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Into Khybers Gate


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The goblin child scurries away as fast as his little legs can carry him as soon as Johanel releases him. The three of you thread your way back out past the numerous piles of garbage until you are once more on the street. Picking the largest of the streets available you continue onward. It isn't long before you pick up the sounds of voices shouting, cawing, braying, and a dozen other noises. Turning a corner you see one of the larger buildings you've come across thus far in Khyber's Gate. The structure rises two stories, all the way to the roof. The front has massive double doors and wide windows, though there is no glass in the frames. Through the openings you can see several different races mingling together. Gnolls, Harpies, goblinoids, ogres, and even the hulking form of a minotaur. A large sign out front depicts a goblin face eating a leg of meat. A word in common, scrawled as if in afterthought, reads Shamukaar.
Approaching closer, you can see that the various monsters inside are gathered around tables. Many of them have large iron tankards or mounds of unidentifiable food piled in front of them. An errant breeze blows past the establishment bringing with it a powerful stench. Beyond the general din of raucous voices is the sound of drums pounding out a rhythm. Despite the presence of races normally considered embittered enemies, there are no signs of hostility from any of the groups within.

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Bloodtalon is used to the sights of such monsterous occupants, it hardly phases him at all. He maneuvers towards the bar and orders a drink. Once he has one he begins to circulate around the tavern buying people's ear and hopefully a few tidbits of information.

[sblock=ooc]Not sure if you want us to roll this, but here is my roll. If you don't use it not to worry.Gather Info (1d20+2=16)[/sblock]


First Post
Inside the bar is as bizarre a place as you've ever seen. Monstrous races of all types stand or sit around tables throughout the building. There is a stage at one end where a massive drum has been set up. Two hobgoblins stripped down to loincloths wield hammers as they pound out a rhythm that shakes your bones. Above you in the rafters hideous harpies jostle and screech as they bicker over the best perches. Near the front is a wide bar manned by half a dozen goblins who are busy tapping kegs and pouring drinks. Next to the bar is a wide doorway leading to a kitchen. From the kitchen a stream of goblins move in and out carrying platters of food to the tables. There is a massive chopping block to one side where a muscular bugbear is busy butchering a carcass with a cleaver. A small crowd of scrawny goblins stand nearby where they can dart in to snag bits of food that fall off the block.

when you make your way to the bar a jagged-toothed female goblin carrying a tankard screeches at you in a voice that could make your hair curl. "WHAT YOU EAT?" Indicating that you only want a drink for now she pours three cups from a large keg barrel. With your drinks in hand you make your way around the bar, looking for someone that might be able to help you. Suddenly there is a wail of pain from the direction of the chopping block. One of the bolder goblins tried to snatch a morsel from the top of the block but the butcher was too fast for it. The goblin pulls his arm back cradling a stub where his hand used to be. The patrons of the bar laugh uproariously at the sight. The bugbear butcher scrapes the table with his blade sending the chopped up bits of meat, and one goblin hand, into a waiting bucket that is carried back into the kitchen. Turning back to the work of getting the directions you need, you find most of the locals don't want to speak with you. Some bare fangs and warn you off, others take the offered drinks but tell you nothing useful in return. The only thing you've managed to glean is that the shop is close by. Things changed however when you found a table to discuss what to do next with your comrades. A figure drops from the ceiling and lands with a thump in front of you. One of the harpies who was perched above grins, revealing a row of sharpened teeth, as she approaches your table. Her skin is scaly around her feet and hands like a bird, and stretched tight over muscle and bone elsewhere. Her hair is dark colored but crusted with blood and dirt. She speaks with a low hissing voice, "You sseek blood yess? Sspecial blood. Blood from a dragon, a Wounded Dragon yess? You pay, I take you."


"We've already played that game down here. We'll pay you some now and the rest when we get to the shop." replies Bloodtalon, addressing the situation directly.


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The harpy hisses, baring her pointed teeth. "Yess, we have deal. I take you. Give you code for assking for blood." She leans forward across the table at you, her nails digging into the wood. The stench from her breath washes over you as she says "Two gold, no less!"


"Done. For the directions and the code, we'll pay." Bloodtalon surrupticiously removes one gold coin from a hidden pocket and hands it to the harpy.


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The harpy snatches up the coin in an eyeblink. She quickly stands up and beckons you out. You follow her out the door and back into the street. She leads you around behind the building to a darkened tunnel. Stopping at the entrance she pauses to sniff the air and peer into the darkness before braving the narrow confines. At the far end a single flickering light illuminates a building. The front is formed of stone and is fairly well kept compared to the crumbling buildings you've seen so far. There are no windows, only a single door. A sign over the depicts a dragon with an injured leg. Drops of blood drip from the wound.
Your harpy guide turns on you and holds out her clawed hand while shifting excitedly from foot to foot. "Pay now, yess." She says to you. With the second coin in hand she turns and taps out a pattern on the door. After a tense minute you can hear a muffled word spoken then a humming sound that quickly fades. The door swings open revealing a large, burly human wearing a stained apron over craftsmens clothes. He looks the group of you over and says, "Welcome to the Wounded Dragon, surfacers. I am Cask, the finest alchemist in all of Khyber's Gate. What is it that you seek here?"


"Greetings Cask. We'd like to inquire about one of your more exotic products, if you have a moment." Bloodtalon says, his hood covering his face and hands, his voice that of a more typical Middle Duran merchant. He is content to play the part of surfacer for now at least.

Knight Otu

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Sedar simply nods, content to let Bloodtalon be the "face" man for now, and subtly tries to get an idea of the layout of the building and the surrounding space.

Voidrunner's Codex

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