Siobhan stands up. She strikes twice at the hyena and hits it twice. The first one a vicious critical blow. The hyena dies.
Arcane energy swirls around Antony as electricity appears from nowhere and strikes two of the creatures. The larger creature takes the full brunt of the zap but the smaller nearly dodges out of the way. The hyenadon is barely holding on to life after that zap.
Jayesh lands the killing blow on the hyenadon. But he additional attacks against the hyena behind him flail to land.
Janivel moves in for a flank after overcoming the brambles. With a critical blow, the hyena is eviscerated with a single strike.
Setis was eyeing the flanked creature until it died. She turns to the last hyena (H3). Her first strike lands perfectly opening a horrid wound in the creature's chest. But her remaining strikes fail to hit.
The remaining hyena steps carefully away (k18), turns, and races away as fast as it can (to F12).
Setis (Se) - 23 - AC:22, 40/48 (big cat) temp hp: 10/10
Antony (AD) - 22 - AC:16, 32/32
Siobahn (Si) - 17 - AC:22, 27/52
Jayesh (JS) - 15 - AC:20, 27/60
Janivel (Ja) - 13 - AC:19, 44/44
H1 Hyena - 9 - AC:15, 0/21 (dead)
H2 Hyena - 9 - AC:15, 0/21 (dead)
H3 Hyena - 9 - AC:15, 3/21
H4 Hyenadon - 9 - AC:18, 0/47 (dead)
There were 3 critical hits this round. I can't believe they removed the withdraw action from the game.
(Shayuri, you forgot to reduce the 2nd and 3rd attacks by -4 and -5 respectively. Your iterative attacks are: claw +10, claw +6, bite +1. So your attacks were 29, 13, 3.
Kaodi and any spellcasters, when you post a spell with a saving throw, mention the saving throw type and your DC so I don't have to look it up.)
You are either out of combat or taking pot shots at the hyena, who has cover from the brambles versus ranged attacks.