So you think people who liked 4e and the changes in 5.5 are too stupid to make an informed decision?Acting like any video or written opinion only exists for clicks is ridiculous.
Why does anyone keep fighting for something they believe in? Why you do you keep posting? Silly question.
In order to make change happen, something needs to be spoken out against. By discussing what is wrong with a product, people start to have more reason to explore other options, instead of lining up like lemmings to buy and use the 5.5E books as if that's the only option. If a product starts trending downwards, and other similar products upward, then a company is incentivized to do something about it. Like what happened with trash 4th edition.
I have not read a single post of you that made me suddenly realize that the changes are bad and that there is a better product out there.
The only things I see in your post are baseless claims.