D&D (2024) Is Magical Cunning enough? (Warlock P7)


So, Warlocks at level 2 can now restore HALF (round up) of their Pact Magic slots using a 1 minute ritual 1/day. So, this means, effectively, they get two extra spell slots a day until level 20, where it jumps to four.

Essentially, it's just a weaker version of Eldritch Master, their uninspired and underwhelming (IMO) capstone from the 2014 book.

I'm not a mathematician, so I'm not sure how much of an impact this will actually have on the Warlock in play. My gut reaction, though, is this is a step in the right direction, but not far enough.

Am I missing anything? Would it be too OP to just give Warlocks Eldritch Master at 2nd level and then give them a new capstone that isn't garbage?

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
So, Warlocks at level 2 can now restore HALF (round up) of their Pact Magic slots using a 1 minute ritual 1/day. So, this means, effectively, they get two extra spell slots a day until level 20, where it jumps to four.

Essentially, it's just a weaker version of Eldritch Master, their uninspired and underwhelming (IMO) capstone from the 2014 book.

I'm not a mathematician, so I'm not sure how much of an impact this will actually have on the Warlock in play. My gut reaction, though, is this is a step in the right direction, but not far enough.

Am I missing anything? Would it be too OP to just give Warlocks Eldritch Master at 2nd level and then give them a new capstone that isn't garbage?
It’s worse than that. It’s ONE spell slot from 2-10, and only goes to 2 at level 11.

It's better than nothing, but if the goal was to allow the warlock to cast more spells then it fails hard. At best it lets a warlock cast one more spell per day, often it will be 0 extra spells. It's of no use on a 5 minute workday since you'll get your spells back on a long rest anyway, on longer days you might get enough short rests, and/or fail to time when to use Magical Cunning during the day.

It would be better if Magical Cunning didn't require you to be out of spell slots, so that it could be used to "top up" your slots if you use one of them to cast a utility spell, but what the warlock really needs is to get that 3rd spell slot earlier than lvl 11. Lvl 6 would be a good place.

Now, how to rate Magical Cunning in the upcoming survey? I wouldn't call myself satisfied, but if we rate it poorly, will WotC conclude that it doesn't "spark joy", and revert to the 2014 way of no spell slot recovery other than from short rests?


IMHO it's way to weak to address the "too few spells" and Short Rest Problems.

I would have loved if they just simply get their spells back 2/day with a short ritual. So that they cann't get unlimited Spells, but they are not so dependend on the GM or Adventure to give them a chance to get spells back at all.

Another solutions would be equal to the Fighter Short Rest. Give them more Spellslots up Front, but ony 1 back per Short Rest. That would retain the Warlock Feeling, but make it less dependend.

It's exactly what I expected after seeing the monk last packet.

Don't worry though, apparently everyone will want to take short rests now. Problem solved!
Actually: yes. If everyone benefits f4om short rests, players will use them.

The only really important thing is having the different rest options very present. Best in the PHB or very early in the DMG and a note in the PHB that the mentioned 1 hour, 6 hour breaks are just the default value.

Voidrunner's Codex

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