(OOC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

So, looks like Byron has decided it is worth it. Will Track at half speed to allow other to remain in position/range.
Not trying to take the reigns. But it may be Byron's character a bit. Maybe he feels he's trying to make his uncle proud or something - or trying to emulate him?
So, after nearly two decades of PbP, I would say I have seen plenty of games die through lack of posting [1], but none through excessive posting.

The point, my approach to PbP is post whenever I have the time or see an opening. That said, if I jump in early, just cut in and say so. Absolutely no hard feelings at this end. I can re-edit my posts to reflect.

[1] And more drepressingly, post action reports often indicate players responding "I was waiting for such and such to post". Moral of the storey, if in doubt, post.

OOC: I'm not sure we will have time to both bury the dead AND find the bandits this same day. Even shallow graves take time. But I guess, we can lose 1 hour for that while Eos and Edmund go over the tracks and find general direction to go?
My assumption is we were just laying the bodies somewhere temporary while we investigated.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Not trying to take the reigns. But it may be Byron's character a bit. Maybe he feels he's trying to make his uncle proud or something - or trying to emulate him?


My assumption is we were just laying the bodies somewhere temporary while we investigated.
Lead on, you're the best looking for the role. I'll be a gray eminence :p

@OneCrappy DM

Does armour check penalty for encumbrance stack with armour check penalty for armour? If so, I'm -10 to stealth.

How closely are we tracking gear? As far as I know, I have a pretty small load-out of equipment but am medium encumbered. (I guess my scale mail weighs 30lbs and my polarm is 12, so there's that).
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So, assuming that the bandits (for want of a better term at the moment) don't come out during the night, what's the plan? I can see three basic alternatives:
1. Full old school, just march down into the depths.
2. Try and draw whatever is down there to the surface, and ambush them outside.
3. Combination of the two, send two or three down, leave the other three outside. If things get too hot for those down below (probably the PC's) they bail out and hopefully draw the enemy up into an ambush at the entrance.

Actually, there is a forth option. Hold position at the entrance, keep whatever is in there boxed in. The company is about a hour travel from the farm house. Eos could leave an hour before dawn, and be back an hour or so after. There is bound to be someone there by now, drawn there by the bloody great big pillar of smoke yesterday.



I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
5th option is to return and report and let real soldiers deal with this. But we're not here for realism.

I don't like #4, it assumes that whatever is at the farm is friendly and not scavengers or monsters.
#3 and #4 split the party, not recommended in normal games, in PbP it is a nightmare.

#2 assumes this is the only exit which is maybe true.

#1 is the only one we fully control. We could send the boys to report back (cutting out power, but also getting rid of NPCs without killing them)

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