If your group didn't like 4e...


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What did you guys switch to? Did your group go to 3.xe, 2e, 1e, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, True20, or what?

We went to Savage Worlds and are very happy.:)

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I play in three weekly games.

One is going to stay 3.5.

One is going to finish as 3.5, then test out 4e.

One switched to Pathfinder, which we're really enjoying, and added a second campaign--4e LFR.

My preference so far is Pathfinder, but they're all fun in their own ways.


First Post
Sticking with 3.5.

These boards are filled with people who have switched to 4E, but in talking to the players I know, the switch has been much more gradual. There is a lot of talk about 4E, but the number of 4E games that I know of is pretty low compared to the number of ongoing 3.5 campaigns.


We are, when we all have the spare time, playing 4E. If we hadn't liked it, we would be busy playing Arcana Evolved/Ptolus, Call of Cthulhu, Mage 2nd Ed, Aberrant, Changeling:the Lost, etc. Too many games, not all the time in the world like college


First Post
We are, when we all have the spare time, playing 4E. If we hadn't liked it, we would be busy playing Arcana Evolved/Ptolus, Call of Cthulhu, Mage 2nd Ed, Aberrant, Changeling:the Lost, etc. Too many games, not all the time in the world like college

Before 4e came out, we decided to give it a try if we did not like it we were gonna say goodbye to D&D until 5th edition came out. We all voted for Runequest as an alternative, but once we read 4e we decided to we loved the changes and will stick with it.


First Post
M&M, as much as possible. It has brought back tons more excitement and fun into RPGs, for which I and others are eternally grateful. :cool: There are a few tweaks I've made, and I'm looking into a couple of full-on variants based on it, but in any case, it'll still be M&M.

Also, probably a bit of True20 and some house-ruled D&D 3.5 / Pathfinder RPG, and maybe whatever else people feel like GMing at the time (as always.)

Darrin Drader

Pathfinder is our D&D 3.5 replacement. True20 is what we're using for modern and future games. We're pretty happy with this arrangement.
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Ranger REG

What did you guys switch to? Did your group go to 3.xe, 2e, 1e, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, True20, or what?
No switching. Got many 3e and d20 products to use.

May salvage some good material from Pathfinder or any future OGL-based products (the ones "compatible with the third edition of the best-selling fantasy roleplaying game").

We went to Savage Worlds and are very happy.:)

Voidrunner's Codex

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