(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 1b)


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Don't forget, in order to become a dragonking you need to be able to toss Psionic Enchantments - 40th level Psionicist/Defiler, baby! Major issue. So even if their magic is gone, they can plane shift their asses out of there - Assuming Edena reneges. If they lost psionics too - They're screwed, screwed, screwed up the butt.

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Beta Statistics for Mana Fortress (download the .doc file below to see it in format)

Massive Spelljammer Plant (Greater Power)
Domains: Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Good, Healing, Law, Plant, Protection, Strength, Sun, and Water
Hit Dice: 100,000d20 + 549,930 maximized (2,549,930)
Initiative: +4 (+4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 20 mph fly (perfect) or 20 mph swim
AC: 56 (-64 size + 100 natural + 20 divine)
Attacks: 128 Slams +100,046 melee or 12 Spell Fire Blasts +100,000 ranged
Damage: Slam 32d12 + 45 + Wisdom Drain (Improved Critical) or Spell fire blast 320d6
Face/Reach: 960,000 ft. by 960,000-ft./24,000 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell Fire Death-Ray, Deadly Seeds, Wisdom Drain, Spell fire blast
Special Qualities: Meta-magic Properties, Arcane Dampening, Psionic Dampening, Telepathy, Intelligent Item Purposes, Intelligent Item Special Purpose Powers, Contact Life Tree, Energy Shielding, Photosynthesis, Spell-Like abilities, Avatar, Damage Reduction 100,000/+10, SR 100,020, PR 100,010, Divine Fast Healing 100,000, Mythal, Regeneration, Greater Knowledge, Alter Crystal Sphere
Saves: Fort +50,049, Reflex +50,004, Will +50,036
Abilities: Str 100, Dex 10, Con 100, Int 50, Wis 75, Cha 100
Skills: Knowledge (nature) +200, Diplomacy +100, Sense Motive +100, Gather Information +100
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Dodge, Endurance, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Sunder, Toughness x 33,310, Weapon Focus (slam)
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: Unique
Treasure: x10 standard + 8 Major Artifacts
Alignment: Lawful Good
Advancement: None

