(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 7)

William Ronald

Sadder than words can say

I will do some in character posts a little later. I have been busy and just got on line and read everything.

The Forsaken One, you may have evacuated Athas or secured it. However, there were three other inhabited worlds in the same star system. When you ended nuclear fusion, why I am not sure, they died. This helped bring the fifth touch. Edena has stated that those worlds died. So, the correct term would be in Athasspace billions on three worlds died.

You could use two of your dreams in the manner Edena described and ask him if it would work.

I am going offline for a while. I need to think.

The Taraakians sought to preserve life. Even at the price of the freedom of some of the powers of the IR, freedom which would have been granted eventually. It should be recalled that Mr. Draco also summoned the Taraakians.

So, I suggest that if you want something other than the Sixth Touch.

I am tired of in character and out of character arguments. I will try to keep the Domain of Hope intact. However, consider the incorrect descriptions of total destruction. If this is what you really want in the IR, then that is what will be. You can think of other alternatives.

I am unsure of what they are, but you can figure something out.

However, the Forsaken One, if Vaeregoth stopped the destruction and saved billions of lives, he would likely have enough good will to have many worshippers and become a god. A lot of people who have lost loved ones want to live. Doing something to prevent the destruction of worlds would probably give you a BIG BOOST to godhood. They would be grateful, and such gratitude would likely mean worshippers. Also, saving the worlds, as Edena suggested, would mean Vaeregoth has someplace to put her temples.

I would like to have something rather than an IR in Ravenloft.

Also, I do have the right to call for help. Everyone else is, so I have.

I tried to bring in the Taraakians to keep us out of Ravenloft. They can enter and leave the Domain of Dread at will. My idea was that they could halt or slow the fighting, we could try to get away from Ravenloft, and resume blasting each other.

Any ideas of how to prevent the slip into Ravenloft is welcome. Also, if I have offended anyone, I apologize.

Edena: I sent my e-mail on help. I think I have as much right to ask for help as anyone else in the IR.

Also, maybe a move to a different boards might be good. We could use Tokiwong's or Bugbear could set something up at his site.

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*Sighs* There seems to be no need for extra villains, so I suppose Hellmaster Phibrizzo will step out of the limelight for a bit, it was good while it lasted ;)

Corrupted Black Brotherhood (Tri-Dominatrix)
11th level attack: Taraakians
11th level defense: Loch-Nar
1 day action: Summon and enhance massive amounts of red pudding to attack everything I can of Greyspace

Red Army of Luna
11th level attack: Taraakians
11th level defense: Loch-Nar
1 day action: Summon and enhance massive amounts of red pudding to attack everything I can of Greyspace

Edena, can I summon a god of kender or similar to steal Forsaken One's diadem of dreams? :) Also, have you gotten *any* of my emails? There's still about six sitting in your inbox if you have got them all...

(*Volunteers to play any extra evil powers available :D)

How many emails do you guys send? I havn't sent one in the past week at least. (I'm not counting Attack/Defense declarations). Man... anyway,

Taraakians, I will aid you in destroying the Lok 'nar. I defend the Demi-Plane of Hope with my current defense rating.


Damn autologin. I meant to post that last post as creamsteak. Jesus, Sollir is right: this is confusing. Especially when I leave and come back three hours later and I am still logged in somehow. That is why nobody can get on, I'm somehow staying logged in even when my computer is off. Any way I can fix that?


First Post
Some Answers


I'm indeed staying since there now is something to stay for
And I still have a concubine, rescued from the shade world, freed from Melkor's grip.


And what happens if Melkor's attack succeeds on Day 7, Venus?

- - -



I hope this is the last time I post this:

Can I stack my defense with Williams in the Domain of Hope?



Why is the Mana Fortress refered to in "present" tense in many of your posts. It is currently still in the planning department of my computer. If I can build it, and send it back in time to this point -or- send an order of mages ten years into the past to construct it -or- travel to the end of the Winds of time and accelerate its construction so it gets done soon: Then I will do that in order to make it in the "present" tense.


Because I am not perfect.
I referred to the Mana Fortress for ease of reference.
Of course it's still in the planning stages.

And the way the IR is going, nobody is going to be left alive to complete those plans, unless people start working together to solve the situation.

