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D&D 5E (IC) Vault of the Dracolich (Dispensables)

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Prickly Pear

Sesto looks at Fury and Terrus and wonders why they hesitating.
"The fight is almost over. It is time to get my hands dirty", says Sesto and starts to move down the hill. It is rocky and dangerous so Sesto makes a slow decent, carefully avoiding the ice.

OOC: It is difficult terrain, right? So Sesto moves down to I10, otherwise he moves to J12


Round Five

Corrah lobs two arrows at the third guard, and both strike him in the shoulder.

Devan blows the other guard off his feet, and he lands on his back, his eyes staring at the sky.

Sure enough, Bobranthus bashes the head of evil, as the Thug falls under Bob's relentless onslaught.

The other Thug dodges Sesto's sacred flame, but is clobbered by the flying mace.

Injured and shaken, the third guard and the second thug throw down their weapons.

"We surrender! Have mercy!"

I told myself I'd give [MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION] until I got home from class. I'm home.
This fight was so close to over, it didn't really matter anyway (hope you don't mind, tglassy!)

Corrah's Shortbow vs G3
_: 1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23
1D6+2 = [3]+2 = 5

_: 1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19
1D6+2 = [3]+2 = 5

Thug2 Dex Save vs Sesto's SFlame
_: 1D20 = [15] = 15


Damage Taken
PCs: Bobranthus 18, Terrus 20
BGs: Captain KO'd, Guard3 10, Thug2 17, Everybody Else Dead

Prickly Pear

Sesto continues down to the road and walks past the surrendering guard and thug and towards the wagon.
"Keep an eye on the riff-raff", Sesto shouts to Terrus and Bob. "I will see if I can find anything to tie them up with."
Sesto climbs up on the wagon and rummages through the various boxes and barrels. Finally, he finds a length of rope that looks suitable.
"Ahh, here we go...", Sesto says and jumps off the wagon. He offers the rope to Bob and asks: "Maybe you can tie them up...? I am not very good with ropes..."

Sesto then walks over to the fallen Captain to check if he is still breathing. "Good! This one is still alive. Corrah will be pleased. Hopefully she can loosen his tongue."
He turns to Bob and says: "You had better tie this one up too, before he wakes up."
And when Corrah arrives, Sesto says: Corrah, what do you want us to do with these unfortunately souls? Questioning them here or take them back to the camp? The supplies in the wagon might come in handy and a couple of horses too!"

OOC: What shall we do with healing? We have two PC's at half HP max.
The "Channel Divinity: Preserve Life" will not help here since "This feature can restore a creature to no more than half of its hit point maximum."
I can burn a 2nd level spell slot on "Prayer of Healing" which will heal 2d8+4 HP, which is not very much if the roll is low.
Any suggestions?
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GM: There is nothing preventing you from taking a short rest other than: A: Urgency and B: If they were expected, it's possible someone will come looking for them.

As Bob roughly ties up the prisoners, Corrah slides down the hill, marches up to the weakest looking of them (the Guard she shot twice), kicks him in the groin and shouts, "You are the lowest of the low! Tell us what you know of the temple! Or my friends here will drop you in the river!"

OOC: Intimidate
_: 1D20 = [19] = 19
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I don't know nothing! Me and my friends" (he indicates those we have referred to as "guards")"We're ditchdiggers from Battledale."

Corrah frowns and pulls off the man's helmet to better see his face, revealing a plain man of middle years, rough and stupid. He continues, "We served in the militia, so when these men," (indicating the other four) "came with gold looking for guards, we thought easy money. This temple sure is out of the way, isn't it? Why would bandits chose this road?" (indicating you.)

Corrah rolls her eyes. "This guy is too stupid to get anything good out of."

The man blinks at her insult and hangs his head low, but makes no argument.


OOC: This is fine. For some reason, I thought I'd already gone. And it saves me from using more Psi points!

Pyrus joined his brother down on the road. "You always have to get in the middle of things, don't you?"

"Only to annoy you, brother," Terrus said back.

Terrus and Pyrus moved to the wagon to see what is inside.


Location: Switchback, 1 Hour 50 minutes to Nightfall

Sorting through the back of the heavy wagon, Terrus and Pyrus discover a barrel of Rum, 12 Spears, 8 Helmets, 600 Quarrels, 20 Blankets, Oats, Maize, Hard Cheese, Bread, etc (enough to feed 40 men for a tenday,), and enough poor quality oats to feed the two horses for 20 days. They also discover a large chest (locked) in the back and a smaller lockbox under the driver's seat (also locked).

The horses, who were surprisingly stoic throughout the fight (one shied once when lightning went over it's head, but otherwise they only stamped and shuffled) swish their tails, none the wiser.
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Terrus switches his Psionic Focus to Brute Force, which grants advantage on strength (Athletics) checks, and tries to rip the lock off the chest in the back.

OOC: Strength (Athletics): [roll0] or [roll1]

Voidrunner's Codex

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