Wisdom Drain (SA): The Mana Fortress Slam Attack causes 32d4 Permanent Wisdom Damage to struck targets that fail a fortitude save (DC 50,059). Targets reduced to 0 Wisdom are forced into a state of painful convulsions caused by massive nightmares. Targets that fail a will save (DC 50,059) are mentally reduced to plants, and can think of nothing more complicated than breathing.
Spell Fire Blast (SA): The normal Spell Fire Blast is a line of site beam of white-hot plasma energy that can destroy targets utterly (requiring an 11th level true resurrection to restore). Targets are damaged by 320d6 multi-elemental energy (Reflex Save: DC 50,058 for half). Targets that survive are still subject to making a fortitude saving throw (DC 50,047 + Damage done) or be killed normally.
Spell Fire Death-Ray (SA): The Fortress has access to a Spell fire Cannon (ala Independence Day) that can obliterate an area roughly the size of New York in a single blast. This cannon can be aimed in any direction, and is not limited to ground targets. The cannon requires 1d4+1 rounds to recover, but simultaneous spell fire blasts can be made at individuals (as per above) during the recharge.
Deadly Seeds (SA): Three Deadly Seeds can be rained over an area roughly 50 Miles in diameter. All targets that are not protected by an exceptionally strong permanent structure that is not protected by a Mythal suffer from these affects. The Fortress has the ability to act as an Archer Bush over an LL sized area. This means that an LL sized area would suffer from constant shards with a +15 attack bonus that cause 2d6 damage as if a great sword sized thorn strikes then. The Fortress can act as Omniflax over an LL sized area. All individuals forget everything they have done in the past 2d3 days and all spell casters that prepare spells lose their spells per day. The fortress gains both of these, and can restore either at will as a standard action to an individual, group, or the entire area. The Fortress can drop thousands of Jupiter Bloodsuckers over an LL sized area. Each Bloodsucker drains 2d4 temporary constitution damage and can rain constantly for 1d4+1 weeks before needing to stop raining the awful leeches. All of these affects can be used simultaneously, or separately. The Fallout occurs in both the prime plane, and the ethereal plane.
Arcane Dampening (SQ): Sorcerer and Wizard spells always suffer an Arcane Spell Failure of 95% when cast within 50 miles of the Mana Fortress.
Psionic Dampening (SQ): Psionics always suffer from severe penalties when cast within 50 miles of the Mana Fortress. Psionic powers cost 100x as many power points to manifest in order to overcome the Psionic Dampening.
Telepathy (SQ): The Fortress communicates by speech and telepathy.
Intelligent Item Purposes (SQ): Defeat/Slay Arcane spell casters (including spell casting monsters and those that use spell-like abilities), Defeat/Slay Psionic spell casters (including psionic monsters and those that use psionic abilities), Defend Animals, Beasts, Humanoid Elves, and Magical Beasts, Defend the servants and interests of good or neutral aligned deities with the Plant Domain. The Stance of the Fortress is passive, not aggressive (meaning it does not actively pursue to complete its purposes till provoked).
Intelligent Item Special Purpose Powers (SQ): The Fortress can cast a 12th level Disintegrate spell (DC 500,000 + 45 + 11) as a Spell Fire projection on any single target within the Crystal Sphere currently occupied as a standard action. The Fortress can cast a 12th level Prismatic Sphere spell (DC 500,000 +45 +11) to aid any of its charges within 4,000 miles of the fortress.
Contact Life Tree (SQ): The Forest can tap knowledge from any Life Tree in any Crystal Sphere it has contact with. The Forest can Draw Knowledge from the Crystal Sphere of Oerth (Delrune), and the Crystal Sphere of Toril (Church of Mercy) and can Gather Information in any location where plants can be found.
Energy Shielding (SQ): The Fortress has Shielding, and can deflect up to 1,000,000 points of damage in a single round before the shield collapses. A collapsed shield takes 1d4+1 rounds to recover. The Fortress has Damage Reduction of 1,000,000/+10 due to its shield, but when the shield drops - the damage reduction returns too normal. The Fortress has Spell Resistance and Power Resistance of 1,000,000 due to its shield, but when the shield drops - the Mana Fortress returns to normal Spell Resistance. The shield is immune to Ground-pounders, and any magic of 9th level and under, or the results of such magic (such as Ground-pounders.) It will also be immune to nuclear weapons of any size. It would take antimatter weapons to actually harm it, and probably it would take something on the order of a billion megaton explosion to actually do real damage to it.
Photosynthesis (SQ): Light that permeates the shield of the Mana Fortress is absorbed as health energy by the entire fortress. For every point of light damage done to the Fortress, it regenerates two points of health. The Mana Fortress energy shield prevents light from causing any degree of damage to the plants and people on the grounds of the Fortress. Sunburn is impossible, so a person tans without being harmed. Global warming is irrelevant, so a person can live a normal life even if such conditions persist.
Spell-Like abilities (SQ): All Druid Spells are Empowered, Enlarged, Heightened, Maximized, Quickened, Silent, and Still when cast by the Mana Fortress, or anyone standing on the fortress. Cleric Spells from the Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Good, Healing, Law, Plant, Protection, Strength, Sun, and Water Domains are Empowered, Enlarged, Heightened, Maximized, Quickened, Silent, and Still as per the same conditions. The Fortress can cure any disease or any poison for virtually any number of people. The Fortress can cast true resurrection on any Plant type creature or Elemental any number of times per day. The Fortress is capable of casting 12th Level Cleric spells from the Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Good, Healing, Law, Plant, Protection, Strength, Sun, and Water Domains at will. The Fortress is capable of casting 12th Level Druid spells at will. The Fortress can create and hide in a pocket dimension of its own creation at will. The Fortress can Plane Shift and negates natural affects of that plane in its vicinity. The Fortress can cast Sphere Shift 3/day. The Fortress can Teleport Without Error (Self + 50,000,000,000 Pounds) at will as a quickened action. The Fortress can grow food to feed people over an entire planet over the course of a few days. The Fortress can animate plant life over the course of an entire planet. The Fortress can affect the Crystal Sphere it occupies by ripping pockets of Red Goo out of the ground and destroying the evil inside it. The Fortress can project images to plant life within the Crystal Sphere it is located in. The Plant life, if animated, understands the will of the Fortress completely. The Fortress can cleanse an entire crystal sphere of technological damage in one day. The Fortress can grow a forest over an entire planet over the course of one day. The Fortress can provide enrichment to the ecology of a planet in one day. Only one of these actions can be taken in a given day. The Fortress can shift to ethereal for an indefinite period. This is a free action and can be assumed as a defensive action unless the fortress was somehow caught flat-footed.
Avatar (SQ): The Fortress can create an Avatar in the form of a colossal plant of humanoid stature. The Fortress can create 1, 3, 5, 10, or 20 Avatars of itself, with degrading power levels for each level. A Single Avatar can be created and possess all of the statistics of the fortress, except for the Spell Fire Death-Ray. Three Avatars can be created, with 30,000 HD and appropriate modifications to statistics. Five Avatars can be created with 20,000 HD and appropriate modifications to the statistics. Ten Avatars can be created with 10,000 HD and appropriate modifications to statistics. Twenty Avatars can be created with 5,000 HD and appropriate modifications of statistics.
Mythal (SQ): The Fortress is capable of creating any Mythal with any degree of 9th level power, 12 10th level power, 6 11th level powers, and 3 12th level powers. Changing Mythals is a standard action, but thinking of every power to create can take longer.
Regeneration (SQ): As long as at least one cell of the Mana Fortress still exists, it can be completely regenerated. If reduced to a single cell, the fortress takes a full year to regenerate. If reduced to a piece of tissue, the Mana Fortress takes one month to regenerate. If reduced to a single “organ” piece it takes one week to regenerate. If reduced to a large fragment, it takes one day to regenerate. If critically damaged, it takes one hour to regenerate. If Majorly damaged, it takes one minute to regenerate. If Minorly damaged, it takes one round to regenerate. Only one Mana Fortress can ever exist. Destroying the Eight Elder Elementals that form the seals of the Mana Fortress eliminates its regeneration property.
Greater Knowledge (SQ): The Mana fortress acts as if it has a Knowledge rank of 20 in any knowledge skill. Its insight is broad enough to include any knowledge that has touched a plane it has had contact with.
Alter Crystal Sphere (SQ): The Fortress grants enhancements to Animals, Beasts, Humanoid Elves, Magical Beasts, and Plants. The Fortress maximizes the Hit Dice and changes the Hit Dice of such creatures a d20 permanently in Crystal Spheres affected at least once by the Fortress. Destroying the Fortress can negate this affect, but otherwise it is permanent. The Base attack bonus for all the above types is considered “good” no matter class. The Fortress makes all saving throws “good” for Animals, Plants, Beasts, Magical Beasts, and Humanoid Elves. The Fortress makes the base attack bonus and feat progression of all Animals, Plants, Beasts, Magical Beasts, and Humanoid Elves “good.” All such creatures gain feat progression as if they had a character class. The Fortress bestows natural regeneration of 5 and damage reduction 20/+5 along with spell and power resistance of 20 + HD.
Construction: The Mana Fortress takes 10 years to create, and 11th and 12th level magic. Billions of resources are required, but such magic negates the cost for construction. A conglomeration of powerful divine mages can share the cost in experience. The cost is roughly 12,749,650 xp. It would take a Nova, being hurled into the heart of a sun, being sucked into a Black Hole, being hit by a Sphere of Annihilation hundreds of miles in diameter, attack by Father Chaos, destruction by years of preparation using the most powerful of artifacts, or some other colossal effect of that sort to actually destroy it.

