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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 1b)


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More answers and comments where appropriate

The Forsaken One

These things can be commanded by any Illithid or any Chosen of Mystra

What am I missing ?

I really thought I read I L L I T H I D there


I am curious about that too.

By the way, Forsaken One, you still have all 5 of your Changes in Reality to throw.
The Diadem of Dreams is ready.
However, if your Power is Disarmed, you will LOSE the Diadem, and SOMEONE ELSE will then gain the ability to alter reality in 5 ways (pray to the Powers that it is not Acererak or the Black Brotherhood.)

- - -


Oops! I don't know why I typed that.


Heh. Ok. However, who says an illithid can't be a Chosen of Mystra?! :)

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Mordenkainen is released from thralldom immediately and returned to the circle of eight in good condition, aside from the fact that he is now an Illithid. I'd rather give him back than have him taken, and he's not really worth the effort to keep.
Plus, I just made you waste an 11th level capability! Whee!
Seriously, though, Siobhan, I do respect you. You're one of the few 'good guys' who has treated me respectfully on a regular basis. You could have just asked and I would have returned him. I don't know how he feels about being Illithid, now - He gets a nice Int bonus, at least. I'll let you decide his reaction to his forcible Ceremorphosis.


He isn't an illithid anymore, either.
When he was recaptured by force, he was restored to his original mind and form - unless a certain someone states specifically otherwise.

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William Ronald

Mists Clearing

Hazen inspects the crater that was Chendl in Furyondy. The stars are shining a bit more brightly than they have been. He gazes up at the Lesser Griffon, whose wing always points north. (A detail from Gary Gygax's Gord the Rogue novels.)
An Angel is walking with him.
"Sometimes, I think people don't appreciate what they have until it's gone. Clean air. I can smell the difference already. The stars are brighter." He breathes deeply. "The air feels like it is being renewed in some way."


Well put. Most of the people of Oerth think like Hazen does.
They look at the volcanoes spewing, the blackened and ruined lands, the storms of radiation, the black sky, and they remember the bright sun, white clouds in a blue expanse, green lands and tall trees, majestic mountains white with snow, gurgling streams and calm lakes.
And many of them cry.

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Mr. Draco

Edena, the attacks for the Union of Oerth and the Humanoid alliance are being executed right now.


If you declare you are Holding your Attack, you cannot change your mind.
You must Hold your Attack until the next day.
Mr. Draco and Serpenteye did make such a Declaration of Holding.

Therefore, I suggest everyone think carefully before announcing they are Holding an Attack.

Likewise, if you announce you are Calling Off an Attack (as Kaboom did) or dropping an Attack (thus wasting it totally), you cannot change your mind!

- - -

William Ronald

The Kevellond League and the Baklunish-Esmerin Confederation will urge their allies to try to clean up the Red Goo in their territories to clean up the mists.
Edena, you previously stated that the Cup and Talisman of Al Akbar would be VERY EFFECTIVE in cleaning the Red Goo. As I recall, you said that in one day it could clean up an area equal to the size of the Baklunish lands of the Red Goo. Can I do this in addition to my attacks? (I am trying to keep a high level of defense up.)


Yes, you can, William. If you wish it so, the Cup and Talisman of Al Akbar are considered used on Day One.
Simply state the area in which you are removing the Red Goo from.
The area is purified of the deadly poison, and the veins of Red Goo in the rock strata are eliminated, and the disease is erased from the bedrock.

- - -


Edena, I work against the Shade agents to the best of my ability, using agents of the Church of Toril and public speakers. I remind them that until now Calimshan has preformed well with the UC, and that shadow agents have threatened Toril for a long, long time. This is only their newest attempt to dominate our world.
Melkor and his allies seek to bring only ruin and absolute conformity to Toril. Do not be decieved. Do not allow what happened to the UC to take down your kingdom as well.


Quite a number of Alyx's people, and quite a number of Melkor's people, in the Churches of Toril and Shade, are killed.
They have this tendency to run into each other, with appropriate results.

