#155 Midnight's Mask by Paul S Kemp (Erevis Cale 3)
Read 11/4/22 to 13/4/22
Well, well, well... that was really very good, unputdownable towards the end, that said the climax of the trilogy provided a breathless hundred pages (or thereabouts) of madcap action. The Sojourner needs to take one last stroll on the beach, daft but suitably crazy for a creature that by its own account destroys worlds, and so the sun must get a new shadow. There follows a teleportation hopscotch around about a bit, the remaining Slaadi, later Death Slaadi, the Weave Tap- an artefact/tree attuned to bathe in the power of the Weave and Shadow Weave, and also our three or four heroes of the hour. Erevis, Jak, Magadon and... Riven, maybe.
Oh, and then there's the Kraken with a headache, so- as I say, unputdownable, and even a little emotional (for me) at the end. It's an odd thing but I found myself cheering for almost everyone in it at one time or another.
Big spoilers be here.
I wouldn't have minded if the Sojourner had got his last twenty four hours or so, his plan (as terrible as it was) worked after all, and as super villains go, well.. he's not so bad.
Riven, strange to say, captioned the entire in the end, potato soup- just like Jak's mother used to make. I like the fact that Riven has the girls in his life, but for Mask's sake, can someone please find him a friend. Let someone in Riven, let them in.
Jak? And while I loved the fact that Erevis was prepared to dare Mask to get his resurrection spell, I remembered (before Erevis did) that Jak said he didn't want bringing back, and besides it all seemed so... homely.
Magadon, heaven's know how he's still alive- I still don't get how and why the author waited for so long to drag him into book one- written himself into a corner, maybe.
Azriim, well... I don't remember seeing him in the body count, and so I'm bound to say- we ain't seen the last of this guy yet, and who can blame Paul S Kemp, Azriim is a great villain- a clever/witty/chatty Death Slaad, with a penchant for fine clothes and the good things in life, and equipped with a turn of phrase.
Oh yes, he's coming back (fingers-crossed), and keep in mind I don't know much of anything about these books and the various series before I get to read them. When I started back at this after my three months rest I hadn't even worked out The Thousand Orcs was a Drizzt novel. I'm attempting to maintain outsider status, still, by not reading anything about any of them- just the novels themselves, that's enough.
To recap- glorious, and it may be because I've just finished it (like twenty minutes ago) and I'm bathing in the afterlight, but- lots of action, some will he/they, wont he/they- you know they are going to win but it's the how. Great (crazy) bad guys, a wonderful scheme- greater than the sum of its silly )at times) parts. A ton of titanic bad guys and the action to go with it- it raced along, well plotted, easy to read, what's not to like.
I like Erevis more than I did before, and he's matured, gone bad- gone good, and stopped thinking about very young girls (creepy). But better still Riven, Jak, Magadon- and the bad guys, have also come alive, and carried their fair share of the story. As stated previously, I was hooting and hollering for everyone to get a win towards the end, caveat the finale with the thought- 'don't kill Azriim, he's too funny to let go.'
Read, I really enjoyed it.
Stay safe and well you lovely people, cheers goonalan.