owyeah, inspired by william I now declare the official templars of the ex-dragonkings of Athas opened.

Everyone is free to join in and to get medieval on their asses.

And I think this might be a good time to get back to that "Sticks, a dime a dozen" statement :)
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If the above post is impossible to read (because its all squished together and not formatted) download the .doc file. I should have all eight artifacts and all eight elementals done in the week. I need to get ahold of a walkthrough from the video game I am using as my source.

My One Hour action for this turn: The Cleansing of the soil in my region of the world. (I would have done this first and then built the forest, had I payed more attention to what order takes precedence.)
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First Post

you are right, then again I could add murder to the list of those men you assulted and killed etc when you tried breaking in :)


did I think of it? yes long before it was mention by you. why didn't I do it? because edena stated time travel was possible BUT! you could not effect events previous or events to happened only observe. so don't sound like it was an all genious idea.

The League of Warlords starts genetically engineering a new race as a 1 hour action...


Fine Outsider (Chaos)
Hit Dice: 29d8+261 (391 hp)
Initiative: +25 (+21 Dex, +4 improved intiative)
Speed: 30 ft, fly 350 ft. (perfect)
AC: 51 (+21 Dex, +8 size, +12 natural)
Attacks: 3 claws +53 melee
Damage: Claw 1d4-3 and Defluxation
Face/Reach: ½ ft by ½ ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Defluxation, Blinding and Unearthly Beauty Special Qualities: Immunities, Spell-like abilities, Charming Presence, Two Minds, Barrier, SR 32, blindsight, darkvision
Saves: Fort +25, Ref +37, Will +30
Abilities: Str 4, Dex 53, Con 28, Int 44, Wis 39, Cha 47
Feats: Skills and Feats vary from Dominatrix to Dominatrix, but they always have Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse: Claw, Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration, as well as Quicken Spell-like ability for their Dominate Monster ability. Bluff, Diplomacy, Hide, Move Silently, and Sense Motive are always class skills.