If Zelda takes the Taraakians, and Melkor takes the Slaade, then can I do your ship stats -please? I have this reference for constructing battle ships, and I could really easily design the ships.


Thanks for the offer, Creamsteak.

However, my offer to Zelda was to Zelda only.
The Alliance of Oerth has allies enough - it does not need more.
Your Power, Creamsteak, is a member of the Alliance of Oerth.
And I will not give the taraakians to the Union of Oerth to play, obviously.
So, I must play them.

If Melkor suicides his Powers, and then does not take any new Powers, I must assume Melkor is quitting the IR.
I look at results, not reasons given.
If people quit the IR, the IR cannot go on, obviously.

- - -


Edena, There is a rather major mistake in your post (or perhaps the mistake is mine).
When you requested the attacks and defences for day 6 I couldn't make contact with Mr Draco and therefore sent you a preliminary template so that the Union would not be inactive for the day. That is the template you have based your ruling on.
Soon after I sent the first template I got an e-mail from Mr Draco and we both decided that the template needed to be changed. Therefore we sent a second template to you, overriding the first, we did this only hours after I sent the first one. This is the valid template for day six:


I appreciate the mistake.
However, I cannot go back and change the past now - it would be grossly unfair to the other players, and furthermore I actually believe it might well be literally impossible for me to do.

I rolled your 5 Attacks, and your 12 11th Level Assaults, and your 12 Conventional Assaults.
The problem was, that the taraakians had many people defending them, and the total Defense was around 140.
Your attacks could not get through that.

11th Level Assaults and Conventional Assaults do not stack, the way 11th Level ATTACKS do.

Thus, your 12 11th Level Assault were each resolved at Category 5 (0 + 5 for your sacrifice), not as Category 60 (12 x 5.)

11th Level Assaults aren't really effective against 11th Level Powers.
They are all too effective against Non-11th Level Powers, as Melkor's Red Poison 11th Level Assault showed.
Had I rolled low on his attack, there WOULD have been 100% destruction, not 12%.
I just happened to roll high - a 72. Everyone got lucky.

Or, as I said, a Second Chance.

*Work on Cydians
>Btw, How many PLs do we have now? (From cydian transformation, colonization reanimations etc.) We really need to know.


I cannot answer that right now. I do not know.

The summoning of the Loch-Nar should be in there too, or somewhere in our other posts to you.


The Loch-Nar has arrived.
It is attacking the Kevellond League, Attack Category 40 for 12th level magic.

I appologize for the confusion.


No need to apologize.


Note: The sacrifice was not to empower the assaults. The sacrifice was intended to enhance our 11th level attack (to imprison terraakians and turn them into Cydians). We stated, in both the first and the second template that it was intended for the attack. (attacks and assaults are quite different, yes?)
This might make some difference in the survival of the terraakian fleet, perhaps.


I know that, and took it into account.
I am saying it again, though: 11th Level Assaults do not stack, and your Assaults could not penetrate the massive Defense.

And the 11th Level Dueling Attack against the taraakians failed.

- - -


Edena posted:

Because of the altered situation, the taraakians break off all hostilities with Forsaken One.
They move immediately to protect the Demiplane of Hope (Kevellond League) from the Loch-Nar and those standing with it.
They also move against the Sleen (death machines)
They will engage in no hostilities with any of your IR Powers on Day 7.

Ah, yes. My master plan is succeeding. The Time-Spacers will kill each other off and the power in these worlds will be returned to us, our old rivals and allies. The only problem now, for the Union of Worlds, is Ravenloft. Not a minor problem, indeed, but there might be a way.

The Demiplane of Hope?

The Demiplane of Hope. That's one way and perhaps one of the best, that remains to be seen.

As always, the future remains to be seen. Brilliant deduction, father.

