If your group didn't like 4e...

The group I just joined is coming off of a 4E game. The new game is Swords & Wizardry (OD&D retro-clone) in the City State of the Invincible Overlord. We had our first session in the City State last night, and it was a blast.

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James Heard

I've been playing Scion and looking into other White Wolf games. Pretty much what I did when I got to the end of AD&D's run. I might get into Savage Worlds and Mutants & Masterminds if I find someone running something I'm really interested in too.

Really though, the drama here and elsewhere about D&D has really soured me on the whole thing. D&D, in any incarnation, just isn't much fun right now because of its association in my mind with overly opinionated jerks.

Ranger REG

Really though, the drama here and elsewhere about D&D has really soured me on the whole thing. D&D, in any incarnation, just isn't much fun right now because of its association in my mind with overly opinionated jerks.
Meh. I just ignore them and play D&D the way I want to play it.

Trust me, every game with a fan community have a circle of overly opinionated jerks. D&D is not alone.


Staff member
We're sticking with 3.5 for now and the foreseeable future...by which I mean probably until 5Ed and beyond. In a group of 10+ gamers, only 2 people have expressed an interest in trying 4Ed- neither wants to DM it. I'd play the game, too, but since I'm the one with the books and will NEVER run it (yes, I dislike it that much), we're at an impasse.

Personally, I may try to run a campaign I'm designing in True20 or M&M (with an announced but as-yet unreleased fantasy genre supplement"), since one of the features of the campaign is that the players will be designing their own spells & magical effects...

Otherwise, I'll just run it in 3.X (IOW, 3.5 with stuff brought in from 3PP products).


First Post
We found 4E to be "OK", but not great enough to switch too, so we are staying with our old system.

As for the system we stayed with, and 3 of us were DM's, read my sig area. Strangely most of our players were not interested in switching. They have fallen in love with simplicity. Those who were interested have been involved in our play testing, which has a couple of more sessions to go. We are all happy with what we are doing, and none of us desire to switch to 4E.

Surprised me, I thought for sure there were at least 5 players in our groups that I thought would love 4E. I was kind of hoping I would be one of them.

Anyways, no new love for us, we'll be sticking with our old love.

Fallen Seraph

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We play a variety of games depending on our mood be it; 4e D&D, nWoD (Mortal, Promethean, Vampire, Changeling, gonna be playing Hunter soon) and Cthulhutech.


First Post
Sticking with 3.5 with some minor Pathfinder implementations. At least for 1 or 2 more campaigns.

The full Pathfinder RPG looks good so far, so my group will decide when the final product is released.

The Green Adam

First Post
Don't play much D&D to begin with...

But we tried 4E and came out of it with various opinions. Most didn't like it, one or two hated it and one thought it was down right ok. If I have to D&D it'll be 3.5 for me and my posse.

We'll stick to Star Trek (LUG ICON System, Classic Traveller, Faery's Tale, Star Wars (WEG D6), the new-weird-game-we-want-to-try-this-time and my pet projects, Galaxy Quest and Oz (Homebrews).


Voidrunner's Codex

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