Setis stands up and speaks a word of power causing them to become a large cat. They then bite into the hyenadon who howls in pain and perhps some fear at the sudden appearance of an apex predator.
Antony also casts a spell. Missiles of force fly true into the hyenadon.
Siobahn regains her feet and draws her shortsword. She attack the hyena who had knocked her down, her attack striking true.
Jayesh stands and attempts two rapid strikes against the hyenadon. The first missed but the second one hits. He follows this up with a strike of the tiger which also hits.
Janivel drops her bow and rushes to a flanking position behind the hyena attacking Siobahn. But as she attacks with her sword, the hyena manages to sidestep her attack at the last second.
The hyena between Siobahn and Janivel steps into the clearing a delivers two vicious bites to Siobahn. With the three hyenas surrounding her, the hyena manages to make those attacks deadlier than expected. Siobahn is pulled to the ground by the final bite.
H1 1> steps to N18, 2> attacks Siobahn, 3> attacks Siobahn both hit (I forgot to give it the flanking bonus in the attack rolls below, so the 15 is a 17)
2 attacks on Siobahn:
1d20+7 22 1d6+1d4+2 10 1d20+2 15 1d6+1d4+2 7
The hyena focused on Setis attacks three times but cannot seem to gets its teeth into him.
H2 attacks Setis three times
3 attacks on Setis (Flanking incl):
1d20+9 17 1d6+1d4+2 10 1d20+4 14 1d6+1d4+2 5 1d20-1 6 1d6+1d4+2 10
The last hyena steps into the clearing and attacks the big cat with flanking. But neither attack hits.
H3 1> steps into L19, 2,3> Attacks the big cat
2 attacks on the cat (flanking incl):
1d20+9 14 1d6+2 6 1d20+4 19 1d6+2 5
The larger beast strike three times at Jayesh and hits twice but doesn't drag him down
H4 attacks Jayesh
3 attacks on Jayesh (Flanking incl):
1d20+13 23 1d10+5 14 1d20+8 16 1d10+5 9 1d20+3 6 1d10+5 7
Setis (Se) - 23 - AC:22, 40/48 (big cat) temp hp: 10/10
Antony (AD) - 22 - AC:16, 32/32
Siobahn (Si) - 17 - AC:22, 27/52 (prone, flanked)
Jayesh (JS) - 15 - AC:20, 27/60 (flanked)
Janivel (Ja) - 13 - AC:19, 44/44
H1 Hyena - 9 - AC:15, 13/21
H2 Hyena - 9 - AC:15, 21/21
H3 Hyena - 9 - AC:15, 21/21
H4 Hyenadon - 9 - AC:18, 8/47
(Edit, H3 should have added 1d4 to its damage rolls but since it missed, no matter.)
Pack Attack The hyena’s Strikes deal 1d4 extra damage to creatures within reach of at least two of the hyena’s allies