IRON DM 2021 Tournament


Romus has three different names to track just right there: him, who he's impersonating, then the pseudonym he uses.

One final comment on my entry. Romus' impersonation of Alfred Ryder is something of an easter-egg and a potential clue for tv savy PCs. Word count didn't let me elaborate on the clue aspect, so I just left it as an easter egg. Ryder had a role in the first Star Trek episode, The Man Trap, where he was living with a salt-sucking monster wearing the form of his deceased wife, who also just happens to be an old flame of Dr McCoy. Word Count sucked out some of the relevant bits, such as more detail about the mysterious wound and how the PCs might investigate it on their own, or how it recalled to them something they might have seen once on TV. Cest la vie.

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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I will admit to being a bit shocked. With as strong as the competition has been for the entire tournament, I was sure my goose was cooked, especially considering I lost the first judgment in both of the last two rounds. I was convinced I wasn't going to win this match. Shows what my gut knows after all. Stupid gut.

Thanks to everyone for the intense competition, great analysis and comments, and of course, our judges for putting in the incredibly difficult work of critiquing and judging. Hats off to everyone.

The fact that none of these last few matches were unanimous makes me look at that phenomenal first round in a new light. Consider that, with as close as every one of those matches were, how many could have gone a different way with a different judge. There's always a measure of luck in advancing at all.

I'm looking forward to the next go round!


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I started keeping a tally of the 3rd round matches, and since 2002, I believe I am 2 and 3 (2002, 2002, 2013, 2014, 2021). But I know I lost 1 or 2 before that in the forgotten days.

I have you down as 1 and 2 in the 3rd round (2002, 2016, 2019)

Deuce Traveler has the most wins and is 3 and 1 for competing in 3rd round matches (2012, 2015, 2016, 2017)

Iron Sky is also notable being 2 and 2 (2009, 2010, 2015, 2019)

Our Champion this year, Gradine, is 2 and 1 (2017, 2018, 2021)
There is also Mortal Plague, who to my knowledge is 2 and 0 (2014 & 2018), unless I've missed one


There is also Mortal Plague, who to my knowledge is 2 and 0 (2014 & 2018), unless I've missed one
No that seems right.

I was only listing those with at least three third round attempts. There are quite a few more who have had only one or two bites at the apple.

  • Deuce Traveler - 3 and 1
  • Wicht - 2 and 3
  • Iron Sky - 2 and 2
  • Gradine - 2 and 1
  • Mortal Plague - 2 and 0
  • Seasong - 1 and 2
  • Nemm - 1 and 2
  • Rune - 1 and 2
  • Wulf - 1 and 1
  • Quickbeam - 1 and 1
  • Wayland - 1 and 1
  • Radiating Gnome - 0 and 2
  • 1 and 0 - Enkhidu, Tinner, Ajanders, Zappo, Humble Minion
  • 0 and 1 - Zenid, CareDavid, Stormborn, Invinoveritas, FitzTheRuke
Last edited:


Once A Fool
No that seems right.

I was only listing those with at least three third round attempts. There are quite a few more who have had only one or two bites at the apple.

  • Deuce Traveler - 3 and 1
  • Wicht - 2 and 3
  • Iron Sky - 2 and 2
  • Gradine - 2 and 1
  • Mortal Plague - 2 and 0
  • Seasong - 1 and 2
  • Nemm - 1 and 2
  • Rune - 1 and 2
  • Radiating Gnome - 1 and 1
  • Wulf - 1 and 1
  • Quickbeam - 1 and 1
  • Wayland - 1 and 1
  • 1 and 0 - Enkhidu, Tinner, Ajanders, Zappo
  • 0 and 1 - Zenid, CareDavid, Stormborn, Invinoveritas
Which tournament did RG win the 3rd round match in? I don’t have him in my master list of champions and need to correct that if I somehow missed one. Or, it might have been in a round-robin tournament, I guess.


Which tournament did RG win the 3rd round match in? I don’t have him in my master list of champions and need to correct that if I somehow missed one. Or, it might have been in a round-robin tournament, I guess.
Double-checking he should be 0 - 2. (2002 and 2013, losing once to you and once to me).

Not sure how I got that entered wrong. I have the matches marked right, but tallied it wrong. I fixed my list.


Once A Fool
Double-checking he should be 0 - 2. (2002 and 2013, losing once to you and once to me).

Not sure how I got that entered wrong. I have the matches marked right, but tallied it wrong. I fixed my list.
Oh right. I remember that 2013 tourney, now. RG’s 2nd round entry was a lot of fun. In some ways similar to Gradine’s 3rd round entry in this one. What with the time travel shenanigans on a boat (the Titanic, in that one). Similar, but also very different. Pretty sure it’s in the anthology.


Moderator Emeritus
Final standings!


Voidrunner's Codex

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