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Immortals Handbook - Epic Bestiary (Epic Monster Discussion)


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First of all let me adress the thing just brought up.
I don't really like the idea of the energry/life drain, it dosen't seem to go with the whole blood thing, in my opinion, now I know it is a staple of vampiric/life-draining undead but this one seems to, me atleast, be more if not exclusivly about the blood. The possesion sounds cool and makes a lot of sense but I think the creation makes the most sense (love the mental image of a cloud of blood floating over to a person, all the blood leaving through his poors and there is another blood cloud). By far I think the mass rage would be the coolest. Maybe make it somthing like the FrB where they would have to attack a living creature (possibly change it further to make human or humanoid over other living things).

As for type I think Undead Ooze with the incorporeal subtype works well, or go without the undead and make it just a blood ooze or some such thing. Now for whole mindless, I would have to say I could argue for either side. Mindless making do nothing but crave blood to absorb, or it having a mind could make it a methodical hunter-killer type thing or (inspired byt the mass rage ability) a creature that moves about destroying all living things so it can consume thier blood. Size-wise, I would say I like the ability to engulf things and that Large would probably be sufficient.


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First Post
Ltheb Silverfrond said:
Well, since U_K has laid some pretty good guidelines for CR/ECL of the divine templates and the break down of such, we could just use those guidelines...
Ex: Just take away all the divine bonus, but still rate powers on the Divine Ability Slot scale.
Won't removing the Divine bonuses change the CR though? That would invalidate the CR guidelines we used the template for in the first place.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
I think this creature doesn't need a million unique powers (It can't use them all anyway) but 2-4 good ones.
Oh, definitely agreed on that point. That's true of monsters in general, when you make them; every monster-design article I've read in the last five years or so recommends that approach. We should make an effort to form a good, powerful base, with generic abilities on par with the Akalich's, and then take out what makes the Akalich unique and slot in the powers intended for this new undead type in their place. Then fiddle around with a few things like immunities, speed, and such, to make it more unique, and we'll have a pretty good creature (well, not alignment-wise, but you know what I mean :)).

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
- A Life Drain effect, possibly Withering [Ray] or [Storm]
Blood drain can cause loss of STR or CON, I think, depending on what parts of the blood are lost; DEX loss could even become a factor if enough blood goes away for the victim to lose coordination. We could also say the thing can drain out cerebrospinal fluid or something like that, to damage nerves and directly drain DEX that way; possibly even the mental ability scores by that route. I think we agreed above that this sort of power was a good idea, the only question is what the Erythreon gains by doing so. Can it drain more than one ability score, and if so, what benefits does it gain from each (or are they even different)?

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
- Undead creation/Possession - A create spawn ability for Vampires, and the Magic Jar Spell-Like ability.
Ah yes, I'd forgotten about Magic Jar! Good call. We ought to power it up somehow, though, I think- similar to how the Akalich can put victims in Temporal Stasis when a basic Lich can only do paralysis. Would allowing the Erythreon to possess multiple victims at the same time be enough of a boost, do you think, or should we add something else? Also, it should have the ability to get around immunity to Mind-Affecting effects for this- Mind Blank is standard operating procedure for my Epic party, and I have no doubt that I'm not alone in that department. Perhaps this thing has a combination of the Magic Jar effect with the psionic (Telekinesis) power Control Body?

As for creating spawn, most of the undead we're basing this thing on can do that (Vampires, Spectres, Wraiths, even the humble Shadows), so I think the only question here is which of its draining mechanisms allows it to create new spawn, and what sort of creatures do its victims become? If we pick Vampire/Spawn, does that deny the flavor of the Ghost side of things? Is it reversed if we go with something incorporeal instead? Is there a way for it to do both at once without seeming cheesy?

Also, most of the undead of the types "under" the Erythreon create more like themselves, so perhaps this one should too, but I for one am reluctant to allow an undead this powerful to simply turn any corpse into another thing like itself. Of course, if we make it a Swarm (see below for discussion on that), it would basically be just expanding its own size by doing that, so perhaps this is the best way to go- still, I'm leery of the prospect of this even if it does carry a really screamingly obvious built-in adventure hook. "Quick! Spreading undead plague-cloud at 12 o'clock! Take it out!"

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
- The ability to energy drain foes?
Most of the undead "underneath" this one have that ability, this is true, so this one probably should too. Does it gain bonuses when it drains energy levels? If so, what does it gain?

