D&D 5E Is'Merith Character Sheets

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Name: Alejandro
Race: Forest Gnome
Class: Barbarian - Path of the Berserker
Background: Urchin
Level: 4

[sblock=Stats]STR 15 (+2)
DEX 15 (+2)*
CON 12 (+1)
INT 13 (+1)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 8 (-1)
*includes Gnome racial adjustment
Proficiency Bonus +2

Max HP 38
Current HP: 30
AC 16 (18 with shield)
Move 25'
Initiative +2[/sblock]

[sblock=Racial traits]Speak with Small Animals
Minor Illusion (spell save DC 11)
Gnome Cunning - ADV v Int, Wis, Cha magic saves
Dark vision 60'
Languages: common, gnomish[/sblock]

Armour: Light, medium, shields
Weapon: Simple, martial
Tools: Disguise kit, Thieves tools
Saving throws: STR, CON
Skills: Athletics, Intimidation, Sleight of hand, Stealth[/sblock]

Polearm Master
- When using Qstaff, Bonus Action to make attack with other end -1d4 bludgeoning
- Gain Opportunity Attack when creature enters my reach[/sblock]

Morning Star (+4 to hit, 1d8+2)
Silvered Decorated Quarterstaff (+4 to hit, 1d8+2/1d10+2)
Daggers x4 (+4 to hit, 1d4+2; Thrown range 20/30, +3/1d4+2)
Small knife

Shield (+2 AC)
Lizardfolk shield (spiked) (broken)

- Bedroll
- Mess tin
- Tinderbox
- Torches x10
- Rations x10 days
- Waterskin
- 50' hempen rope
- Map of Is'Merith (very complex, private code)
- Token of family: tiny music box
- Common clothes
- Thieves' tools
- Half orc tusk (gold)
- Half Orc teeth (gold)

Gold pieces 69
Silver pieces 97
Copper pieces 34


Pet Mouse (Archibald)

[sblock=Class & Background Abilities]Rage (3 per long rest)
Adv on STR checks and saves
Melee: +2 damage if use STR
Resistant: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing

Gain one melee attack as a bonus action.
Suffer 1x level of exhaustion when ends

Reckless Attack
Gain Adv on STR attacks, gives same to opponent

Danger Sense

Unarmoured Defence
AC = 10+DEX mod+CON mod

City Secrets
x2 speed outside combat in city[/sblock]

[sblock=Traits etc]Trait: bluntly say what others hint at
Ideal: community
Bond: owe survival to another urchin
Flaw: kill in sleep rather than fight fair[/sblock]

[sblock=History]Alejandro was left an abandoned urchin child on the streets of Is'Merith after a trip to the great city left his parents dead. Forest gnome craftsmen from the borders of the desert, they had come to the city to trade.
Alas for Alejandro, a disturbance in the market square led to a cart careening into his horrified parents, trapped between their stall and the solid stone wall behind them. Both parents were killed instantly, leaving young Alejandro (only a youthful nine year old in human terms) alone, scared, and angry.
Unable to go home, he took to the streets where he found solace from the knocks and blows of a cruel world in the Undercity in the company of the small creatures of the settlement - rats, mice, cats, and small birds.
Constantly picked upon for his small stature and seemingly weak body, he grew to be a formidable fighter, with a reputation for taking no prisoners and a tendency to attack wildly with a ferocity startling to see on his youthful gnomish features.
A fellow urchin, Nora, a human woman, took pity on Alejandro after he was found badly beaten by a gang of thieves, cradling a tiny mouse in his hands. This mouse, which he names Archibald, was being chased by the thieves and Alejandro went to its rescue and paid for his trouble in blood and pain. Nora took him in and protected him, showing him the back ways of the city. Nora is a secretive woman who has increasingly hidden in the shadows as the years passed by, telling Alejandro of a terrible illness she suffers from. He still checks in on her in her hideaway regularly and feels a very mother-son protection towards her, but her movements remain a mystery and her true self is a tale he hasn't been able to read, despite asking his animal friends about her.
Now he has grown into a man and has a name made for himself of sorts in the Undercity. He has rejected the welfare of the state in order to live on the margins, and always always with an eye out to find the people responsible for the terrible tragedy that befell his parents - all he knows for sure is that the people who set the cart in motion were half-orcs, a race he has never trusted since.[/sblock]
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First Post
Name: Shenemnenmone Tanner (a.k.a. Shen)
Race: Wood Elf
Class: Ranger v2


[sblock="Stats"]Level: 4
HP: 37/37
Hit dice: 8/8 d6
AC: 14
Move: 35
Vision: Darkvision (60ft)
Initiative: +2
Passive perception​: 14