The God Emperor laughs,

I see your social skills are improving rapidly, but do be careful with that sharp wit of yours, lest you cut yourself with it. Shall we resume our topic of discussion? The Demiplane of Hope, the antithesis of the Domains of Dread under the Light Power Hazen of Veluna. Obviously we will not evacuate into his domains, the dangers, of all kinds, are too great and I suspect that before long most of the population of the demiplane will be fleeing out of it to safer hiding-places.
No, think of the two demiplanes as two unmovable points, the Domains of Dread on one side and the Domains of Hope on the other. The Core Prime [the worlds of the IR] in between, currently anchored only to the Demiplane of Dread which is constantly trying pull us in by shortening their rope to us. In the past we could do little about that, since Ravenloft was our only immovable point and to touch it, even to push away from it, is likely to pull you in or be ineffectual. Now, if we can attach a chain to Hazen's plane and make that chain strong enough we can pull ourselves back out of the vicinity of the Domains of Dread and back into neutral space. The theory is simple, the execution difficult. But we must try. Meanwhile we must make certain that the Demiplane of Hope is saved, without disturbing the balance of power we have created.
A tangled weave, but will you be the spider or the fly?


That will not work.
The reason it will not work is because Hazen's Demiplane is still only a single Realm.
Ravenloft has dozens of Realms within it.
The chain would stretch, then snap, leaving the Demiplane of Hope where it is, and the IR pulled into Ravenloft.

However, the Loch-Nar intends to make sure that this never becomes an issue.
If the Loch-Nar wins, and it has it's way, Ravenloft will look like a nice place to visit, compared with what used to be the Demiplane of Hope.


Yesterday I suggested that we move the IR to another message board, since the EN-boards are overburdened and extremely annoying. Tokiwong suggested that we use his boards instead, but the discussion disappeared in the general mayhem. I ask you once again, all players in the IR (and Edena Too), should we stay here or not?

My vote is: Move to another board.


I will support that if:

The new board is open to all players.
The new board can be accessed by all players.
The new board has the bandwidth to handle the IR.
The new board is up constantly.
The players in the IR overwhelmingly vote to move to the new board.

There is still an IR to move to the new board.
Considering the declarations I am getting right now via e-mail, there is a significant chance there will not be.

- - -

The Forsaken One

My power is now open to suggestions. Let them come.

I make a threat to the Silver Hive that if they don't fall back under my rule I'm gonna let them and some other powers have it because of their rebellion, return and have lives spared.


If I am playing the Silver Hive still, they tell the Hive Cluster that it can go blow it out their ears.
If Zelda is playing the Silver Hive, it is up to her to respond to this threat.

The power who controlls them (Zelda?) will automatically be seen as Hostile, if you also controll the Taraakians the deal for them automatically blows over.


The taraakians are busy with the Loch-Nar.
Zelda is playing the Silver Hive - I think. I am not sure of that.
I will need an e-mail confirmation from her that she is doing so.
Otherwise, I am playing the Silver Hive.

- - -

The Forsaken One

/me keeps pondering how the hell he can ascend to the god of dreams.
/me offers a sack of goldpieces for any possible good idea.
(think of brilliant mass altering changes.. me thinks of Sigil.. anyone..?)


The God of Dreams?
You will have to do things you have not done, to accomplish that!
The people closest, so far, to achieving anything like that (were) Reprisal (with Ian Payne), William (with Hazen), Kalanyr, Anabstercorian, and Mr. Draco/Serpenteye.
And none of them are trying to become the God of Dreams. Which is just as well, because none of them are real close to succeeding.

- - -


OOC: Well just waiting now to see how my planet is coming along... the sooner that is finished the sooner I can start other plans... if the Taraakians want to deal... then Iuz will deal... but if they continue their crazed assault then no deal the same with others...not sure which side of the fence I am on as of yet... but I do no all of this vioplence will only beget more... and soon there will be nothing left...


Ok, you have asked about this repeatedly.

Tokiwong, your city, Chorazin, is now approaching the size of New Jersey, and you can start putting 11th level effects in it.

However, your work on the PLANET is only just begun.
Creating a planet is an onerous task. It will take a VERY long time to accomplish (longer than the IR will last.)
However, consider the magnitude of what you are trying to create, here!

I am assuming you are trying to create an Oerth-type world - correct me if I am wrong.
You cannot just quickly make such things.
Even the taraakians cannot quickly make such things!

Furthermore, you have a serious problem called the Sleen.
They know exactly where Chorazin is, and where your planet is being constructed.

When they are finished destroying everyone else (and, folks, I do mean everyone), they will come for Chorazin.

