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IR Aftermath (Those Dead PCs are back in action! )


The Rakshasha shrugs

"Have one of your companions cast Detect Lies, and I'll repeat my entire story to this point, its true to the last word. And I guess your companion was the paranoid sort"

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Janos Audron

"You know, you being able to shrug off a Meteor Swarm suggests you are more than able to foil Detec Lies. There are even rumours about a ritual making you able to hide your lies. You do seem like the type of creature who'd prepare himself, so if you don't mind, I don't think it's very useful to waste Detect Lies on you. However, Speak with the Dead never lies..."


"Indeed, but its success is not guaranteed, and your friends body is sadly ashes on the wind, not a lot of hope for Speak with Dead. And if you are suggesting you can kill me I advise you to think again, I was aware of your chronomancer's scrying and I waited here for him to turn up, doesn't this suggest to you that I'm not an easy target?"

Janos Audron

"Yes, you do seem to be a tough guy, but you are quite badly outnumbered. You do not even posses greater magical talent than me and my mage friend over here, and I doubt you are a match for 7 people quite skilled in combat, so do try to keep things in perspective."

"And you being here might have any number of reasons. You might want to confuse us, you might want to 'help' us, for reasons only known to you, or you might want to use us to further you own goals, all the while having an escape plan active, in case we might actually threaten you."

"Now, I don't know what happened, and I don't know whether or not Ilalielthin attacked you unprovoked, but your story contradicts logic."

"I tire of your games, so please, if there is something you have to tell us, do so. You know, just as I do, that this only ends in the death or retreat of one side, unless you suddenly have a very convincing story..."


"I don't know about that, my story is true, your logic is irrelevant. Oh and you are mighty confident to be saying you and your little friend are my match in the Mystic Arts. You think you saw my power in your little scrying? A mere shadow of my full ability. And if you really want at me be my guest. There are others that I can find I'm sure. More reasonable and less suicidal. Just because I cannot deal with 2 semi-divine beings and 3 cults does not mean I cannot deal with you!"

(OOC- I'm gonna start referring to the IR magic stuff as 10th/11th/12th Circle. And the improved spell capacitance stuff as 10th+ level. )


First Post
"I don't like your story, as I trusted my friend. He wouldn't attack you for no reason! You're just trying to fool us! Die Evil being! Go back to the Hells where you belong!"

Valiance draws his weapons and engages combat.


Valiance charges into the Rakshasha hitting it 3 times, one a resounding blow with the lightsabre in his primary hand, the other two are powerful cuts. But the noble creature seems mostly unphased despite the holy flame of the blade biting it. It then steps back and mutters an arcane sentence and points at Valiance proceeds to walk back to where he came from and stand there.

"Grrr, OK, you've now physically attacked me and you aren't dead yet, this makes you very lucky, now are you going to listen?"
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Janos Audron

Seeing a capable fighter use his weapons to no effect, en the hits that get through do minimal damage, Janos wonders how this beast might be killed...

"Very well, I will listen."

Nyovne puts her daggers away and chuckles.

-OOC I'm invisible if it matters any (temperate climate)

<<It seems we've got a... difficult situation here. You killed our compagnion and we want your head. You must certainly see the logic in that. And you want us to listen, so go ahead and we'll see if you can deter us from our allout attack, wise or not we still have a dead compagnon to avange. So please say what you've got to say and try to peruade us not to attempt to kill you or force you to flee. Make it good.>>

Xarindel assesses the situation, knowing what he has to do. Labelas, guide me in my actions, help me so that I may simply intervene lightly in history's path. He mutters a short incantation, stepping into the boundries of the past...


Before Valiance's outburst, Xarindel readies himself for what is coming. Just before the warrior charges, ready to attack the Raksasha, he steps infront of him, blocking his path. "If anyone has the right to avenge Ilalielthin, it's me, but we cannot go on like this, its futile trying-he's too strong for your attacks. Let's hear him out first." Assuming that Valiance will stop and calm down, Xarindel turns to the Raksasha, "I'm sorry for my friend's reaction, continue."


Time ebbs by once more as the events of the present move back into place, changed...for better, or for worse...

(Xarindel casts Minor Paradox to go to the round where Valiance was about to charge at the Raksasha, he moves in his way and attempts to persuade him not to in that round-hoping to change the Raksasha's reaction and not making him dominate Valiance)
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Voidrunner's Codex

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