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
- Perhaps a charm/dominate/rage ability, to cause mass bloodshed?
Ah, now that is an ability I hadn't previously considered- but it's obvious in retrospect. Bodily fluids were thought to cause emotions in ancient times, after all, so a creature like this that's basically a cloud of undead bodily fluids (with control over the fluids in other things) should logically be able to do this. Great thought! We can add this to the pile of spell-like abilities, unless for some reason it looks like it should be something Supernatural and work by a different mechanism.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
I can't think of any others right now- and the above does give us four good powers to make this thing unique and flavorful.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
As for type... Undead Ooze (Incorporeal)?
I'll list out the traits of the proposed creature types we've had listed for this thing below.

Undead get: no CON score; 60-foot Darkvision; Immunity to Mind-Affecting effects, poison, Sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, and energy drain; Can't heal naturally but can be healed by Inflict Wounds effects, but likewise are damaged by Healing effects; Immunity to any effect requiring a Fortitude save unless it also affects objects or is harmless, by extension of this is immune to death from massive damage, but is destroyed immediately at 0 hit points; uses CHA in place of CON for Concentration checks (and in many house-rules I've seen, any other check that would be CON-based if the undead is somehow affected by one or needs to make one); and unaffected by Raise Dead or Reincarnation but can be affected by Resurrection effects if willing.

Oozes get: no INT score in all but the most special cases; Immunity to all Mind-Affecting effects as a result of being mindless; Blind but have Blindsight, and thus immunity to all gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and anything else that relies on sight to work; Immunity to poison, Sleep effects, paralysis, Polymorph effects, stunning, critical hits, and flanking.

Incorporeal subtype gets: Immunity to all nonmagical attack forms, and a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source except for Positive or Negative energy (i.e. still vulnerable to Healing here), Force effects, and Ghost Touch weapons or similar effects; no STR score, so it uses DEX to modify melee attacks; inability to participate in Grapples or Trips (can't do them, but can't be affected either); never take falling damage and can pass through any corporeal object without resistance (except Force effects); no natural armor but Deflection bonus to AC equal to the creature's CHA bonus; attacks are always touch attacks (i.e. they ignore armor and natural armor bonuses to AC).

Swarm subtype gets: Immunity to critical hits and flanking; Swarms of Tiny creatures take half damage from Slashing and Piercing weapons, Swarms of Diminutive or Fine creatures are just plain immune to all weapon damage; Immunity to grapples, trips, and bull rushes, and cannot grapple opponents; Immunity to spells or effects which target a specific number of creatures (including mighty ones such as Disintegrate), except for Mind-Affecting effects if the Swarm has an INT score and a Hivemind (i.e. one mind that only comes into being when all the little critters form the Swarm, and controls the Swarm like its body); Vulnerability to area effects (that is, it takes 50% more damage from such); If made up of Fine or Diminutive creatures, the Swarm can be dispersed by high winds; no reach but attacks by occupying the same square as opponents and using a Swarm attack (needs no attack roll, just deals damage based on the Swarm's HD and also causes Distraction.

Given all of the above, I think our best bet for this creature is a Swarm of Fine Undead (Incorporeal). That will give it all the immunities of undead, immunity to all weapon damage and specific-target effects on top of that, the ability to pass through any solid object at will and for its attacks to harm Incorporeal targets (which are usually immune to swarms because they don't have bodies to attack), and the chance to give it an INT score without stepping on the Ooze type traits. We don't worry about the Swarm vulnerability to Mind-Affecting effects because it's Undead, and we don't worry about the Swarm's vulnerability to winds because it's Incorporeal. The only things from the potential list above it would be missing this way would be the immunity to Polymorph effects and sight-based effects. Also, it's vulnerable to area effects this way, but with energy immunities on par with the Akalich this becomes nearly a nonissue IMHO.

Alternately, we could make it an Undead Ooze (Incorporeal), but this would mean that weapons can harm it (if they're Ghost Touch or magical), it's no longer immune to target-based effects, and we have to bend the rules to give it an INT score (which I really think it needs to have). OTOH, this gives it immunity to Polymorph and sight-based effects, and we lose the vulnerability to area effects. I'm more inclined to go with the first option, myself.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
... Would it be mindless? (Doubtful)
Almost certainly not. None of the undead "underneath" it are mindless, and the flavor suggests that part of the reason for its existence is that the "soul" (or whatever the undead equivalent is) inhabits the blood and animates it directly.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
... How big is it? (Large/Huge so it can engulf things?)
Swarms can get to any size, as noted above, if you combine multiple ones together. One problem with making this thing a template and a Swarm, though, is what happens when a really large creature (like a giant) turns into one? Logically, such a base creature should produce a much bigger cloud, but swarms are mandated by the rules to be a specific size for game purposes. Should we have bigger base creatures produce multiple swarms that happen to share the same Hivemind, or is that too clunky? Should we just ignore the rule about all swarms being 10 feet on a side, and make up a new terminology like "Colossal Swarm of Fine Undead (Incorporeal)"?