They amount to - effectively - 20 Powers, each with an Attack of 4.
If the taraakians were not there, the IR would already be over; the Sleen would have annihilated everyone.

Do not blame me for the Sleen being present - they were invited to come here by both Sollir and Mr. Draco/Serpenteye.

If you must assign blame, please assign it where it is due.

- - -

'o Skoteinos

Forsaken One, I don't think this is the way to gain many allies. I hoped (and said on The Lurkers Forum) that you would not use your power to blackmail powers (especially William was against this, and he said that if you do that he could become your enemy)...
Really, this isn't the time for this kind of posts, this kind of threats. You want your vengance, take it, you want peace, make it. But do force these factions to do your bidding...it's wrong.

Forsaken One, no matter how fulfilling that post might have been, I ask you to revoke it. This will, in the end, not give us victory, or satisfaction. This way, eventually, we will be forced to join the Spleen or the Loch-Nar.

Please, be reasonable, show forgiveness...

(And don't forget Shar, eventually: your revenge will come, when they least expect it... )


Neither the Spleen nor the Loch-Nar can be allied with.
They happened to aid you against the taraakians (in the battle with Forsaken One) out of mutual interest.
That is now ended.

The Sleen are out to KILL all in the IR.
No exceptions, no quarter, no mercy, and no negotiation.

The Loch-Nar, is worse. It is out to corrupt into monsters and slaves all in the IR.

- - -

'o Skoteinos

Forsaken One, you can't push me around *forever*...let me tell you a story:

When animals have to pull a heavy piece of stone, they will do that. And when you make that stone heavier, they still will, because they cannot break free. Their only way to escape is for the chain to break...
I am the animal, you (and your actions) are the stone. And the chain ... is loyalty. And it *will* break ... if you become too heavy...



Didn't I say this kind of thing would happen, folks?
Didn't I say that if the IR continued, the increasingly dire situation would put pressure on the players, causing difficulties, and possibly very serious problems?
I was right.

- - -

The Forsaken One

Ok.. post above edited....

Now know that I'm better then the most of you in forgiving and damn I'm risking Good AL here and we don't want that to happen now do we?
I forgive this once and only this once. I'm forgetting the... lets say... "mislead" actions from you all against me...
I'm in here to survive and to ascend and to become a ultra cool god of dreams and have my own plane (the dreaming yeah ).
So as long as there is a chance to survive and reach that goal I'm here to survive and live.
Open to suggestions for changes that are worth while.... (think fundamental people and think Sigil if you want to ).
The threat to the silver Hive stands.... call it a matter of principle.
I'm offering a second chance to the Taraakians, any response Edena?
They with their 12th magic might give some helpfull divinations towards what I should do with my changes that will be worthwhile and maybe conflict deciding...
For once I'm not asking or demanding but I'm only offering....

(Kaboom, Unve and Black Omega thanks to Skot you and you worlds just crawled through the eye of a needle. Good thing a Queen does have her Cerebrates no?).


The taraakian response is blunt and to the point:

We will pacify the Spheres.
We will pacify the Hive Cluster.
You WILL be made to live under taraakian law, and you WILL have your Powers removed - ALL of your Powers, not just those of 10th and 11th rank.
We will not discuss the matter further.
We do not feel any further negotiations are called for.

((Of course, the taraakians must survive the Loch-Nar and the Sleen, before they can assault anyone, much less assault the Hive Cluster.))

- - -

The Forsaken One


My eternal idol and source of inspiration.

Vaeregoth prays to Shar and makes some great offerings to her as a token of respect and gratitute for inspiration.
Vaeregoth also dedicates the collapsing of a Star to her!



- - -

The Forsaken One



I never killed millions or billions or people.
Before I collapsed the Star I evacuated the Civillian population to William and Venus and those that stayed behind were protected by my 11th level magic powers.
The only things I killed were undead and some other magical based stuff on Athas (rare....) with the other change and I never heard anyone about that.
So please... cut the crap that I'm a murderer of billions on the world of Athas.

And you already weren't popular with me so be smart and take the offer for peace and let me forgive you and your "mislead actions" and let's end the grudge IC and OOC here and now.

People seem to miss alot of my actions.. sometimes comes inhandy.. sometimes doesn't.


The DM has no comment.

