Here was my problem with most of the "skills" packages the rogue kept getting.
You couldn't replicate the (A)D&D thief anymore.
I don't know how it was exactly in AD&D, but OSRIC has this to say:
Climbing represents a thief’s ability to scale sheer walls and surfaces, cling to ceilings, and perform other feats of climbing that would normally be impossible.
That skill begins at 80%.
B/X gives an 87% chance to climb sheer surfaces at level one, though it turns into "steep" surfaces in the text.
In 3E terms, these skills would require a DC 25 check; in order to make these checks, the thief would have to be pretty high level.
I don't think replicating the AD&D thief is the baseline. If you give a 1st-level 5E rogue AD&D-level climbing skills, you can't replicate 3E's bumbling rogue.