IRON DM 2021 Tournament

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No that seems right.

I was only listing those with at least three third round attempts. There are quite a few more who have had only one or two bites at the apple.

  • Deuce Traveler - 3 and 1
  • Wicht - 2 and 3
  • Iron Sky - 2 and 2
  • Gradine - 2 and 1
  • Mortal Plague - 2 and 0
  • Seasong - 1 and 2
  • Nemm - 1 and 2
  • Rune - 1 and 2
  • Wulf - 1 and 1
  • Quickbeam - 1 and 1
  • Wayland - 1 and 1
  • Radiating Gnome - 0 and 2
  • 1 and 0 - Enkhidu, Tinner, Ajanders, Zappo
  • 0 and 1 - Zenid, CareDavid, Stormborn, Invinoveritas
Didn't I lose round 3 in the only one I've been in?


Thanks for the extra eyes. My actual saved file has each final round noted with each contestant and the winner bolded. I then went down and just tallied up the various names. Its easy to overlook someone in the tally, but the first part being done makes double checking of the tallies easy enough to do.

Also not on the list is Vaxalon who won in 2001 and then rather than compete in each contest simply challenged the winner. It was determined that this was not really completely fair as each champion had to produce three consistent entries before then producing the fourth and Vaxalon was only doing the one each time. But he did have a string of steady defenses of his overall title and if I was doing a more thorough presentation would probably asterick him in somehow.


Thanks for the extra eyes. My actual saved file has each final round noted with each contestant and the winner bolded. I then went down and just tallied up the various names. Its easy to overlook someone in the tally, but the first part being done makes double checking of the tallies easy enough to do.

Also not on the list is Vaxalon who won in 2001 and then rather than compete in each contest simply challenged the winner. It was determined that this was not really completely fair as each champion had to produce three consistent entries before then producing the fourth and Vaxalon was only doing the one each time. But he did have a string of steady defenses of his overall title and if I was doing a more thorough presentation would probably asterick him in somehow.

Yeah, I would think that would be a bit unfair. There's no reason to believe that anyone who lost round one this time (for example) wouldn't have turned in a winning round three, had they made it that far!


Once A Fool
Yeah, I would think that would be a bit unfair. There's no reason to believe that anyone who lost round one this time (for example) wouldn't have turned in a winning round three, had they made it that far!
Speaking as one of the two people who have lost to Vaxalon in such a match (before he retired with the only undefeated record in IRON DM history), I wouldn’t exactly say the experience was unfair; I agreed to do it, after all. Not unfair – as an exhibition match.

But I was drained by the time I began that fourth match. The tournaments were pretty quick in those days and I was young enough to pull all-nighters when I needed to write, so that’s what three of my nights pretty recently had been. Not including any all-nighters I might have also pulled for class papers (can’t remember).

To be clear, Vaxalon’s work was legitemate and good (seriously, check out the surviving ones!). But there is no question in my mind that my own final entry was all the more strained as a result of my fatigue. I felt it then and I can still see it now when I reread it.

I think Incognito is the one who recognized that a better form of recognition would be automatic entry in the next tourney (they filled up very quickly back then).

I carried it over into the tournament my first time as a judge and it seems to be one innovation that has weathered the test of time.


Speaking as one of the two people who have lost to Vaxalon in such a match (before he retired with the only undefeated record in IRON DM history), I wouldn’t exactly say the experience was unfair; I agreed to do it, after all. Not unfair – as an exhibition match.

But I was drained by the time I began that fourth match. The tournaments were pretty quick in those days and I was young enough to pull all-nighters when I needed to write, so that’s what three of my nights pretty recently had been. Not including any all-nighters I might have also pulled for class papers (can’t remember).

To be clear, Vaxalon’s work was legitemate and good (seriously, check out the surviving ones!). But there is no question in my mind that my own final entry was all the more strained as a result of my fatigue. I felt it then and I can still see it now when I reread it.

I think Incognito is the one who recognized that a better form of recognition would be automatic entry in the next tourney (they filled up very quickly back then).

I carried it over into the tournament my first time as a judge and it seems to be one innovation that has weathered the test of time.
Yeah, I don't really mean criminally unfair. I would have done it, but slightly less meaningful than a current victory. I'm sure they were good enough to win regularly! (But may not have won so many in a row, as they would have had to have won three times as many matches, any of which could have held a stumper of an ingredient, a bit that didn't jive with the judges, or so idea that just didn't fit the word count or time limit to be polished).


Once A Fool
Yeah, I don't really mean criminally unfair. I would have done it, but slightly less meaningful than a current victory. I'm sure they were good enough to win regularly! (But may not have won so many in a row, as they would have had to have won three times as many matches, any of which could have held a stumper of an ingredient, a bit that didn't jive with the judges, or so idea that just didn't fit the word count or time limit to be polished).
There is that, too. Back then it was just the one judge, even: @el-remmen.

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