(IR) Setting up for the IR


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I hope the colourcoding doesn't become onerous, but if not I plant my little flag on the can of purple paint.

Oh man, two more weeks :)

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The Drow choose the only colour suiting to them

Serpenteye- In return for your aid with these ancient magics, I will indeed surrender Medigia and the Bone March. However I will not part with them until I have seen signs of your good intentions.
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Kalanyr I am currently negotiating with Eastern Union via email. Anyway I remind that we are also the source of magical Lore as we are only source of technology besides Torillians and their puppets. We will trade it for forging a military alliance and slaves.

Yes slaves are our favourite currency, besides obvious profits, their life essence is used to power Shadow Magic, especially True Dweomers( spells higher than 9th level) and as a currency when dealing with Fiends, their bodies are used to create undead.

Thanks William Ronald I am going to Italy, Sella Nevea!


First Post
I claim the colour gold for my nations!

I enjoyed reading everyone's replies; you all have offered some form of justification for your actions, and that is exactly what I was hoping to provoke.

To all new players: Any who take the valley of the mage, the People of the Gnarley Forest, the elves of Adri Forest, or The Grandwood can expect me to have close relations with your people. Message me when you take them, so that we may hold our private counsels.

Turrosh Mak

First Post
About the color thing...

I'm seeing all these colors, and I'm picturing it in my mind what it will look like, and...
Not only will it be hard to read (especialy if you have a poor moniter) but it will be distracting. It will scare people away too.

How many colors are there to choose from? Will there be duplicate colors for different factions?

I have a simpler solution to make it very easy to tell what faction someone is speaking for

Put it in the location entry in your profile...
That way, it's there, easy to find, and not in the way.

Just a thought


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Re: About the color thing...

Turrosh Mak said:
I have a simpler solution to make it very easy to tell what faction someone is speaking for

Put it in the location entry in your profile...
That way, it's there, easy to find, and not in the way.
I believe this was meant to indicate which faction one is speaking to.

Turrosh Mak

First Post
The Uleks

LordMelkor{Talos} said:
If you are interested in alliance please email me, the same goes for Turrosh Mak, believe me, Shadow Empire CAN give you Ulek on the plate.

My claim to the Uleks was based on a misinterpetation of information in the Greyhawk Gaziter. I have no claim to the greater Uleks, as a whole or individualy. My forces DO however hold a portion of the Pricipality of Ulek. from the Greyhawk Gaz, pg 121:

"The orcish Empire of the Pomarj now holds a large portion of the open land to the east between the hills and the jewel river. This ground is in active contention by the principality and is in no means conceded to the invaders, but Prince Corond has been desparete for the edge to to help him defeat the orcs and goblins of the Pomarj. In 586 CY, an alliance with the Knights of Luna produced a counteroffencive which recovered some of this land"

This small section of the Uleks is fine, I was only claiming the Uleks from mistaken Historical Precident.

Just for the record though, the Pomarj consists of the Drachsngrab Mts, The Wild Coast, The Sus forest (east of the jewel River) and that small section of the Principality of Ulek.

I make no claims to any lands or territories outside of the "Canonical" dominion of the Pomarj...

As for an alliance, well we'll see...


I humbly request admittance into the new IR. I stood idly by and watched the first one, and enjoyed it very much.
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First Post
This will by my color. Pure. Like the astral plane, where all thought is born.

Anyhoo, that's all. A few things:

Kas and Vecna are from the Arcane Age, and are Flannae, not Oerthian, I think. IF this is the case, I have no beef with them, since whatever goodness we Flannae once had is long gone. Of course, Anabstercorian considers Vecna a heretic, so he's going to be going down at any rate.
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