Primeval Awareness slots
1st: 3/3

STR: 16 (+3)
DEX: 14 (+2)
CON: 13 (+1)
INT: 8 (-1)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 12 (+1)[/sblock]
[sblock="Proficiencies"]Weapons: simple, martial
Armor: light, shields
Saving Throws: Dex, Wis

  • Athletics (+5)
  • Intimidation (+3)
  • Perception (+4)
  • Survival (+4)
  • Stealth (+4)
  • Animal Handling (+4)

  • Dice set
  • Land vehicles
  • Herbalism Kit
  • Elvish (language)
[sblock="Race/class features"]Racial:
  • Fey Ancestry: adv. on saves vs charm. Magic can't put me to sleep.
  • Trance: sleep 4 hours (2 extra hours of "light activity")
  • Mask of the Wild: can hide in light obscurement due to natural phenomena

  • Ambuscade: get extra turn before anyone else; action can only be to Attack or Hide; CAN move and such (afaik). If surprised, ignore surprise, but don't get extra turn.
  • Natural Explorer: 2x prof bonus on proficient WIS and INT checks related to favored terrain. After 1 hour in favored terrain, gain travel bonuses:
    • ​Difficult terrain doesn't slow travel
    • Can't be lost (except by magic)
    • "Remain alert to danger" when occupied (navigating, etc)
    • Stealth @ normal speed when alone
    • Forage 2x as much food
    • When tracking creatures, know their exact number, size, and time they were there
    • Favored Terrain: desert
  • Skirmisher's Stealth: at start of turn, I can pick one person I'm hidden from and stay hidden from it no matter what. Can re-stealth as a BA at the end of my turn, conditions permitting; otherwise get detected.
  • Fighting Style: Defense (+1 AC in armor)
  • Primeval Awareness: action + spend spell slot to to activate, lasts 1 min/level of slot. Get yes/no ping if certain creatures are within 1 mile, or 6 miles in favored terrain: aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, undead
  • Spirit Path (Seeker): bonus action to summon spirit companion (Giant Eagle). Requires concentration (as spell; additionally, can remain active when I'm unconscious), duration 1 min. Acts on my initiative, after me. I control it (even if unconscious, etc). 1/day.
  • Seeker's Eye: bonus action, choose creature I can see, attacks vs it have advantage until end of my next turn. 1/rest.


  • Tavern Brawler: on my turn, after hitting with unarmed/improvised attack, grapple target as BA. (+1 STR, prof on improvised weps, unarmed dmg 1d4)
[sblock="Companion"]HP: 26/26
AC: 13
Move: 10 (land), 80 (fly)
Size: Large
Passive perception​: 14

STR: 16 (+3)
DEX: 17 (+3)
CON: 13 (+1)
INT: 8 (-1)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 10 (--)

  • Trained in Perception (+4)
  • Advantage on Perception checks using sight
  • Add my WIS (+2) to attacks and saves (already factored into attacks below)
  • Uses higher of HP in stat block (26) or half of mine
  • Speaks Giant Eagle language; understands Common and Auran

  • Multiattack: 1 beak + 1 talon
  • Beak (+7 to hit, 1d6+3 pierce)
  • Talons (+7 to hit, 2d6+3 slash)
[sblock="Inventory"]Money: 196gp

  • Halberd (+5 to hit, 1d10+3 slash)
  • Trident (+5 to hit, 1d6+3 pierce; versatile: 1d8+3; thrown: 20/60)
  • Longbow (+4 to hit, 1d8+2 pierce; range 150/600)
  • Silvered dagger (+5 to hit, 1d4+3 pierce; finesse, light, thrown 20/60)
  • Unarmed/Improvised (+5 to hit, 1d4+3 bludgeon)
  • Leather (mundane)
  • Leather (magic; attuned)
    • Wearer always feels cool
    • Command word to make armor permanently clean or dirty
    • As an immediate action, use a command gesture to cast ghost sound each round for up to 1 minute, however, immediately take 1d8 bleeding damage. (Immediate actions and Ghost Sound don't exist in 5e)
Other: Common clothes, Insignia of rank (crest on necklace), Trophy from fallen enemy (animal teeth and various army insignia on armor and tied to halberd), Set of bone dice, Explorer's Pack
  • Potion of invisibility: you+gear invisible for 1 hour. Canceled if you attack or cast a spell.
  • Antitoxin: advantage on saves vs poison, 1 hour.
[sblock="Background"]Background: Soldier
Specialty: Infantry
Feature: Military Rank. Soldiers loyal to same military recognize rank, defer if lower-ranked. Can requisition horses/EQ temporarily. May access fortresses/etc. where rank is recognized.

