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Invading Space Elves! - for humans only (full)

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Since I can't find a game, why not run one?

Its An Elven Invasion!!!
Nutshell: space faring elves invade a fantasy world of humans, seemingly intent on genocide. Why? PCs are heroes from one of the human kingdoms and must figure out what’s going on and how to save their world.

This will be a self-contained adventure featuring multiple encounters. As a DM I’m not fond of dungeon crawls but I do like combat and am not adverse to diplomatic solutions or creative problem solving to circumvent encounters.

I’m looking for 4-6 8th level human PCs of any class or gender (good/neutral alignments only). Please be able to post at least once per day Tuesday through Saturday. This game will be using higher tech levels than standard DnD but at the start of the campaign, the humans have not had much exposure to advanced technologies.

The principle inhabitants of the world are dragons*, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, hobgoblins, humans, gnomes, ogres, orcs* and giants.
* differs from monster manual.

Books Allowed: PHB, AU/AE, Complete Series books, Unearthed Arcana. If there's something else you're dying to use I can likely be convinced. Creativity is key.

Anyone interested? Looks like we've got...
1. Shayuri - Lily (warlock)
2. stonegod - Franklin (factotum)
3. Jemal - Kiera (sorceror)
4. Vertexx69 - Quandrus (wiz/clc/mystic theurge)
5. Drerek - Charles (healer)
6. ethandrew - Crazylegs (fighter/monk)

All PCs in this game will be 8th level humans. Attributes will be generated by points (25) but with a base of 10 rather than 8 (hey, you’re all heroes). PCs start with the maximum possible hit point totals. Feats are gained at odd levels (1, 3, 5, etc) rather than every 3rd level. Everyone gets a bonus feat at 1st level (in addition to the human bonus feat). Humans also get an extra trained skill (see below)
11 = 1pt 15 = 6pts
12 = 2pts 16 = 8pts
13 = 3pts 17 = 11pts
14 = 4pts 18 = 14pts

27,500 Gold to start (no more than 14,000gp on any single item).

For those that like to know, many enemies will be non-standard versions of monsters from the monstrous manual. Principle enemies are likely to be constructs, giants, humanoids, undead, and/or outsiders.

Action Points (unearthed arcana LINK ): Every PC will have a number of action points available equal to ½ their character level + 5. Spending action points is a swift action.
Charisma: Will saves are modified by Charisma, not Wisdom. This keeps charisma from being such a ‘dump stat’.
Dodge: The Dodge feat applies a universal +1 Dodge Bonus to AC rather than +1 vs. a specific opponent.
Feats: Gained at odd levels. Bonus level 1 feat.
Skills: Skills will use the Star Wars SAGA rules. You automatically have ranks in all skills at ½ your character level (though some skills cannot be use untrained). You get a number of trained skills equal to the number of skill points your class normally gives you + your Intelligence modifier; trained skills must be selected from your class’s list of available skills. You have a number of ranks in your trained skills equal to ½ your character level + 5. The Skill Focus feat gives you a +5 modifier to any skill. A new feat, called Skill Training allows you one extra trained skill.

Skill List— [sblock]Its fairly easy to muddle out which existing class skills map to the new skills, below. If you have any doubts, ask.
Acrobatics (dex)
Climb (str)
Deception (cha)
Endurance (con; includes concentration)
Initiative (dex; class skill for all classes)
Jump (str)
Knowledge (int; spellcraft folded into knowledge-magic)
Mechanics (int; open locks, disable device, etc.)
Medicine (int)
Perception (wis; noticing traps, any class)
Persuasion (cha)
Pilot (dex; everything with one skill – not available at start of game)
Ride (dex; everything with one skill)
Stealth (dex)
Survival (wis)
Swim (str)
Use Computer (int)
Use Magic Device (cha)[/sblock]

Rogue's Gallery
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First Post
I love the premise!

I'm interested. Question regarding concepts. Should the PC's already know each other? Are they, perhaps part of an organization or military group? Or, conversely, would starting off with such ties be constricting, since we'll be inducted into something as part of the game setup?