Enough for this post. :)


First Post
Thanks for the input Martin!

Nyarlthotep said:
First of all let me adress the thing just brought up.
I don't really like the idea of the energry/life drain, it dosen't seem to go with the whole blood thing, in my opinion, now I know it is a staple of vampiric/life-draining undead but this one seems to, me atleast, be more if not exclusivly about the blood.
That's a complaint that's been brought up many a time about D&D Vampires in general, of course. :) I certainly agree with that. However, this creature isn't entirely vampiric; it's a fusion of the Blood and Spirit natures of Undead, and thus is also like a Ghost, Spectre, or Wraith. IMO that's a good enough reason to keep the energy drain ability, though I'm certainly open to discussion on this point. We should keep in mind that this is a being that's supposed to be as powerful as an Akalich, though; if it can't drain energy from its victims, it should become even nastier in some other way to compensate for that. The Akalich eats the souls of gods, for cripes' sake! :lol:

Nyarlthotep said:
The possesion sounds cool and makes a lot of sense but I think the creation makes the most sense (love the mental image of a cloud of blood floating over to a person, all the blood leaving through his poors and there is another blood cloud).
Then you like the idea of it being able to create more like itself? The image is cool, granted, but this becomes potentially problematic if the Erythreon isn't a Swarm (or even, for different reasons, if it is one). Why doesn't the new cloud just merge with the first one to make a bigger cloud? Or if it's a Swarm, so that question becomes irrelevant, we come back to the question of whether the two Swarms should share the same mind (and if so, how)?

Nyarlthotep said:
By far I think the mass rage would be the coolest. Maybe make it somthing like the FrB where they would have to attack a living creature (possibly change it further to make human or humanoid over other living things).
I'm not understanding what you mean by FrB, but yes, I agree that a mass Rage (or other emotion)-inducing ability is very cool and in flavor for this being.

Nyarlthotep said:
As for type I think Undead Ooze with the incorporeal subtype works well, or go without the undead and make it just a blood ooze or some such thing. Now for whole mindless, I would have to say I could argue for either side. Mindless making do nothing but crave blood to absorb, or it having a mind could make it a methodical hunter-killer type thing or (inspired byt the mass rage ability) a creature that moves about destroying all living things so it can consume thier blood. Size-wise, I would say I like the ability to engulf things and that Large would probably be sufficient.
See my discussion in the previous post for potential snags here. This thing has to be Undead, that's the whole point of making the creature in the first place; however, other qualities are up for debate. If it's mindless, what's the explanation for where the mind of the undead it evolved from went? That's particularly important in the case of evolution from the Ghost/Wraith type entities, since they technically don't have anything but their minds. :) Also, if the Erythreon is only Large size, what does it do when it encounters something big like a Great Red Wyrm? This is where being a Swarm would come in handy, but of course, that leads us back to the rules problem of expanding the mandated size of a 10-foot cube.

By the way I suppose this is the right forum to announce that the Distributors liked the Cover Painting, so consider that a go ahead. :D

Hiya mate! :)

paradox42 said:
Well, a list is nice and all, :) but with just the names we don't really have any idea what the beasts are supposed to be, so we won't be able to avoid stepping on your toes in that respect (if our ideas happen to intersect yours, I mean - hopefully they haven't yet).


Don't tell me I need to reveal more details. :p

paradox42 said:
Is the proposed Necroverse at all congruous to the Omega? Are we talking about the same thing here, really? Or is the Omega actually more powerful than a mere Necroverse, though likely to have similar powers to one?

I don't know yet. I like both names so anythings possible at this stage.

paradox42 said:
What does this mean? Is it an undead brain, or is it incorporeal like the Akalich and has no actual body (I thought that was part of the Akalich because of its Spirit nature)?

It was a reference to Rifts, where they bandy about the name Vampire Intelligence a lot.

paradox42 said:
I was actually debating with myself whether the blood-cloud/Erythreon should be a template as well- how would the base creature change its powers? But for now we'll proceed under the assumption that it will be- certainly if the mechanics work out I'd prefer it to be one since it's supposed to evolve from lower undead.