Challenge Rating: ?
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral

Immunities: Tri-Dominatrix are immune to all mind-influencing effects, and receive a +10 bonus on all other enchantment effects. They are also immune to fire, cold, and electricity attacks.
Blindsight: Using nonvisual senses, such as sensitivity to vibrations, scent, acute hearing, or echolocation, the creature maneuvers and fights as well as sighted creatures. Invisibility and darkness are irrelevant, though the creature still can't discern ethereal beings. The creature does not need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice creatures within 1000.
Darkvision: This creature can see in complete darkness, up to 240.
Blinding and Unearthly Beauty: As per Nymph, except DCs 51 and 66, respectively.
Spell-like Abilities:
At will-
True Seeing
Break Enchantment
Dominate Monster
Teleport w/o Error (Self and 50 lbs. of gear only)
Etheral Jaunt

Once a day-

Tri-Dominatrix cast spells as a 20th level Sorceror.
Defluxation: When a creature is struck by one or more of the Tri-Dominatrix's claws, the creature has to make a Fortitude Save (DC 55). If the saving throw is successful, there are no extra effects, if the saving throw is failed, the creature is effected by a random spell effect, rolled from the following list:
Roll 1d3
1-Creature is effected by a Feeblemind and Insanity spell
2-Creature is effected by a Distentigration spell
3-Creature is effected by a Dominate Monster spell
Charming Presence: All creatures within 150 ft. must make a will save (DC 42) or be effected as though by a Charm Monster spell. If the saving throw is successful, the creatures are still effected by an Emotions (friendship) spell by the Dominatrix.
Barrier: The Tri-Dominatrix can bring up a shield of incredible magical force as a free action once every 1d4+1 rounds. This barrier absorbs 200 points of damage from any source attacking the Tri-Dominatrix that is weaker than artifacts or 10th+ level magic. Multiple barriers do not stack.
Two Minds The Tri-Dominatrix is always effected by a Two Minds spell, if dispelled, they may resume it as a free action.

Description: Tri-Dominatrix are a strange race indeed. Their body is as tiny as a fly, yet they possess uncanny grace, intelligence, and charm. Looking closely, a Tri-Dominatrix is always female, has a tiny pair of wings, three heads-two of beautiful maidens, the third, middle one a tiny dragon's and three arms ended with small claws. They are chaotic but they do not attack other Tri-Dominatrix in a harmful manner, they often show competition, but usually in a passive manner. They don't like to be tricked, and prefer to be the tricksters and they don't have any moral issues about dominating those who they want. They reproduce asexually, laying down sparks of raw magic around trees which soon change into cocoons which change into a Tri-Dominatrix.

Special Feature of the Tri-Dominatrix-Tri-Dominatrix can take the function of very powerful, very fast working insects and a slight strange of their genetics will be imput so that they are able to fertilize plants, such as the ones on the Mana Fortress.

(Pardon the sloppiness, my post was better but when I tried to post it the messageboards were busy and when I hit back I lost the original...)

Edit-Powered a tad bit down for Mr. Draco's complaint, Cydians are much more powerful physically and with direct magic capabilities I might add, however.
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First Post
Day 2 magic action: Find and destroy red goo under some afflicted areas of Lyrn (one hour action, doing the whole thing would probably take much longer than an hour).

How long would it take using 11th level magic to give a celestial body (a star or a planet) a sentient mind?

Mr. Draco

First Post
Sollir Furryfoot said:
The League of Warlords starts genetically engineering a new race as a 1 hour action...


Fine Outsider (Chaos)
Hit Dice: 29d8+261 (391 hp)
Initiative: +25 (+21 Dex, +4 improved intiative)
Speed: 30 ft, fly 350 ft. (perfect)
AC: 51 (+21 Dex, +8 size, +12 natural)
Attacks: 3 claws +53 melee
Damage: Claw 1d4-3 and Defluxation
Face/Reach: ½ ft by ½ ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Defluxation, Blinding and Unearthly Beauty, Tri-Action
Special Qualities: Immunities, Spell-like abilities, Charming Presence, Two Minds, Barrier, SR 34, blindsight, darkvision
Saves: Fort +25, Ref +37, Will +30
Abilities: Str 4, Dex 53, Con 28, Int 54, Wis 39, Cha 65
Feats: Skills and Feats vary from Dominatrix to Dominatrix, but they always have Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse: Claw, Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration, as well as Quicken Spell-like ability for their Dominate Monster ability. Bluff, Diplomacy, Hide, Move Silently, and Sense Motive are always class skills.