Trait 1: "I face problems head-on. A simple, direct solution is the best path to success."
Trait 2: "I've lost too many friends, and I'm slow to make new ones."
Ideal: "Greater Good. Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense of others."
Bond: "Those who fight beside me are those worth dying for."
Flaw: "I'd rather eat my armor than admit when I'm wrong."[/sblock]
Gender: F
Hair: Red-brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: above average
Weight: average (light, very fit)
Age: 254

General description:
All of Shen's equipment is worn out, mostly from traveling through the wilderness; her halberd is a holdover from her military service decades ago, and has been repaired by hand many times and covered in trophies (animal teeth, claws, and the badges of fallen soldiers), until it almost looks like a tribal shaman's staff.

Her leather armor is also patchwork, including small metal plates on her shoulders, elbows, and knees, reminiscent of military-issue armor, apparently torn from their original suit and adapted to the leather pieces to which they're now attached. The metal is heavily tarnished to prevent it catching any light while the wearer sneaks around.

Showing under her armor is a dark green hooded jacket, and pants of a heavy beige fabric. Her boots, with simple designs stitched into the sides, and her wide-brimmed hat, are characteristic of herders at the edge of the desert, her adoptive family.

Shen knows little about her parents, except that they were driven from their home by some kind of conflict and forced into human society, abandoning her there; whether they died of wounds, or sickness, or couldn't condescend to live among humans, Shen isn't really sure. She never knew any of this until her late 20's; she didn't know she wasn't human until other children noticed her ears, and still figured she was half-elf until it became clear she didn't age quite like everyone else. At that point, her adoptive family had no choice but to explain what little they knew of her past.

Her adoptive family were butchers, tanners, and herders, a tradition she continued as she cared for her aging parents. They eventually passed, and her brothers and sisters were fast turning gray, while Shen stayed the same. She soon left town to broaden her experience. Having known nothing else, she lived with the same energy and quickness of a human, tiring of one occupation after a decade or two and moving on to something else. Every 60 years or so, when something big happens, she calls that a "lifetime" and moves on, forgetting all the baggage of her old identity and going somewhere new to start a life she's never had before.

Her first lifetime went until she was 65 and her brothers and sisters started having grandchildren; not wanting to wait around until she lost all of them, too, she struck out alone.

For her second lifetime, she wandered across the country, falling in love with nature, and experiencing different lands and people. Of course, friendships made this way tend to end abruptly or just fade away. When she'd had enough, she settled down in a city to the northwest of Is'Merith.

Her third life found her tending animals again, outside a big city. Eventually its people came under attack and, being able-bodied, headstrong, and dim-witted, Shen was fascinated by the thrilling and terrifying life of a front-line soldier. Not soon enough, though, she recognized the folly of the war and countless friends' lives wasted fighting it, and she deserted.

Tired of losing people, she started her fourth life searching the forests for signs of elf clans. Maybe one would even recognize her, or her name, or something. And find them she did. Not "her" clan, of course, but her people nonetheless. Or, so she thought. It was lonelier in the clan than anywhere else; always so quiet, except for the weird dancing festivals, and no contact with anyone but the same people every day, stuffy meditation practices, disapproving looks when she mentioned card games or beer or anything fun...

Still, it was supposed to last, yet even that had to be cut short. Drawn by stories of a sacred staff the clan held, some strangely-robed people appeared while Shen was away; when she returned, there was no staff and few survivors. Furious, she left the last of the clan behind to track down the attackers and take revenge. Apparently they were part of some cult, as Shen was taken by agents of an opposing church as a guide. She continued in a hate-filled fog until one fateful day, when the group stumbled across a griffon. Shen realized too late that the seemingly-monstrous creature was just defending its nest and a lone egg. Horrified at her own callousness, Shen wrapped the egg up and brought it with her. With something else to live for, she fulfilled her promises to the church and left them to their mission.

That was a mistake. For once, her old life wasn't content to be left behind. Not a year after the griffon hatched, Shen found herself in a desperate fight against assassins of the cult, send to tie up loose ends. She's not sure how she survived, but apparently she did. She was the only one. They must have wanted to send a message.

