[IC] The Odd Job


"You probably shouldn't trust me I'm a business man" Azgalan closes his book and rests it on his lap as he let's out a dry and hollow laugh."I suppose I could send you back, well it would be imperative to my goal that I do send you back. Though it will not be a simple task."

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"Okay, hold on," Ana says. "We aren't making any deals until we have answers. What happened with Thomas? He should be much older. Who is his mother?" She looks at the others, "Feel free to pile on. I must be forgetting something."


"What interesting questions you ask, I fear I may have underestimated your intelligence. Thomas was a experiment to see if you could tame the savage beast and is a absolute failure my efforts only enraged him more. As for good age I don't look like I'm centuries old now do I?

His mother is unimportant she was just another dog."

Asha looks up at Azgalan.

"Why were you imprisoned here? Who imprisoned you and how?" Asha pauses in thought for a second. "What would we gain by freeing you and how would we do this if we can come to terms?"


"I was imprisoned by some halfling buffoon because I was a vampire! The audacity of it all. How he did it I am not entirely sure I would assume it is some sort of banishment spell, I never did pay to much attention to the arcane arts.

As for what you would gain it would be a powerful ally with connections dating back centuries, the ability to leave this place would be helpful to you also I'm sure."
The slow and methodical way the man talks could be seen as soothing or perhaps very annoying.


Darrowhill/Azgalin’s cave
Round 0

“And why would we want to unleash a vampire on the world?” Hrgach asked. “Maybe that halfling isn’t such a buffoon after all. So you experimented on a child? Disgusting. Even hobgoblins don’t do that.”

Bonus Action:
Reaction: Shield or Absorb Elements (if needed), or Opportunity Attack


Inspiration: 0
AC: 17 (chainmail, defensive fighting style)
HP: 31/31 Vitality: 17/17 HD: 3/3d10+3
Saving Face (1/R)(+3)
Second Wind (1/R)
Action Surge (1/R)

Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Lightning Lure
L1 (2/2): Absorb Elements, Burning Hands, Shield
Weapon Bond: Greatsword, Bat’leth (magical)

Dagger of Venom
Dagger of Warning
+1 Leather Armor


"There are others here, initially I was trapped in a very small demiplane but that dispersed with the death of the caster, I would assume. The shadowfel is full of people, and monsters, it's a shadowy reflection of the material plane and its very much the same other than the dreary lack of happiness."

Now that it is pointed out you do notice your emotions seem to be much more muted.


ShadowfellDarrowhill/Azgalin’s cave
Round 0

“I don’t know what hobgoblins you know, but we don’t eat children,” Hrgach snorted derisively. “Goblins might. Children are better suited for slaves than eating.”

“So if you’re not trapped in a demiplane, then why not just leave?” Hrgach asked. “Why do you need our help?”

Bonus Action:
Reaction: Shield or Absorb Elements (if needed), or Opportunity Attack


Inspiration: 0
AC: 17 (chainmail, defensive fighting style)
HP: 31/31 Vitality: 17/17 HD: 3/3d10+3
Saving Face (1/R)(+3)
Second Wind (1/R)
Action Surge (1/R)

Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Lightning Lure
L1 (2/2): Absorb Elements, Burning Hands, Shield
Weapon Bond: Greatsword, Bat’leth (magical)

Dagger of Venom
Dagger of Warning
+1 Leather Armor

Voidrunner's Codex

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