Is WOTC headed for a TSR-ending? :/

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If D&D as a PnP game fails, then I want the next best thing...

Dungeons & Dragons breakfast cereal, with marshmallow beholders, mimics, and dragons.

I want that anyway :)

WotC isn't actively developing and releasing content for 8 different world settings, 3 magazines, a crapton of novels, etc. I skipped on 3.5 b/c I felt it was certainly too soon and my gaming group was in the process of dying anyway. 4E brought me back. It's been nice and easy to teach several gaming newbs here in Louisville 4E too


First Post
The Pokemon card game (at the time produced by WotC) was likely also a determining factor.
Now that I think about it, WotC has a pretty excellent track record of either starting trends or finding the best way to take advantage of trends. They pounce on that stuff.


First Post
The fate of WOTC isn't relevant to me as a lifelong D&D player. The "D&D" that they produce now has virtually nothing in common with the D&D that I play and find interesting. The products I consume (Old School Renaissance stuff) is generally not available in game stores. I buy things direct from the publisher, from Lulu or from online retailers (if not available otherwise). There are several online communities which cater to Old School gaming and I can find people there to talk to and play with.

So the fate of WOTC, 4E, etc. is basically meaningless to me. It won't change the hobby I'm involved in one bit. On a human level, I hope no one loses their job and gets in a bad way. But as a player of the game D&D, it makes not an iota of difference.


The sky fell over a year ago. Now we're all drowning in sky pieces.

Also, the world is going to end in 2012, but humanity will survive because the government has made a deal with the gray aliens (who are causing global warming, BTW) to transport us all to Earth 2, where we'll all live under a socialist regime ruled by atheist lizard people.

Get your catastrophes straight, for Pete's sake!

Yeah, because Pete(r) is still gainfully employed by WotC and producing miniatures and books.


I believe that Dreamblade, which is incredibly popular in Japan, outsells MtG by a wide, wide margin.

What? Dreamblade, the miniatures game? That game is dead, drowned in a pool of its own flop sweat. It siphoned off some of the D&D miniatures skirmish players and some others but it was axed before the D&D skirmish game was.

Someone likely needs to pee in the cup for testing purposes.

edit: Duel Masters is more believable.
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Also, the world is going to end in 2012, but humanity will survive because the government has made a deal with the gray aliens (who are causing global warming, BTW) to transport us all to Earth 2, where we'll all live under a socialist regime ruled by atheist lizard people

I know you're only kidding, cause obviously the lizard people wouldn't be atheists. But the world is coming to an end in 2012. I just recently saw a documentary about it here: 2012 - Official Movie Site

At least I have 2 years to make an important decision...after I rent a plane, do I make room for my wife, or my D&D books?

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