Do you use Spell Compendium or Magic Item Compendium? PHB II? Psionics?

I'm still brainstorming now, so just trying to get a feel for where the boundaries are.

I'll put a concept in shortly!


First Post
This is highly interesting and sounds fun. Are you taking submissions or first-come first-serve? For some reason, when thinking of invading elves, I'm thinking of a Fighter with the Imp Unarmed Attack, weapon focus (natural), etc. A horde of elves comin' at him? He puts up his dukes.


dude.. I love the concept, I'm with Shayuri on this..
I wouldn't mind playing a sorceror.. I've always liked the Magic vs Tech idea. (This is, of course, assuming that the Space-faring elves are the cause of the higher tech levels)


First Post
Mmmm humans the other white meat. Shayuri and I are in an experimental Magic vs tech world right now (though a farie princess and a half celestial minotaur, are a far throw from lowly humans :) and 8th lvl sounds like my cup of tea. Would the crotchety old hermit's apprentice swordsage (9swords) who comes down from the mountains to aid the community that sent him away be aloud? An 8th lvl cleric could also be interesting (or a cleric3/wizard3/mystic theurge2) :)

And what would you think about Feral or Winged humans (savage species)?
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First Post
Arcana Unearthed, eh?


Do AU characters use the AU spell list, or the standard PHB spell list?

Hmm. Probably AU, or working out which spells are Simple and Complex and what has what template would be a royal pain...

Hmmm...8th level Magister...or Greenbond...or Totemic...

Starting to lean towards warlock...a mystic battle platform! Perfect for smiting nasty elves.

Still storming the brain...
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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Wow, I never thought I'd get such a quick response. Its great to see your enthusiasm.

In no particular order...
* AU/AE characters use their own spell lists.
* I have access to a copy of 9 Swords but have never actually read it so I'm hesitant to allow anything from it.
* Healer is fine, though not of much use in killing stuff. :) Not that's necessarily a problem I suppose.
* Just regular old-fashioned humans please. Take any liberties you want though, you'll all be from a "kingdom/federation" known as the 16 freeholds (imagine city-states) so as to give you the space to create your own backgrounds.
* You can all know each other or not know each other; just that you all know OF each other as you're all considered heroes of your people.
* Spell Compendium or Magic Item Compendium I don't have. Run the spells by me first please.
* AE/AU, PHB2, Psionics, Complete Books, Unearthed Arcana and PHB are all good.
* Elves use a sort of magically based technology (kind of like it works in Eberron, but not so restricted; example, why build a nuclear fusion generator when a captive elemental works just as well).
* In the interest of getting things moving, we'll go with first come/first serve (approved completed characters).

We've got:

That looks like enough interest so I'll go ahead and edit my post above for character creation instructions and a couple house rules.


I'm going to be playing a female Sorceress 8, named Kiera Elzmyr. Transmutationist/Boomer.
I have a couple requests:
FEAT: Practical Metamagic*Races of Dragon* (Choose one metamagic feat you know, it's level adjustment is reduced by 1.)
Sorcerous Features: These are from a non-wizards source (Mongoose Publishing, Quintessential Sorceror). Much of the stuff from those books is broken, but these 2 things have little to no game effect, I just like them.. You give a a 0 lvl spell known, and in exchange, you get a minor benefit. The two benefits I want are:
Pristine : The character never gets dirty, water drips and dries off quickly, mud seems to just miss him/her, hair and clothing is never out of place, etc.
Counting Coppers : The character has an uncanny counting ability, and can easily count any number of things within sight (Such as the number of coins in a pile, provided most of them can be seen, the number of apples in a tree, or the number of people in an advancing mob)

Whaddaya think?

Also, are we using normal Equipment rules? Starting gold, etc?


First Post
So if I understand correctly for feats, an 8th level human fighter would have 11? He'd get Fighter Bonus feats at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8; then your bonus 1st level feat plus your bonus 1st level feat for being human, then the natural progression of 1, 3, 5, 7. So, I count 11, is that right?

I'm envisioning my character to be similar to Jim Brown's boxing character in Mars Attacks, except I think I'll have him be in his prime. I'm excited for this!

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