I think both methods have pros and cons.

paradox42 said:
And yes, yes that list does give the potential you suppose it does. :p Actually, if they're Cosmic-level beings as it is- and you said the Garganaut will be like an Elder One, so it probably will be- then we may be looking at the proposed three-natured undead beings at the Cosmic level here. There would, of course, only be four types of them overall- each one is missing a nature.

Well I said it will be at least on a par with an Elder One, I may make it more powerful than that.


First Post
Upper_Krust said:
By the way I suppose this is the right forum to announce that the Distributors liked the Cover Painting, so consider that a go ahead. :D
Excellent!!! (cue air guitar)

Upper_Krust said:

Don't tell me I need to reveal more details. :p
Well, if you want us to come up with some of the same ideas... ;)

Eh, not strictly necessary I suppose, just let us know if and when we start to overlap your stuff. It certainly would be helpful, since right now the only example of creatures at the level we're trying to work is the Akalich, and you probably know the statistical rule that smaller sample sizes give less useful results.

Upper_Krust said:
I don't know yet. I like both names so anythings possible at this stage.
I hadn't thought of a Necroverse as a unique being, and it sounds to me like the Omega needs to be, but then again you did make it an Omnific ability to get the template, so maybe more than one individual actually could.

On an apparently-related note, those Un-Beings mentioned near the Omega seem suspicious in their placement- could they be Time Lords whose consciousness was dominated by the Entropic/Null Dimension, to the point where they lost all identity including even a name and self-concept? Perhaps those are similar to Necroverses somehow. Or, perhaps those are yet another path of evolution to the Eternal state that just closely resembles the Necroverse.

Upper_Krust said:
It was a reference to Rifts, where they bandy about the name Vampire Intelligence a lot.
Ah, now see, I've never read through any Rifts books, and have no experience with the game. I wouldn't have understood that reference without the Google search I made on the subject just now. After doing some reading, I think I see where you're going with the Welkin, and how you're incorporating the idea of a Mummy/Revenant into it. Doesn't look like we're crossing paths yet, so that's good.

Upper_Krust said:
I think both methods have pros and cons.
Oh, that they certainly do. That's why it's so hard to choose one over the other!

Upper_Krust said:
Well I said it will be at least on a par with an Elder One, I may make it more powerful than that.
There you go. Cosmic, and the nickname specifically states that it's missing one of the four natures. Looks like you already came up with two of the concepts yourself- now we just need two more!

Of course, if you hadn't previously intended those two to represent evolved forms of "lower" undead such as Akalichs or Welkins, and don't think that concept fits their flavor at all, then perhaps we need to come up with four after all. Still, I think congruence is worth taking advantage of whenever possible; makes the whole tapestry seem more majestic if you can draw more connections, you know?

For template modifications - Even the divine bonuses have ECL values listed in Ascension. (Just about everything does. Want more divine slots? Lose a whole lot of ability ups.)
For the blood drain... this should be the primary power and a good 5 or so points of CR. The creature should gain some benifit from this. Standard ability drain says you gain something like 5 temporary hp per point? Nah, how about 1/2 hd in HP per point. (So draining 2 points of con is like gaining 2 points of con, hp wise.)
For the Energy Drain - A minor power, possibly a melee deterrant. (The Atropal has a similar aura of Life Drain, perhaps a modified one, like everyone within XX feet of the creature loses 2 levels each round)
For the rage - Ha! I didn't even considder the ancient medical/spiritual aspect of it, I just wanted to appeal to the Visceral nature of any sadistic blood hungery undead. :)
For the Possession - Perhaps it animates those slain rise as wights with HD = to the victem's. It may be able to control as many victems as it has Charisma Bonus. (Or tie it to HD)
I think a swarm of Incorporeal Undead of Fine Undead works. Perhaps it should have the (Water) subtype (There is such a subtype, right? Its the one Horrid Wilting references. There is an earth subtype...)
Now... for special defences...
- What traits other than its types and subtypes does it possess that strengthen/weaken it in combat (Is it immune to any energies? Any unique weaknesses?)
- Would it act as if it had any constant spell effects on it (either magical or otherwise), possibly with minor changes. (Gaseous form is useless to it, if I recall)
- Any unique defences? (Like the Akalich ability to consume immortal souls to revive itself instantly, though that kind of ability is covered in the Con draining effect)
Great news! (Though I could have told you your cover was a winner)
Now you get to switch to Ascension Mode, and Later, Grimoire Mode. (Don't worry, you get to go into Immortal-Death-Mode soon after it seems:) The 2nd bestiary, with all the templates you listed in Ascension, will be packed full o' fun)


