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[IK] Corvis U. Discreet Investigation & Retrieval Union: Last DM Post 1/8 14:45 EST


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The farmer pulls out two more lamb shishkebobs from a heated dish and places on a large plate. He pulls out two more bowls and fishes out some of the same lovely potatoes.

After wiping his hands again, he hands the coin back to Marthasa, smiling, "Your coin is no good with me, priestess. My reward is that you do the Lord of Light's work. May Ellena bless all your travels."

He then turns to Alain and shrugs, "For you it'll be a halfshield and three farthings, lord. A man has to eat after all."

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Alain opens his purse with a hint of a smile, dropping a crown into the merchants hand.

"I hope that will get your wife the dress she desires, friend. May your spring be warm and full of joy after such a bleak winter. Go in the grace of Morrow."

He turns to Marthasa with a grin.

"At least we know some of the Church's servants are treated well in this city."

Alain begins to eat, relishing the well prepared food.


"Thank you, may Ellena ever bless your path," Marthasa says. She bites into the meat and potatoes, glad to be able to keep her food down.


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The vendor bows to Alain, "Thank you master, this will go quite a long way towards making this a truly wonderful Tempenfest." He clears up the bowls and dishes as people finish with them.

From inside the gate, you hear the noise of a door opening. Turning around you see that the door to the gatehouse has opened. Two large trollkins, each over seven feet in height step out. Their skin is pale grey, touched with blue and green in places, and their head spines are a dark red. Each is dressed in black breastplate armor, with a large sash displaying their quitari proudly. They carry a military pistol in a hip holster, and have a greataxe strapped to their backs.

The shorter of the two steps forward and proclaims in a sonorous voice, "Good evenin' ladies and gents! Are ye here to visit Sar-Ra-Tu's House of Gaming? If so, are any of ye members?"


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"Good evening! We are not members, but have come to meet our colleague, Edrea Lloryrr. She had asked for our presence in the basement for a private meeting."

Alain gestures to his companions.

"Although, some of our party have expressed interest in the entertainment your establishment offers."


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The trollkin guard clears his throat, "Well, since this is a private club the rules state that at least one of ye needs to be a member. Yearly membership is 75 crowns, if ye can afford it. We don't want no riff-raff in here."

He then crosses his arms in front of him and looks at each of you. The taller of the two trolls barely seems interested in what is going on, and looks hungrily towards the food cart.


75 crowns? That would wipe out my entire savings!, Alain thought. Perhaps one of the others, or maybe a collection from each of us...

Karl Green

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Alaios O'Aodh, human sorcerer

Alaios is stunned for a second... 75GP, these guys are worst the highway robbers!

He then says in a low-voice "Well I an't going in... that be more then I got and is more then I would pay anyways... clogs and gremlins, man this place I like not!"


Marthasa shakes her head. "More than one person has had their lifes ruined by such as you. I have no interest in your club's activities," she says.


(OOC, I would like to use Sense Motive to see if it sees the trollkin is just trying to get some coin on the side, or if he is just doing his job. If he is really following the Club's rules, use the this statement. Thanks Alex.)

Alain ponders for a moment, then raises his eyes to meet the trollkin.

"This is where our path leads us, and it is vital that we keep our commitment. Why don't I pay you a fee, perhaps... 10 crowns, to find the lady Edrea Lloryrr, who should be inside. Let her know that her companions are awaiting her at the gate. We would greatly appreciate your help."

Voidrunner's Codex

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