D&D 5E Is it right for WoTC to moralize us in an adventure module?


So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Meh. Semantics. I don't need to change it, running it as it is presumes you follow some predefined solution and not an alternative solution not provided.
I don't know what you mean "Meh. Semantics." I think the impact of the words we choose to deliver here to other human beings are important. Nobody "wins" by dismissing the impact of the words we choose to use. Let's disengage.

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Oh, you're ABSOLUTELY right. Psionics -are- Magic in 5e. That's been the case since the PHB dropped and people sent questions to Sage Advice about it.
Is it? The books don’t really say one way or another. If you want to give authority to an external party, anyone can, but it shouldn’t be treated as definitive.

Particularly in light of the many, many questionable “answers” given by Sage Advice.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Is it? The books don’t really say one way or another. If you want to give authority to an external party, anyone can, but it shouldn’t be treated as definitive.

Particularly in light of the many, many questionable “answers” given by Sage Advice.
I disliked Sage Advice's answer so much I wrote a whole book about it.

And sold almost 700 copies.


So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
I suspect this thread has run out of steam and this is coming too late, but...

Now that I have some experience under my belt with the ways of Enworld, I would have in retrospect made a few key changes to the thread:
  • Change the title to something more accurate like Discussing Changes to Prisoner 13
  • Marked it as a (+Ideating) thread, which means it's only for discussing net new things to the adventure as written (vs status quo arguments)
  • I would have re-structured the OP, to improve understanding, as it conflates a few different things
My hunch is that controversial topics generate most of the activity and ideating threads tend to get very little responses/comments, which is unfortunate, but at least it would make this thread a safer place for anyone who did want to discuss possible changes, and impose less on the sensibilities of those who like it as is.

In the end, I got at least one idea that works for my gaming table, from @Maxperson so thank you for that!

I also thought about implementing the above changes, but that felt unfair because it would retroactively affect the optics of every post that was written in response to the original OP.

Cheers everyone!
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Morkus from Orkus
I suspect this thread has run out of steam and this is coming too late, but...

Now that I have some experience under my belt with the ways of Enworld, I would have in retrospect made a few key changes to the thread:
  • Change the title to something more accurate like Discussing Changes to Prisoner 13
  • Marked it as a (+Ideating) thread, which means it's only for discussing net new things to the adventure as written (vs status quo arguments)
  • I would have re-structured the OP, to improve understanding, as it conflates a few different things
My hunch is that controversial topics generate most of the activity and ideating threads tend to get very little responses/comments, which is unfortunate, but at least it would make this thread a safer place for anyone who did want to discuss possible changes, and impose less on the sensibilities of those who like it as is.

In the end, I got at least one idea that works for my gaming table, from @Maxperson so thank you for that!

I also thought about implementing the above changes, but that felt unfair because it would retroactively affect the optics of every post that was written in response to the original OP.

Cheers everyone!
My pleasure. If you ever want to bounce ideas off of me, I love to help out.


Rotten DM
This thread is based on a failure of English Language comprehension*. The word "good" has multiple meanings. In this context it means "most desirable" (the opposite of "bad"). It does not mean "moral" (the opposite of "evil").

*I could go off on a rant about how poorly Comprehension is taught in schools these days, but that would be well off topic.
Off Topic is a great store. My nearest one is only 4.5 miles away.

Such as?

I've provided my definition of evil above in this thread (ditto good).

Give me an example.
I already did. The example I gave with the druids. A small group of people, against a large and powerful group, resorting to terrorism. Their plight is understandable, but their methods hurt innocent people.

I already did. The example I gave with the druids. A small group of people, against a large and powerful group, resorting to terrorism. Their plight is understandable, but their methods hurt innocent people.

'Negotiate a truce between the two groups to stop the violence' is the good option there.

Im not seeing a morally ambiguous choice at all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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