knowledge" - he seems excited to discuss such details, as if no one else would be willing to partake on such fancies - "I assume that at the very least the robot has met your talents. But the Android..." - he waves towards Icosa - "...I was under the impression that they were all below, within the mountain." - he approaches Icosa slowly, studying the machine from a safe distance. "Often I have found their behavioral patterns to be incomprehensible, and yet you seem to hold this one as an ally. What have you to say for yourself?" - he asks the machineman directly.


"If you will walk with me we may talk but, I must go check on the others. We come from out side Amberilan. We are not associated with this Demon city but we could be allies against it if all goes well. You know this area far better than us Captain. I think it best if we follow you to your city."

The captain excuses himself, leaving Thulwar to talk to the now oblivious soldier. It seems his subordinate is far more interested in exchanging technological information than anything else. Both men do the round. Yttrian took upon himself the task of rounding the startled survivors of Mount Amberilan, having them seat. He's helping mend the bruises on the miners' bodies. One of the released slaves even helps Embla take care of the baby. The words 'male wet nurse' are thrown out by one of the miners, and a light dialogue starts between them amidst laughs, explanations and tales of each man's past.

As Harfik and the captain pass Embla, her eyes widen. She lowers her head, as if ashamed. Her bruises have been lessened by former cures, but she seems at a loss, fascinated by the Teraphim's naked face, and yet frightened by the perspective of sacrilege. Only in the most fanatic of cultures have Harfik seen such unquestioningly obedience. The captain notices her reaction, smiles, touches her hand. She trembles. He reaches out for her hand, making her touch his own face. "There. Nothing to fear." - he says. She's on the verge of tears, confused and marveled. "We're just as sacred in the eyes of the gods, you and I and him." - he points to Harfik. "Rest." - he says on a soothing voice, and she complies, embracing her moaning child.

"Religious protocols..." - he whispers to Harfik. "They learned to respect our leaders' commands to the letter. We are advised not to show ourselves. This was made to maintain order within a confined space." - he doesn't seem particularly comfortable with the technique, but in a way Harfik's refined senses are enough to suggest that he himself made a choice based on such protocols when he chose to reveal them to Harfik.

A few more steps towards the elevator and Harfik soon finds his weapon laying on the ground. Oddly enough, it's enveloped by a small shard of the blackened tentacle, still pulsating with life.

"Here, let me..." - away from the others, the captain offers to cleanse the weapon with a quick charge from his crossbow. "Now, tell me, how are things outside these days. I take it that the Cthon never left confinement, since you didn't know of its' existence. Good. I fear what it would do, if left unchained upon a world filled with carbon-based life." - he looks at Lyllie, trying to find the answer to his own question.

"Miss..." - he calls out to her. "How..." - he seems to choke on the question, unable to formulate it. It's obvious to both Harfik and Lyllie that he wants to know what happened to her. Odds are he already knows.

He straights his body. "Tell me what happened. Tell me of outside. Please." - he says, with a surly face.
[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] [MENTION=6776182]JustinCase[/MENTION] [MENTION=6855102]Greenmtn[/MENTION] [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION]

[Special shout to [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION] and [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION]! Are you with us, guys? Still gotta hear from you! :)]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
The captain looks pensive for a few seconds. Soon, though, Thulwar himself realizes he's startled and speechless. The captain runs his eyes through Thulwar, Harfik, Aanzu, and then back to Lyllie and Icosa. "We thought it to be destroyed... There ARE survivors, then!" - he rises an eyebrow, a strange sense of awareness rising within him. "As for the princes realm, it must be on another continental mass, I assume, maybe on another hemisphere entirely..."

"We felt the earthquake and you destroyed centuries of defensive works and works of art. But yes, while there were dead, it is less than you probably think. We know about earthquakes and how to build for them. I'm guessing drow and duergar are similarly affected, but I don't think you will receive any emissaries except in form of raiding parties. However, I am here to assure my people that you will not repeat this."

The captain gives Thulwar a curious, suspicious look. "Sentient illusion... What, like a homid girl? I mean..." - he looks for the word - "Human!?"
Now it's the soldier that approaches Thulwar once more.

"Amberilan." - the captain nods. The soldier continues. "She... Was supposed to be shut down... How did you find her? And what did she tell you, sir?" - the soldier asks as the captain gestures towards him, allowing him to talk to Thulwar.

"Amberilan, yes. She greeted us when we entered the hall. Before that, we fought orc slavers and freed some miners and Egla with the child. Amberilan requested that we do something for her at the top. With the knowledge we have now, I'm guessing your Chton was not completely isolated. I propose it somehow 'infected' your system and worked actively to open its isolation."

"As for your doubts, they surely are numerous and complex. I can answer them in time. For now, the most critical ones: the Cthon Awareness was an attempt to merge flesh and technology, yes. It feeds on loose energy lay lines and employs it to regenerate and reform organic matter. It grows by feeding on living bodies and it can control all manner of equipment - even robots and androids" - he points out towards Tink and Icosa."