First Post
Ah, glad to have yesterday done with- extremely busy and nasty day that was.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
For template modifications - Even the divine bonuses have ECL values listed in Ascension. (Just about everything does. Want more divine slots? Lose a whole lot of ability ups.)
For the make-your-own-template rules, you mean? I admit I haven't looked at them since 0.6, so I'm not all that familiar with them. I'll defer to your judgment here. :)

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
For the blood drain... this should be the primary power and a good 5 or so points of CR. The creature should gain some benifit from this. Standard ability drain says you gain something like 5 temporary hp per point? Nah, how about 1/2 hd in HP per point. (So draining 2 points of con is like gaining 2 points of con, hp wise.)
Sounds good, though it somehow doesn't strike me as "EPIC!!!" enough. I have a nagging feeling that there's a good, flavorful thing we could attach to this to make the blood drain the creature's signature ability, the one everybody thinks of when thinking of an Erythreon; just draining CON to gain hit points- even if it is a lot of hit points- doesn't seem too far off from stuff like, say, Abominations. I honestly can't think of anything but the rather generic suggestion below, at present, though.

Perhaps it has some spell-like abilities that are powered by the blood drain somehow? As a variant, we could make a Psionic Erythreon that replenishes its power points every time it drains blood. A city full of victims could give such a creature a practically infinite pool of power to draw upon, if the ability is set up correctly- and that would make for a very memorable encounter.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
For the Energy Drain - A minor power, possibly a melee deterrant. (The Atropal has a similar aura of Life Drain, perhaps a modified one, like everyone within XX feet of the creature loses 2 levels each round)
Yes, that's a good notion, particularly if we go with the ability to drain blood at a distance as well. If the aura not only drains blood, but also energy levels... yeegh! :eek:

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
For the rage - Ha! I didn't even considder the ancient medical/spiritual aspect of it, I just wanted to appeal to the Visceral nature of any sadistic blood hungery undead. :)
Just need a mechanic for it then. Is it an aura thing? A side effect of the blood drain (perhaps it can cause Rage or Panic, as it chooses)? We seem to be attaching a lot of powers to this thing's aura here- that's not necessarily a bad thing, but it might make the beast seem like kind of a one-note composition.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
For the Possession - Perhaps it animates those slain rise as wights with HD = to the victem's. It may be able to control as many victems as it has Charisma Bonus. (Or tie it to HD)
Tying it to HD strikes me as best, particularly since this is supposed to be a massive threat. Perhaps it can control undead as an evil Cleric of equal HD, or something along those lines? Only the ones it animates of course, but the basic mechanic is already in the rules so we may as well try to use it somehow.

As for what they rise as, Wights are a somewhat troublesome choice from UK's "undead natures hierarchy" point of view; Wights are Bone like Liches and Death Knights. Still, they're arguably Flesh as well (like Zombies), so I can see your point here. We can go with Wight for now and consider changing it after the rest of the thing is done to see how it all looks in the whole.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
I think a swarm of Incorporeal Undead of Fine Undead works. Perhaps it should have the (Water) subtype (There is such a subtype, right? Its the one Horrid Wilting references. There is an earth subtype...)
Ah, Water subtype, I hadn't thought of that. Good catch. It should probably have that, agreed- though note that the Water subtype gives it a Swim speed, which seems irrelevant to me since it's Incorporeal as well. But then again, maybe being Incorporeal is enough to ignore the Swim speed feature of the Water subtype.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
Now... for special defences...
- What traits other than its types and subtypes does it possess that strengthen/weaken it in combat (Is it immune to any energies? Any unique weaknesses?)
The example of the Akalich suggests that it should, though it's fair to note that Liches and Death Knights have some immunities that Vampires and Ghosts don't share. I'm reluctant to say the Erythreon should be vulnerable (or at least, not immune) to Fire, since it's so ubiquitous in the game, but what would the argument be for the immunity if it has it? It's basically a cloud of blood vapor, after all, and last time I checked fires are pretty good at eliminating vapor in their immediate areas. On the up side, Sonic is one energy the Erythreon should obviously be immune to- sound would do virtually nothing to disperse a cloud. And since Sonic is usually the preferred energy type of high-level spellcasters given how few things have immunity or resistance to it, that's a good thing for our little creature here.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
- Would it act as if it had any constant spell effects on it (either magical or otherwise), possibly with minor changes. (Gaseous form is useless to it, if I recall)
It's already Incorporeal, and is effectively Gaseous already even if it wasn't, so those are pretty irrelevant, yes. Other spell effects it doesn't get already from its creature types and subtypes? That's a tough one, and I can't think of any right now.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
- Any unique defences? (Like the Akalich ability to consume immortal souls to revive itself instantly, though that kind of ability is covered in the Con draining effect)
This is, of course, the big one, and the one that should be considered most carefully. Maybe this ties in to its blood drain somehow; that would make the blood drain seem even more important in the overall scheme of things, and give the Erythreon an extra defense to boot. Maybe after it drains blood from a living creature, it gains some semblance of life for a brief period of time? Something to remove its vulnerability to undead-smashing effects, perhaps Positive Energy Protection? If the blood retains some of the life that was in the drained victim, before the original blood cloud can fully assimilate it, that could give us a rather unique flavor excuse to add some very interesting defenses and powers indeed...

