Idle Question...


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Well yes, this weekend I intend on being back in full force. Still psyching myself up for it. I have to appologise in advance, if my characters behave/play badly. I try and keep personal things personal, but up to now I've been 'scared' of playing under the pretences that I might ruin a character because I cant play them right with my head diced into little pieces of worry. I will try though, that's the main thing. And my character is -mad- so anything odd can technically be explained ;-).

Enjoy yourselves folks!

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*blinks as he temporarily loses two of pieces* Well that's not good. *thinks about that* Well it's actually three I have temporarily lost. Hmmm....Not good at all. *moves his last three pieces about*


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Okay, so interesting thought, ample oportunity. Anyone watching Ariel would realise by reading publicly (sp?) here that Ariel's gonna be at the tavern this Saturday. (My saturday anyways) They could look her up if they felt the urge to and beat her up too, if that's the fancy. Or, if yer not interested, yer not interested XD! *laughs* It was a hot day...that's my excuse, I'm sticking to it.

Brad Mage

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Your saterday is my friday right?? *blinks and does a time check* Ok..He'll be there. Not sure in what condition since he'll have five days to mull this over...but hey. :)


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Ayup, my saturday is yer friday night. I live on the other side of the world after all XD! Muhahaha I'm ahead of almost everyone...well not quite but yeah!


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Yeh, story of my life. I'm going away next week, wont be around. Had a nasty storm last night that blew up my hub and my network card. No net access. Hopefully all will be well by the weekend. Dont go missing me now y'hear. *chokes* What a pain...*grumble grumble grumble*


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Well, after taking the time to read through all 108 posts on this thread, I feel like adding my two cents on this matter. Relating to the whole 'hunting Ariel' business, Fowai has no reason to get involved in this storyline...then again...reason has never been a high priority on Fowai's list. If this is still going on, Fowai will most definitely get what way?...not too sure...but he'll get involved somehow. And, now that I think about it, I don't think I've had Fowai involved in any serious sort of fighting since I dreamt him up. Might be fun to throw him in there and see what he can do. FYI, I don't feel like taking the time to roll up stats for him...especially since those stats aren't used much when I RP it's free-form fighting style for him. Anywho, as to the matter of choosing side, I think Fowai'd side with whatever side he felt like, as he doesn't really have any stakes in the matter...or he might do as Rajak does and watch from the sideline, selling popcorn, T-shirts, and other such souvenirs. In either case, he'll get involved in this story somehow; even if he ends up having to shove his way into it...cause it sounds like fun. :D

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