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Iconics Green Room and OOC Thread. (Adoring fans welcome; no fighting allowed.)

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(OOops, cookies. Disregard Jemal post)

MR. Ember/she?
Ember confused now. Also mad at the dwarf... damned beardless elf-kissing ale-hog.

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"Bah!" oops. I guess that I spent too much time with Redgar in the Savage Caves. I would like to thank Deedlit for his confidence in the future potential of the newbies. Anyway, welcome Ember, I must warn you The Impeial March of Darth Vader stirs up in the background, reaching a crescendo as Naull speaks "we are after an evil mastermind at this point and wish to do him bodily harm." The sinister theme music ends, a more relaxing and uplifting song takes over "because as Alhandra said, we are the Iconics!"

OOC: I think I get the hang of it now


Ialdabode said:
What's this?

Fresh blood?

Iconics resurgence?

Indeed it is.

No no, this simply won't do. Won't do at all. For starters, it simply can't be the iconics without someone shouting "Bah!" all the time, talking in third person, and otherwise living the eternal quest for ale and whores.

Well, if you were paying attention to the earlier posts :)D:p;)), Ialdabode, you would know that Regdar doesn't exactly approve of playing with PC. We had this discussion roughly a year ago, and his position hasn't changed.

I don't hold it against him... and although he will be/is sorely missed, the Iconics can go on without him.

Second, where is the (attempted) wit and banter that was casually passed between Mialee and myself? Wizards simply CANNOT get along with psions. Why, my massive telepathic intellect always threatened them.

Well, now, that you can change yourself. If you would like to, you could join in. Mialee has posted, though sparingly... but there's always room for one more.

Something foul seems afoot here. Be these newbies iconics, or are they just doppelgangers, pretenders to the great title of iconic? Was this even worth the natural 20 I just rolled on my remote view check?

A little new blood perhaps, though that has been pointed out. Dopplegangers are quite doubtful... the Iconics have been quite.... Iconic, thus far.

As for the natural 20... probably not. ;)


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Ah, gnomey! You're the DM for this thing, aren't you? Well whadaya say, got room for little ol' me?


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You doubt my natural 20? I'm a telepath, gnomy, not a psychokenetic. I read minds, and most of the time it's a pretty short story, nes pas?


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Bah, Regdar never thought Regdar would be happy to see Ialdabode again, well not actually happy, perhaps amused, well maybe a small smile but none the less joyed. Deelite, Regdar thanks you for your comments but um Regdar hates to say, actually no but when did you become an Iconic? Jarvel, you too can be slain very easy, don't make Regdar slay you!

Yes Gnomeworks is correct, this does not feel the same for Regdar, too different a situation, too serious, does not possess true Iconic tradition (Regdar does not believe in the 4th wall so to speak). Regdar also has the understanding from other fellow iconics that many feel the same, hence they are not here. Regdar suggests that others don't attempt to post as them, it won't make any of them happy people.

For Embers stats, there are a few places you can go. Regdar had a board at one time, but it has not been updated in awhile. Best bet is to use the WoTC Book version (which matches Enemies and Allies) and add the 3 points worth of upgrades. Regdar has listed them below. Hit Points would have to be adjusted (Max 1st, 75% 2nd level, 50%+1 for 3rd and on).

Ember: Female human Mnk 3; CR 3; Medium-size humanoid; HD 3d8+3; hp 20; Init +2; Spd 40 ft.; AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 13; Atk +4 melee (1d6+1, unarmed strike), or +4 melee (1d6+1, masterwork kama), or +6 ranged (1d8/19-20, masterwork light crossbow with masterwork crossbow bolts); SA flurry of blows, stunning attack 3/day; SQ evasion, fast movement, still mind; AL LG; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5; Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Hide +8, Jump +9, Move Silently +10, Tumble +10; Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Skill Focus (Move Silently), Weapon Finesse (unarmed strike)

Flurry of Blows: Ember can may use the full attack action to make one extra attack per round with an unarmed strike or a special monk weapon at her highest base attack, but this attack and each other attack made that round take a -2 penalty apiece. This penalty applies for 1 round, so it affects attacks of opportunity Ember might make before her next action.

Stunning Attack (Su): Once per round (but not more than three times per day), Ember can stun a creature damaged by her unarmed attacks. The foe so struck must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 13) or be stunned for 1 round in addition to taking normal damage from the attack. Creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned with this attack.

Evasion (Ex): If Ember makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage.

Fast Movement: While unarmored, Ember moves faster than normal.

Still Mind: Ember gains a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells and effects from the Enchantment school.

Possessions: Backpack, waterskin, 1 day of trail rations, bedroll, sack, flint & steel, bracers of armor +1, masterwork light crossbow, 15 masterwork crossbow bolts, masterwork kama, potion of bull's strength, potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of cat's grace, potion of cure light wounds, 3 gp.

Description: A member of the Enabled Hand monastic order, Ember is a young but skilled monk. Saddened at the murder of the others of her order but determined to find the ones responsible, Ember has swallowed her grief in the interest of pursuing the red-masked cultists that slew her fellows. She disavows cruelty as a tool of the weak, and her order teaches her that pain is a weakness that can be mastered. She is aware of Hennet's crush on her and fears that she may be taking advantage of that interest to get him to help her with her quest. As a martial artist, Ember is skilled at disabling enemies with fist, foot, or knee, but she isn't afraid to use weapons when facing creatures that are dangerous to touch with her bare skin.

Bah, now Regdar must return to the big breasted whore Regdar left in Regdar's trailer to come to this meeting before Alhandra decides to get in a tizzy again.
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First Post
Regdar said:
Bah, Regdar never thought Regdar would be happy to see Ialdabode again, well not actually happy, perhaps amused, well maybe a small smile but none the less joyed.

Redgar, have you gone soft on us in the past couple years?


First Post
Regdar said:
(Regdar does not believe in the 4th wall so to speak)

Most essential for Iconics. Knock down all walls, and ceiling too. Then post like Iconic.

Not alone.

Same problem for Star Wars Iconic rookies.

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