EDIT: Aha! Here's an idea that just hit me. Thinking back on the movie "Phantoms," that monster had a very interesting ability to recreate the bodies of its victims and use them to torment those it hadn't yet eaten. What if the Erythreon can use the blood it takes from a victim to form a blood-duplicate, a sort of ghostlike manifestsation of the victim that's completely under the Erythreon's control? It's sort of like making the blood drain into a Mirror of Opposition, though the blood-duplicates should probably be of lesser stature (like, say, a Simulacrum as opposed to a Clone). Perhaps we even tie it to the blood drain in such a way that as the victim gets drained more, the duplicate gets more powerful, until the real victim finally dies and the duplicate is all that's left of its life (the body can then animate as a Wight or whatever, or not, at the Erythreon's whim). That last effect is probably too complex to write good rules for, but I think something along these lines could be a very nasty and creepy power for a creature to exhibit.

EDIT II: It also occurs to me that many of the powers of this creature so far are tied to the blood, i.e., its Vampire nature. What about the Ghost side of things? It's equally likely to evolve from a ghost, right? Ghosts have one really obvious defense that Vampires don't share- their Rejuvenation ability, which prevents them from being permanently destroyed until something special is done- unique to every ghost. Perhaps an Erythreon has something similar- say, if it's destroyed but all the little blood motes aren't found, or even one of its partially-drained victims survives, then it can reform itself a few nights later and start rampaging again? If we go with this though, what can actually kill it? There has to be something.
Last edited:


One of the key features of the akalich is the fact that it is a specific menace to gods. Yeah, if you're mortal you probably don't want to mess with it either, but it seems designed with immortals specifically in mind.

What if the Erythreon had the ability, not to steal the souls of gods, but to POSSESS gods instead, and use their power? Or at least control gods.

This ties in both with the ghost aspect AND the vampire aspect. I mean, one of the key vampire features is dominate at will, right? In the "Is the LA for vampires too high" thread that was in the rules forum a bit ago, the dominate ability was cited as the key vampiric thing.

And in the process of this possession/domination, control the deities religion too... sending messages to clerics from the god. Instead of sense motive to know the deity is in trouble, it'd be Knowledge: Religion, and the DC has got to be pretty high...

That sounds pretty epic to me.

Hey guys! :)

On a slightly related note I was just thinking further on the BBFS (Blood, Bone, Flesh, Spirit) understanding of undead.

The Median point seems to be at the Demilich type level.

For the sake of argument lets assume the Demilich Template is roughly +30 ECL (with equipment) that makes it similar to the Demipower Template.

So that means the likes of the Cimeriel, Hunefer and Nosferatu Templates should be fairly similar.

If thats the median line then we can see a pattern emerging.

Lets use the example of Blood.

1. Ghoul (ECL +1)
2. Vampire (ECL +5)
3. ...unknown (ECL +15)...Elder Vampire perhaps.
4. One of Four Undead Cardinal Elements: Nosferatu (ECL +30)
5. Two of Four Undead Cardinal Elements: Welkin (ECL +60)
6. Three of Four Undead Cardinal Elements: Varcolac (ECL +120)
7. Four of Four Undead Cardinal Elements: (ECL +240)...would this be Entropy itself...possibly.

So there could possibly something between Vampire and Nosferatu, Elder Vampire for instance, or between Lich and Demilich, Archlich for example.

Not sure if that will help you guys balance your ideas or not?

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