Challenge Rating: ?
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral

Immunities: Tri-Dominatrix are immune to all mind-influencing effects, and receive a +10 bonus on all other enchantment effects. They are also immune to fire, cold, and electricity attacks.
Blindsight: Using nonvisual senses, such as sensitivity to vibrations, scent, acute hearing, or echolocation, the creature maneuvers and fights as well as sighted creatures. Invisibility and darkness are irrelevant, though the creature still can't discern ethereal beings. The creature does not need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice creatures within 1000.
Darkvision: This creature can see in complete darkness, up to 240.
Blinding and Unearthly Beauty: As per Nymph, except DCs 51 and 66, respectively.
Spell-like Abilities:
At will-
True Seeing
Break Enchantment
Dominate Monster
Greater Dispelling
Polymorph Self
Teleport w/o Error (Self and 50 lbs. of gear only)
Etheral Jaunt

Once a day-

Tri-Dominatrix cast spells as a 20th level Sorceror.
Defluxation: When a creature is struck by one or more of the Tri-Dominatrix's claws, the creature has to make a Fortitude Save (DC 66). If the saving throw is successful, there are no extra effects, if the saving throw is failed, the creature is effected by a random spell effect, rolled from the following list:
Roll 1d3
1-Creature is effected by a Feeblemind and Insanity spell
2-Creature is effected by a Distentigration spell
3-Creature is effected by a Dominate Monster spell
Charming Presence: All creatures within 150 ft. must make a will save (DC 51) or be effected as though by a Charm Monster spell. If the saving throw is successful, the creatures are still effected by an Emotions (friendship) spell by the Dominatrix.
Tri-Action: Three Tri-Dominatrix can work together for a full round action, if uninterrupted, all opponents within 300 ft. are effected by a Dominate Monster spell (DC 75).
Barrier: The Tri-Dominatrix can bring up a shield of incredible magical force as a free action once every 1d4+1 rounds. This barrier absorbs 200 points of damage from any source attacking the Tri-Dominatrix that is weaker than artifacts or 10th+ level magic. Multiple barriers do not stack.
Two Minds The Tri-Dominatrix is always effected by a Two Minds spell, if dispelled, they may resume it as a free action.

Description: Tri-Dominatrix are a strange race indeed. Their body is as tiny as a fly, yet they possess uncanny grace, intelligence, and charm. Looking closely, a Tri-Dominatrix is always female, has a tiny pair of wings, three heads-two of beautiful maidens, the third, middle one a tiny dragon's and three arms ended with small claws. They are chaotic but they do not attack other Tri-Dominatrix in a harmful manner, they often show competition, but usually in a passive manner. They don't like to be tricked, and prefer to be the tricksters and they don't have any moral issues about dominating those who they want. They reproduce asexually, laying down sparks of raw magic around trees which soon change into cocoons which change into a Tri-Dominatrix.

(Pardon the sloppiness, my post was better but when I tried to post it the messageboards were busy and when I hit back I lost the original...)

Jeez, you can make a race THIS powerful with 11th? I thought you were limited to around 40's for stats, and quite a bit less, and less powerful, abilities for innate. If i'm wrong, then I have a little editing to do on the Cydian stat-block (some abilities that I considered overpowered and didn't include).

Mr. Draco

First Post
Spoof said:

We have not killed any of your forces. They have just been captured. So you want the reason for the attack upon your forces God Emperor. I can sum that up in one word.. Mina. As I told you when she first arrived any power who allies with her will be destroyed, or rendered helpless. I warned you of that from the beginning, I warned everyone even my own allies. Luckily for me none of them joined you. I would have gone after Mina personally but others were doing that and all were afraid of you. I had no choice but to bare the brunt of your anger to try to protect and lead those frozen by fear. God Emperor, Kas. I, we will stop our attacks on you if you agree to forsake 11th level magic forever.

You expect us to relinquish 11th level magic forever? What sort of fools do you take us for?

First you begin an unprovoked attack against us, when we had comitted NO CRIME against you. Then you state that you will only stop your attacks when we make ourselves completely defenseless.

We had no qualm against any in the Oerth Alliance until now. We were engaged in bringing a known criminal to justice, (not you anab) a criminal that has comitted great crimes against life. We were also and still are engaged in the metamorphoses of our populace into a race free of evil.

You took the opportunity to attack us. In doing so, you isolated a possible ally in the battles for survival!

Let us propose different conditions.

You return ALL of the mages/clerics/psionists that you have imprisoned along with all of their items, spellbooks, etc, and then we can go back to peace. We won't hold your attack against you. We can each go back to working against those opposing life.

What do you say to that?
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