- - -


Actually, I don't think Shar exists anymore. In the second IR, when the victory of the United Commonwealth and Good seemed inevitable most of the evil torillian gods (including Shar) merged together into a single God of Evil; Lord Melkor. So, when you're praying to Shar you're really praying to Melkor, who once called Veregoth

A small ant with big ambitions.


I must correct a mistake here.
Shar still exists. Most of the evil Gods of FR still exist.
Some have merged, yes.
Some of the good dieties have merged also - fewer than people think, though.

Shar still exists.
The Shade worship Shar, and help make her strong.

- - -


Hey everybody,

William and most of the Alliance of Oerth know this, and I'll just go over it briefly. On the 25th of this month I am leaving for Minnesota (and I will have access to no telephone, let alone a computer) for a month. I will be back on the 4th of July, but I think I am moving then. Then I have to go to the dentist on the 9th, and get my Wisdom teeth done: so I will be a bit groggy. So if this IR continues on past the 25th, I'm basically screwed. I will be back from the 10th of July on (and I will be running three role playing games over the summer), but I expect that to be a far far time away for the IR.


My sympathy, Creamsteak.
I had a Wisdom Tooth pulled, and it was not my idea of a good time.
I still have one Wisdom Tooth left, at the venerable age of 34. I refuse to have it pulled, so long as it doesn't cause trouble - because I know exactly what I'm in for, when I do.

Creamsteak, I can suspend the IR for a week or two after your departure, if when you come back you can make an hour or so now and then for the IR.
I am very sorry if you must leave the IR. This is painful news for me.

Just felt that Edena, and anyone who is curious should know. I hope that maybe I can influence the game to slow down, or even reach its climax, before I have to leave. I guess I will just have to see. (Also, I use hotmail, and every 30 days they verify your account, so any mail sent to me after I leave goes straight to the infernal pits of deleted files.)


Again, I hope you can return to the IR, Creamsteak, after you return from Minnesota.
If you cannot, it is a grevious loss for us all, and for me.
You have been a really good player, Creamsteak.

Unfortunately, there is a very real chance there will be no IR to return to, and in fact there may be no IR to depart from, if what I am receiving in e-mail is true.

- - -

Black Omega


Originally posted by Melkor, Lord Of ALL!

Black Omega, 50% of your people were just anhilated as hundreds of Spheres of Anhilation descended upon Vesve (which is now a big pool of Red Goo I hope), but Siobhan is a nice girl, and she won`t lower herself to revenge, will she?

As if revenge would bring anything back that has been lost. As is torture would bring anything back. Though since so much of Vesve was in the Domain of Hope I'm not assuming it's all wasted.

Note, I'm not saying Siobhan and Kalanyr would not do something truly nasty and memorable to Melkor. Just that on Siobhan's side it would not be out of petty vengence.


A greater part of the Vesve Forest survived the attack.
However, other areas, such as Perrenland and the Sepia Uplands, were awfully hard hit.


Hmm, Edena, can my PC completely erase himself from existence, beyond any possibility of resurrection, like Galan Dracos did in Chronicles Of Huma to avoid wrath of Tahkisis?

Probably too late for that, since you are already the boy in a box.


Melkor can do this.
Indeed, he is about to do this, I believe.
As a God, he can do it, and he cannot be stopped - or, at least, I refuse to stop him, because this is so important to the player.


First Post
Edena if you want to use my boards then the link is here and it fits all of the criteria

I will support that if:

The new board is open to all players.
The new board can be accessed by all players.
The new board has the bandwidth to handle the IR.
The new board is up constantly.
The players in the IR overwhelmingly vote to move to the new board.

There is still an IR to move to the new board.
Considering the declarations I am getting right now via e-mail, there is a significant chance there will not be.

But the decision is up to the players... I support moving if it makes it more accessible
Last edited:

Again, I hope you can return to the IR, Creamsteak, after you return from Minnesota.
If you cannot, it is a grevious loss for us all, and for me.
You have been a really good player, Creamsteak.

:) Why do I think thats the funniest thing I have read all day? :)


It makes it sound like I am going on a quest I might not return from (I hope you can return) and (If you cannot, it is a grevious loss for us all).

Thanx for the mood breaking moment.

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