Immortals Handbook - Chronicle (Adventures, Campaigns Discussion)


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Thank you upper krust! ^^
I want a bunch of epic or cosmic villains.
They want gather knowledge and power to travel and dominate the upper dimension( 8+)
The Leader may be a powerful Old One? or a demiurge.
Setting héroic-fantasy
I was thinking of an akalich like nimrod , a powerful leshay warrior 50, maybe a powerful Void dragon like attalia or a powerful Polychromatic dragon?

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U_K, did you put them at the absurdly high level you did because of the requested CR range, or because you actually think they should be that high? :confused:

Howdy Rockhoward! :)

Rockhoward56 said:
Thank you upper krust! ^^

Always happy to help mate! :)

Rockhoward56 said:
I want a bunch of epic or cosmic villains. They want gather knowledge and power to travel and dominate the upper dimension( 8+). The Leader may be a powerful Old One? or a demiurge. Setting héroic-fantasy. I was thinking of an akalich like nimrod , a powerful leshay warrior 50, maybe a powerful Void dragon like attalia or a powerful Polychromatic dragon?

Well I think it might depend on your parties level (or more specifically ECL).

CR 80-250 is quite a spread.

As for high fantasy ideas I think a start would be to take one being of every monster type.

ie. One Aberration, one dragon, one fey, one elemental, one humanoid etc.

Then marry that type with a completely at-odds template or class.

Ghost Elder Treant, Brobdingnagian Fey, Multi-headed Pyro Ice Elemental and so forth.

Hiya WarDragon mate! :)

WarDragon said:
U_K, did you put them at the absurdly high level you did because of the requested CR range, or because you actually think they should be that high? :confused:

Well in the superhero relativity article on my website I outline where superhero power and immortal power parallel one another.

So Hercules = Demigod, Silver Surfer = Lesser God, Thanos = Intermediate God and so forth.

So unfortunately i am not blessed with a great knowledge of DC power ranks (yes I remember the website though Historian), so I just went with a random number for those characters (based on Rockhowards suggested CR 80 minimum) rather than work them out properly.

So I mean you would have the likes of Black Adam as a powerful Demigod, Darkseid as a powerful Intermediate God and so forth.


First Post
Hey U_K! :)

Hope all is well with work, etc.?

So unfortunately i am not blessed with a great knowledge of DC power ranks (yes I remember the website though Historian), so I just went with a random number for those characters (based on Rockhowards suggested CR 80 minimum) rather than work them out properly.

As suggested by the Theory of Superhero Relativity (TSR) these things are inherently tough to judge.

That said, I don't think any of your characterizations are off but if I were to quibble I would say Luthor is too low and Black Manta is too high.

I have a glut of material from the DC MEGS system and one thing that jumps out is the power levels of pre- vs. post-crisis characters. PC Darkseid, Superman, and Ares are complete ball busters for example. PC Seid's Omega Beams depending on whether pushed are anywhere from 2^30 to 2^60 more powerful than post-crisis Darkseid.

So I mean you would have the likes of Black Adam as a powerful Demigod, Darkseid as a powerful Intermediate God and so forth.

I think that's right on the money for current portrayals.


I find weird that one of the most useful book in the Immortal Series (Chronicle) will be one ot the last to be done. Currently, I have rules to make great Immortal, Monster to throw at them. But im nowhere near close to know what to do with all of that.

I've try to include most of the work in my campaign and so far, beside Disciple to Elder One I dont have use much of Ascension. I can't see how I can handle a campaign so big as to have character that can probably destory worlds or even planes. There's so much things a Greater god can do, that for a DM to stay sane is a exploit.

So im really interested in seeing how to manage a Immortal campaign, having adventure idea (there's so much good one in the Bestiary), divine/cosmic prestige class and even organisation. Until then I will only use other Immortal books as source of inspiration for monsters of lesser scale (like I have adapted the Amidah to be about 25-50% less powerful) or idea of adventure (but with lesser beings)

Waiting few months/years for Chronicle to show up...

Howdy Xzoltar! :)

Xzoltar said:
I find weird that one of the most useful book in the Immortal Series (Chronicle) will be one ot the last to be done.

Well WotC tend to release PHB, DMG and MM before Campaign Settings or Adventures.

Xzoltar said:
Currently, I have rules to make great Immortal, Monster to throw at them. But im nowhere near close to know what to do with all of that.

Well I do give a lot of Adventure ideas in the Bestiary.

Xzoltar said:
I've try to include most of the work in my campaign and so far, beside Disciple to Elder One I dont have use much of Ascension. I can't see how I can handle a campaign so big as to have character that can probably destory worlds or even planes. There's so much things a Greater god can do, that for a DM to stay sane is a exploit.

Thats another reason why I recommend that you build up to those sorts of power levels gradually rather than start at them.

Xzoltar said:
So im really interested in seeing how to manage a Immortal campaign, having adventure idea (there's so much good one in the Bestiary), divine/cosmic prestige class and even organisation. Until then I will only use other Immortal books as source of inspiration for monsters of lesser scale (like I have adapted the Amidah to be about 25-50% less powerful) or idea of adventure (but with lesser beings).

Waiting few months/years for Chronicle to show up...

Well I am sure I will get to it eventually, and I'll make sure and have lots of help for running immortal campaigns. The first advice I would give epic/immortal campaigns is don't be afraid to mess up your campaign world(s).


How about this... a planet must be evacuated because it's actually a hatching dragon's egg. And the mother is watching so that you don't harm the baby.

Voidrunner's Codex

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