If your group didn't like 4e...


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We tried 4e for a few sessions, didn't really like it- so we went back to 3.5

More options, easier on the DM (already knowing the system), and we already owned all the books :p

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The Green Adam

First Post
We tried 4e for a few sessions, didn't really like it- so we went back to 3.5

More options, easier on the DM (already knowing the system), and we already owned all the books :p

One of our biggest complaints with 4E at present is that playing 4E after 3.5 is, at this point, like giving up your top of the line 3D art programs for CorelDraw 1. We've already built up and learned so much, gotten so many options books and tweaked it just so that asking my group to play 4E is a very, very hard sell. Less classes, less combat and spell options, less skills, just...less of everything. My gang doesn't want to use Magic Missile every round, they want to have flexibilty and options.

Not so fun...at least not yet.




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We fell away near the end of 3.whatever and switched on to Ars Magica and NWoD.

We have some notions of toying with (yet another) deep variant of 3.whatever, but our changes are so extreme that it feels very little like D&D anymore, especially since we emphasize social interactions at least as much as combat.

Greg K

Sticking with the following:
- Mutants and Masterminds

- Houseruled 3e with influence from UA and third party supplements with the major third party influences being the following: Fewer Absolutes (Sean Reynolds), Artficer's Handbook (Mystic Eye Games), Elements of Magic: Mythic Earth (EN Publishing), Psychic's Handbook (Green Ronin), and the Book of Iron Might (Malhavoc) and Mutants and Masterminds for its Hero Points) . However, I do want to borrow one thing from 4e in removing nonbiological aspects from the races and making them into feats).

- d20 Modern with influence from UA and third party material with the major influences being Blood and Fists (RPGObjects), Elements of Magic: Mythic Earth (EN Publishing), Psychic's Handbook (Green Ronin), Unearthed Arcana (WOTC), and Mutants and Masterminds, again, for Hero Points).

- True20

- Rolemaster

We are also going to be trying
-Cinematic Unisystem (maybe).


They're rather opposed to 4e. Mocking, and lots of it, happens if you mention that in my group. My current campaign is 3e, and it's on hiatus at the moment, and there's a 3.5 Netheril era FR campaign going on as well. Beyond that, we've got a Shadowrun (3e SR) game and an oWoD Mage game as well (using the revised books).

Once my campaign resumes and finishes up, I'll be taking a break from DM'ing, but at some point I'll probably start a Golarion/Pathfinder campaign using the Pathfinder system.


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We haven't made a final decision yet.

One group is Pathfinder for certain, while the other is anything but D&D.

4E has failed to excite all but a few of my gaming buddies, even after multiple play-testing sessions. On the bright side its opened everyone's eyes to some of the wonderful alternative games and settings that are out there, and we're having a blast making a decision.


We’re trying 4e, but so far nobody really seems to like it.

“Switch” doesn’t really apply to us, as we play whatever system/edition the current GM wants to run. We’re eclectic.


First Post
My group feel that 4E is a good system but not what we're looking for from an RPG. I'm not interested in running a campaign with 4E but I will look for a group to join to try some 4E as a player. My group will probably end up going with 1E or OD&D as we had been leaning in that direction increasingly the longer we played 3E.
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Switching? Not for a while. At some point, if it gets old, we'll fold the game we're on and try 4e. I've the books, nothing in them compells me to stop the game I'm running - and conversion with half the stuff I'd need would be a pain.
Maybe some M&M and some GURPS tossed in here and there also right now.

Voidrunner's Codex

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