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IR Aftermath (Those Dead PCs are back in action! )


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Valiance, not yet accessing his barbarian strenghts when the mage appears in his line of charge, is confused. The words the mage speaks are calming, and Valiance drops his charge, as well as the attack.
Calmed down, he speaks: "But I still don't like the sound of your story."

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" Grrr, Meddlers, now I have given you my position, now either you work with me and I provide you with some more information and possibly a new companion, or you continue being annoying and I leave you with your new playfriend, he's quiet strong. As to you little forest sprite, I am beholden in no way to such as you. "


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Mektos blinks at the conversation, "I could assume your evil and trying to destroy us or lead us into a trap. But, if I assumed every drow was evil I would have to kill my relatives left and right."

"Now, that leaves me with a bit of a problem, to test you without cause would be rude and invasive. To not test you would be stupid and unwise. As your kin have proven themselves, deadly and very cunning. I can believe you have your own aggenda in wanting the cults destroyed. The end result of their destruction wouldn't be contrary to what we are attempting. But to state that you should travel with us is both silly and dangerous to our safety. Your information would prove useful in helping us find and destroy the cults. But, if you are as most of your kin the moment that the situation best suits you to turn on us you would. To invite evil into your household and not expect it to be there is very shortsighted."

"Now, you see the problem that faces us. Do we choose which is the lesser of two evils to deal with? I don't believe we can choose either one. We would accept your information on the where abouts of the cults without a problem but cannot at this time accept your sincerity to not do us harm. In the long run, your information could prove useful and may result in the destruction of those cults. This may give you an oppurtunity to finish whatever your aggenda is at this time."

Mektos scratches his chin and shrugs.
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"Yes, you silly fey. The only worthy amongst your kind are the creatures known as the Hunt. "

"As for you, oh sickeningly good aligned Paladin, I make no secret that I am not what you call good, I am honourable but I see no reason for compassion. I would not have journeyed with you in any case, I have an escort for you.

(The Rakshasha beckons and a Storm giant with glazed eyes, steps out of thin air.)

The wonders of a Teleportation Circle. Meet my friend Arkin. Now then since you are going to be reasonable what information do you desire?"

The invisible Fey blinks. (and makes a knowledge check what the hell the Hunt is/are if she doesn't know)

"what are "the hunt?" you speak of...? just curious since I'd like to be respected and accounted for as worthy..."

She throws back her hair and as the soft evening breeze flows through her hair and her ears drift upon the rythm of the wind she looks questioning and in serious doubt especialyl when the huge appearance of a storm giant teleported in.


"The Hunt are a group of fey, well several groups of Fey technically, that roam the land hunting the guilty, the innocent, the entertaining, or the just badly placed, depending on the nature of those within the hunt and that which leads it. "


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Seeing that his companions choose to "be reasonable" with the rahk, he feels the need to do the same ... though reluctantly.

In a kind of tired voice he asks: "First, what is it exactely that you want us to do, second, how do you propose we do it, third where can we find those groups, or how can we contact them, fourth, is there anything else that's interesting about them to know, fifth, why is this giant travelling with us?"

[I'm staying at a friend's house, and was to lazy to sign out. Ask Venus or The Forsaken One about it. - Janos]
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Faysaran, being bored at the inaction that is occuring, sniffs out a nearby deer and catches it. A few minutes later he returns, still in wolf form, dragging a deer carcass back to the group.

"Growl, growlgrowl, woof, snarl, growl."

Yogi translates, "He got bored and was hungry. Plus he thought you might like some fresh venison."

Voidrunner's Codex

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