Heh lol, William and I are currently in a chat and we were wondering how long did the now mortal and ordinary humans ex-dragonkings last against the angry and vengefull civillian mobs
I will be tracking down treacherous parts of the Veiled Alliance and any shades or exdragon kings or their henchmen.
When caught they will be publically be showed and then handed over to the obviously furious crowds.
I still have 30,000 PL from festy there with tech and 20,000 from myself and 20,000 from a hiveminded Rajaat if I am correct. These forces will be used to get Athas under controll and get some order in that Sphere.
Food and water will be distributed heavily to the population of Athas. I presume since formians live off creep it might even be abel to create water with which we can feed and water the population.
If I didn't succeed in hievminding Rajaat and his champions as my 11th level attack then I'm sending Festys heavily armed 22nd century tech ship against them from orbit.
My formians shall just employ high powered shock rifles and ordinary swords even if necissary to hunt down and destroy all forces of evil in this Sphere.
Formians are legendary for order and contruction. Magic or no magic, psionics or no psionics.
Time to do what we do best, Construction time.
We feed water the population, we hunt down all evils and all who oppose us.
We rebuild Athas and we create a large hivecluster in the meanwhile, seems we are here to stay for a while anyway.