Again, if you - Melkor - really want to corrupt the people of Calimshan, you can do it (take a look at the lists of 11th level possibilities.)
And you, Alyx, can use your 11th level action to reverse what Melkor is trying to do, on the next day.
Of course, thus you both have wasted your 11th level actions, but it is your choice ...

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Sollir Furryfoot

For the Public:

I claim Rajaat as of this moment. I also send the 10k PL of Red Army from Melkor to assist him against Forsaken One (I assume the other 10k PL of Red Army Melkor has there chooses to assist as well), unless Forsaken One chooses to uplift his attack.


Rajaat was just Disarmed, Sollir, and will likely be the subject of a Coup de Grace attack on Day 2.
Would you like to play the Black Brotherhood or Acererak instead? Both have 11th level magic.

- - -


By the way, can you build groundpounder rifles that take a few hours to charge up, but can have a six round capacity like a revolver?


Look of utter horror on the DM's part.

First, they invented firearms.
Then, they invented cannons.
Then, they invented artillery.
Then, they invented nukes.
Then, they invented antimatter.
Then, they reinvented firearms that could annihilate a Crystal Sphere with one shot.


Even if you can, Creamsteak, it will not affect the Attack/Defense Dueling Rules ... but I think a lot of Powers will NOT appreciate your people running around with Groundpounder Six-Shooters that can destroy a whole Crystal Sphere with one shot.

- - -


Does building the Mana Fortress (10 year action) require me to spend 10 straight years (basically if I started now I would mostly be out of the IR) or can I create it as a 1 hour action each day. That would prevent me from being crippled by building it (somewhat not crippled).
I'll work on posting the stats I didn't finish (such as properties for being an intelligent item) when I get time, I have homework to finish.
If I begin construction, I will do it in the home plane of Corellon or Obad-Hai (after asking, of course). I will do it in the ethereal, and under whatever precautions I can think of when I get time.


Unfortunately, yes - the Mana City would require 10 years of basically uninterrupted work.

You would be limited to Category 3 Attacks and Defenses for the rest of the IR, and could never Hold Attacks.

However, consider the incredible magnitude of what you are trying to achieve here.
You cannot work on a project of this magnitude without giving something up in return.

- - -


OOC: EDENA did You got my post that I was making Chorazin a flying city with my action right?


Yes. The project was a success, and then some (you can add Powers to the city as if you were creating a single Flying City, using a whole day to do so.)

Iuz ponders the fate of Anabstercorian... and decides that it would be best tha the little Illithid be done with... the Eternal Empire will finish off the foe of Toril...

OOC: Coupe de Grace on Anab


E-mail me your Attacks and Coup de Graces.
Do not put them on the board - unless you wish all of Anabstercorian's friends to assail your Power en mass ... :)

- - -

Sollir Furryfoot

OOC-I will now ask for Rajaat's power to be imprisoned and then immediately returned...or else something greater than Red Goo will be unleashed upon the multiverse, sorry to have to put it down to threats William, O'Skoteinos, and Forsaken One.


Mind you, Rajaat's Power is still intact.
You have Disarmed him, and he has no 11th level magic, but otherwise his Power is intact.

Of course, those who attacked Rajaat must state what they are doing with his 11th level army (mages, clerics, psionicists, etc.)
Death? Imprisonment? Banishment? What?

Rajaat himself you did not catch.
Rajaat is VERY unhappy with you for attacking him ...

- - -


Given that Iuz seems to want you dead, I'll release Mina even if you weren't doing anything benefical to me, just something neutral.

Edena- Given I have Mina and a bunch of mages and clerics in a pocket dimension how long would it take me to convince them of the flaws in the ways of the one god. (I fully expect this to be treated as domination even though the methodology is not the same I understand the game effect is)


With Mina's servants, it can be done with 11th level magic as a corruption effect, and will take an hour to accomplish.
They will turn their backs on the One God at that point.

If you try to corrupt Mina herself, and her servants, to turn their backs on the One God, it will take an entire day's actions to corrupt them.

Would someone care to tell me WTF? I seem to fall into the category of those better ...


