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Iron Heroes - Legends of Mitterion (IC Thread)


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Eyeing the gold, a slow smile crosses Kemal's face. Time to lighten this boor's purse. Taking a seat, the gambler keeps an eye on the other patrons. Putting that much gold might catch the eye of any number of cutthroats. Taking 2 gp from his own purse, Kemal answers the big man.

"Well, it'll take me time to catch up with that stack, but I'm ready to start."

[sblock=OOC: ] Iron Captain: How do you want us to handle this? [/sblock]

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Kadoch is at first a bit surprised by Khepra's reaction to his comment.

What's wrong? He dislikes compliments?

Finally, he realizes how his comment could possibly have been taken.

"Hey friend! All I meant was that it seems to me that there is as much skill as luck involved in such things. And while I guess I have as much luck as the next fellow, my skill in such games.. Is pretty lacking."

Iron Captain

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As the evening goes on the door to tavern opens once more and 2 Aquilonian men enter. From the way they are dressed you suspect that they are a merchant and his bodyguard. The bodyguard is muscular and tall and has a charasmatic aura. His hair is a dark bown and about chin length while his skin is black. His Leather armour looks worn and used but the 2 short swords at his side seems sharp and very well made.
The merchant is an older man around 50 years of age and has white hair and a long beard. He smiles as he sees the fat merchant sitting at the table who in turn gets up and gives him in a big hug. He gestures toward an empty seat and they soon start talking. Both men seem to be quite pleased. The white haired merchant glances about the tavern pointing out various mercenaries and then seems to discuss them with his friend.
As he points at your group both men nod in agreement as the talk.

After about an hour or so the merchants and their companions all get up, pay their bill and leave the tavern. The man in the cloak who was sitting near the door drops a few coins on the table and slips quickly out the door after them.

[sblock=OOC]If you'ld like to do something before the merchants leave or want to talk to them then just say so in your next post.[/sblock]


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Judging his companions, Kemal wonders whom to trust with this task. Kadoch seem too shy, the northener too loud. Nudging the Khatar under the table with his foot, Kemal whisper's to Khepra.

"See if you can catch what they're talking about. I've met my share of fat merchants, and I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. I'll see what I can find out from the inkeeper and staff."

[sblock=OOC] During the rest of the night Kemal will continue to gamble with Erik. He will also try to learn more about both fat merchants from both the inkeeper and the wench.

Kemal is short on coin so he'll gamble 2 gp first only.
Profession(Gambling) check = 15

Kemal will spend an additional 2 gp gathering info on the merchants.
Gather Info check = 16


Iron Captain

First Post
You find out that the two southern men and their scarred bodyguard are from Khatar.
The fat one is called Habid and his brother is Acktet. Their bodyguard's name is known only as Lok but it's more likely a nickname.
Habid and Acktet's father was Geroman Afahr a very rich merchant who travelled all over Mitterion. Habid gladly followed in his footsteps while Acktet wanted to pursue a military career but was convinced by his brother to come along on his merchant travels. Habid is rumored to deal in precious religious artifacts of bygone civilizations which he buys off of adventurers.

The white haired merchant's name is Julius Mastrus. He is local merchant who often deals with Habid and the other travelling merchants. Him and Habid have become good friends and Julius keeps an eye out for potential customers or employees for Habid.


Khepra gives Kemal a slightly puzzled look, but then shrugs to himself. With a quick swig he finishes what's left of his drink and rises to his feet with the empty tankard in hand. He goes wandering off looking for a refill. . . if his wandering should take him past the other Khatarians, so much the better. Perhaps once he has his drink, he pauses and leans up against a wall near them, sipping his drink and surverying the room.

[ooc: hide +9 to blend into the crowd]


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Kadoch sits back and slows down his drinking, not wanting to overdo it and be out of it come morning.

Wow, so much suspicion. Why would they bother hiring fighting men and then try to double-cross them? Seems odd to me, but maybe I'm being naive.

He turns to the people remaining at the table, and shrugs.

"So.. What are you guys good at? If we end up working together, it probably would be best if we know what the others are capable of. As it might be obvious, I've trained in putting as much metal as possible between me and the enemy, and trying to be the last one standing."


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"In my opinion, all that metal just slows you down. If they can't catch you, they can't hurt you." Grinning at his companions, Kemal adds "And I'm quite hard to catch".

Looking at Eric, the gambler points at the big man's cards. "Well, are you going to play or not?"


First Post
"I thought it was the spare change for the waitress you put on the table." He take two gold pieces from his pouch and equal Khemal's gold. He play, and after a few minutes, Erik dare something but sees the dice playing him a trick and has no choice to accept he just lost. "I think you'll eat tomorrow too."

"I tell you, the only metal you need between you and your opponent, it is the one of your weapon, and it is even better if it is not between you and him, but between his bones." He points his sword... no doubt that just the weight of that weapon could easily crush the bones of a man.


First Post
Kadoch smiles and shakes his head.

"I guess we'll see when the time comes. I've made this armor, I'm confident it'll serve me well."

Voidrunner's Codex

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