"May I ask in return how have you come across both a robot and an android, sir? Given your knowledge" - he seems excited to discuss such details, as if no one else would be willing to partake on such fancies - "I assume that at the very least the robot has met your talents. But the Android..." - he waves towards Icosa - "...I was under the impression that they were all below, within the mountain." - he approaches Icosa slowly, studying the machine from a safe distance. "Often I have found their behavioral patterns to be incomprehensible, and yet you seem to hold this one as an ally. What have you to say for yourself?" - he asks the machineman directly.

"Androids...another term for artificial being. Can't you people call things something descriptive. We heard the term 'sub' for such being. And while I don't understand fully, Icosa is, or seems, independant and fully sentient. I found him deep underground, deactivated and damaged. So, I activated him. And nearly got killed by automatic defenses. But the study helped me build Tink. It is only semi-autonomous, but it works. As for Chton, why didn't you destroy it fully? With your technology that shouldn't be that hard.

We ran into some history. It seems you encountered our magic and you dismissed it as unstable and your technology being superior. Proper way to do things would be to actually study it deeply. Yes, it is mutable, but not unstable. It is probably what made Chton. As you know, life always finds a way to flourish. The magic is actually stable force that can be tapped and used with predictable results. And doesn't radiate death if damaged. Even with all its advantages, your technology seems...not inferior but...suboptimal...dangerous."


Harfik Human Monk

Harfik gives a short bow. "Thank you captain. The short version Captain is that there are nations that have rebuilt since the... incident, outside there is conflict, failure and success, life goes on as it does. The mountain is a cursed place, horribly dangerous, as much so on it's surface as it seems to be inside it to this point. We are not the first group that has been sent to meet with you. Though we hope to be the first to return after doing so."

Harfik picks up his spear as thinks for a moment before continuing.

"What do your people say about above? Have none traveled outside of the mountain?"


Lyllie Lightgrave, Gnome Necrodruid

"Here, let me..." - away from the others, the captain offers to cleanse the weapon with a quick charge from his crossbow. "Now, tell me, how are things outside these days. I take it that the Cthon never left confinement, since you didn't know of its' existence. Good. I fear what it would do, if left unchained upon a world filled with carbon-based life." - he looks at Lyllie, trying to find the answer to his own question.

"Miss..." - he calls out to her. "How..." - he seems to choke on the question, unable to formulate it. It's obvious to both Harfik and Lyllie that he wants to know what happened to her. Odds are he already knows.

He straights his body. "Tell me what happened. Tell me of outside. Please." - he says, with a surly face.

"We felt the earthquake and you destroyed centuries of defensive works and works of art. But yes, while there were dead, it is less than you probably think.

"Less than what you think?" Lyllie finally ends her silence, her frustration and anger on the verge boiling over. "I will tell you what happened," she says, swiftly approaching the captain. "You killed them! You killed them all! My friends. My family. My home. Everyone and everything I ever knew was gone in an instant; snuffed out in the blink of an eye. Now, where the lush, green forests of Glitterdale once stood lies a a sun-scorched wasteland haunted by the fading memories of everything I once held dear! And only I remain, with these scars a sadistic, persistent reminder of the atrocities I promised myself I would mete upon your kind! Yet here we are, and the fates have seen fit to tie my hands still."

OOC: So, yeah.. I can't help but think Lyllie would be a little bitter at this point.

[B]AC:[/B] 16; [B]HP:[/B] [COLOR=#FF000]47[/COLOR]/52
[B]Initiative:[/B] +3
[B]Saves:[/B] INT +7, WIS +5
[B]Passive Perception:[/B] 15
[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Gnomish, Sylvan, Druidic
[B]Skills:[/B] Arcana +7, Investigation +7, Nature +7, Perception +5
[B]Stats:[/B] Str 8 (-1), Dex 14 (+2) , Con 14 (+2), Int 18 (+4), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 11 (+0)
[B]XP:[/B]14,075 / 23,000

-[B]Inspiration[/B]? [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] Yes, [ ] No
-[B]Wild Shape[/B] [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] 1st use, [ ] 2nd use

[B]Spell Save DC:[/B] 13/15
[B]Spell Slots:[/B] 4, 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Slots Used:[/B] 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Spells Prepared:[/B] (4/8) 
[*]1st Level: 1st Level: Healing Word (D), Entangle (D), Faerie Fire (D), Speak with Animals (D), Ray of Sickness, Color Spray, 
Mage Armor, Witch Bolt, False Life
[*]2nd Level: Blindness/Deafness, Ray of Enfeeblement, Misty Step
[/list](D) Druid Spells modified with Wisdom. All others are Wizard spells modified with Intelligence.

Tenser's Floating Disk, Find Familiar, Identify, Gentle Repose

[URL="http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?558266-THE-CURSE-OF-AMBERSTAR-ROGUE-S-GALLERY&p=7144213&viewfull=1#post7144213"]Full character sheet[/URL]
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