WTFs unleashed by anger or frustration are terrible monsters. Truly terrible. The kind of monsters who eat games and chase the players out of the house.
Yours Truly is doing as well as he can, in this IR.

- - -


Oh my... protecting the Church of Mercy? Now if there was anything that surprised me this turn so far, this is it.
Anabster can come to the Church of Mercy with his PC and anyone else he needs to flee with. Even though it was unnecessary for him to defend me (though it could have been necessary) he did do something worthy of being housed.
Your home in the sun might get hot with all that 11th level magic gone. Like I said, you can flee to the Church.


My regrets, Creamsteak, but there is no way to protect a Disarmed Power from a Coup de Grace, and this includes the Player Character of that Power.
A Coup de Grace is final, and it's effects are final, and there is no appeal.

It has to be that way, or the concept of 11th Level Dueling loses it's edge, and people will not take it seriously.

If your Power is Disarmed, and a Coup de Grace is launched against you, your best option is to pray that I roll high on the dice.
Or, get down on your knees and beg for mercy from the Attacking Power, hoping it will Call Off the Coup de Grace in return for abject Surrender.

I'm not kidding.

If neither of the above options is viable, then it's probably goodbye.

- - -


Okay, I'll spend that month that I was using for pocket dimensions summoning another 100,000 PL of angels.
All the projects should now be complete. How did they go?


Remember, Kaboom, that you are limited to Category 3 Attacks and Defenses, and cannot Hold Attacks, while summoning the 100,000 PL of Angels (yes, I know it's frustrating.)

Concerning your other projects ... I'm so busy with this Attack/Defense thing I haven't been able to rule on them.

To be frank and honest, I think the Attack/Defense Dueling is about to become very intense, with a lot of Attacks going off.

I'd like to deal with that, and resolve it, before resolving individual projects (at least, that way, I will be able to REMEMBER all the individual projects in progress ...)

- - -

Mr. Draco

Edena, sorry for the misunderstanding regarding our attack.


np. Wish I could handle this IR better, too.

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Day 2 Action
Calling Ellisterae's Avatar.


(protests) It isn't Day 2 yet! Restate your action after I declare Day 2. Otherwise, it will get lost in the posts!

- - -


Are we posting day 2 actions?


No! Not yet.

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Zelda Themelin

First Post
Ah, meaning of support can easily be misundertood. As warrior, I speak of support in sense we speak of it at war times.

Its not always major sacrifices. In many times it is little things.
Of our allies, our people get along with your people best.

One thing I must say, I don't like the way this war has been fought. Power is such a temptation. It easily leads to... quick and easy.. and wrong solutions.

Our people did those mistakes once. One among us remembers it all. She is Katha, also called the Witch, or before that other Wanderer showed up...she was also called... well. She is quite mad..sort of. I give you a warning. She works with us, but she seems to have goal of her own. I wish I knew what?

Lord Iuz has such a lust for quick and efficient destruction. I really didn't like about his intention to blast that Anab and all his people away like that. But then again, we never actually liked that cunning and pain-loving demon lord.


Heh. True about WTFs. I've calmed down a bit now.

Oh well you are doing your best and obviously there will be some casualties as a result of game balance.


First Post
Re: More answers and comments where appropriate

Heh, I asked if I could make the Groundpounders into a gun before, but you said it was unfeasible at the time. Well, it ain't unfeasible now! That look of utter horror should be pointed at me, thankyouverymuch... :cool:

As I've stated before, my day one action was the creation and distribution of lots of Oerthblood. (Sorry if I'm repeating myself unnecessarily; Edena asked me to post it again).

Image of Melkor appears before Hellmaster:

-Greetings, Dark One, it seems that Rajaat proved himself to be unworthy of being a part of Pantheon Of Glowing Darkness, shall I myself take control of Athas?
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Black Omega

A mysterious Faerie appears in Faerie Headquaters in Vesve Forest. He is very beatiful, with silver shining hair, radiating an aura of power.

-Greetings, I am messanger from Seelie Court to Siobhan, where can I find her?

Voidrunner's Codex

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