That was the end of her fourth lifetime. Within another year, she'd begun the fifth, this time as a simple bounty hunter with no home and no attachments, restarting far away in a town called Is'Merith, the kind of place she wouldn't miss when it came time to leave.[/sblock]
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Daedarai Galascient
[SBLOCK=Picture] 1ArbonesseExile_300px1.png[/SBLOCK]
[SBLOCK=Stat Block and Details]Height 5’10; Weight 130lbs; Hair: Dark Brown; Age: 120;
Sex: Male Race: High Elf Class: Rogue (Arcane Trickster) Level: 4
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Size: Medium Type: Humanoid
Init: +4; Passive Perception:13
Languages: Common, Elven, Thieves’ Cant

AC: 15 (Leather [11] + Dex [4] HP: 27 HD: 4d8
Saving Throw Proficiencies: Dex, Int
Speed: 30 ft.
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Combat gear:
Leather Armor (AC 11+ 4 Dex)
Curved Elven Blade (2h) (ATK: +6; Damage 1d10+4 Piercing)
Longbow (ATK +6; Damage 1d8+4 Piercing/150/600)
Dagger (ATK +6; Damage 1d4+4 Piercing)

Str 8 (-1)
Dex 18 (+4) (Racial) (ASI +1)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 16 (+3) (Racial) (ASI +1)
Wis 8 (-1)
Cha 14 (+2)
Racial Traits:
Darkvision: 60 ft
Fey Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws against being charmed and magic cannot put you to sleep
Trance: Instead of sleep, trance for 4 hours = long rest
Cantrip: Prestidigitation
Proficiency Skill: Perception
Proficiency Weapon: Longsword, Shortsword, Short Bow, Long Bow
Background: Charlatan
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Sleight of Hand
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit, Forger’s Kit
Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a disguise kit, forger's kit (spent 15 initial gp)
Feature: False Identity- Erevan Amastacia (used in business)

Favorite Scheme: I forge documents
Personality Trait: Flattery is my preferred trick for getting what I want.
Bond: I owe everything to my mentor – a horrible person who's probably rotting in jail somewhere
Ideal: Aspiration: I'm determined to make something of myself
Flaw: I hate to admit it and will hate myself for it, but I'll run and preserve my own hide if the going gets tough

[SBLOCK=Class Features]Class Features:
Expertise: Double proficiency bonus on Stealth and Thieves' Tools
Sneak Attack: Once per turn w/advantage, can deal +2d6 damage to one creature attacked by finesse or ranged weapon. Does not require advantage if another non-incapacitated enemy of target is within 5 ft of target and I do not have disadvantage
Cunning Action: Can use a bonus action on my turn to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Spellcasting: Spellcasting DC: 13; Spell Attack Mod: +5
Mage Hand Legerdemain: Mage Hand cantrip becomes invisible; obtains additional actions (essentially pickpocket and usage of thieves’ tools); Mage Hand actions can be performed stealthily if a Sleight of Hand check beats the targets Perception check; Mage Hand can also be controlled by a bonus action.

Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Hand Crossbows, Rapiers, Simple Weapons, Short Swords, Long Swords
Tools: Thieves’ Tools
Saving throws: Dexterity, Intelligence

Proficient Skills from class: Persuasion, Acrobatics, Stealth, Sleight of Hand[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Skills and Feats]All Proficient Skills
+6 Acrobatics
+8 Stealth (expertise)
+6 Sleight of Hand
+5 Investigation
+1 Perception
+4 Deception
+4 Persuasion

+8 Thieves’ Tools (expertise)
+2 +stat Disguise Kit
+2 +stat Forger’s Kit


[SBLOCK=Magic]Cantrip: Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Green Flame Blade
Level One Spells Known:Sleep, Silent Image, Find Familiar (any school pick of lvl. 3), Charm Person
Spell Slots: 1st Level: 3

From Class:
Silvered Elven Curved Blade (1d10 Slashing, Two-handed, Finesse)
Quiver with 20 arrows
Burglar's Pack: Backpack, a bag of 1,000 ball bearings, 10 feet of string, a bell, 5 candles, a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, a hooded lantern, 2 flasks of oil, 5 days rations, a tinderbox, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 ft of hempen rope strapped to the side of it.
Enchanted Everclean Leather Armor
Two Daggers
Thieves' Tools
A set of fine clothes,
a disguise kit,
forger's kit
Enchanted money pouch that always looks empty
Several sleeping poisons and powders

A vial of unknown black substance (found here)

35 gold
90 silver
18 copper[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Back Story] Daedarai was supposed to be something special. Bethriele Liamne, an influential figure in the Thieves' Guild, plucked him from his life as an orphan on the streets when he was a young child. Bethriele was a cruel taskmaster, but brought out the best in the young elf. Years of training showed Daedarai to have tremendous potential. He had an eye for detail that made him ideal for the guild's more business minded efforts. Bethriele saw an opportunity to use his skills to further her own goals and arranged his career as a document forger.

He excelled in this job and even managed to insinuate himself into professional circles using an alias, Erevan Amastacia, that allowed him greater knowledge of the various business dealings in the city. The better intelligence he got, the bigger the scores got. Cargo manifests would get forged to allow materials to go missing unnoticed. Contracts were altered between parties to allow Thieves' Guild fronts to profit. All along, Bethriele was there taking credit for her protege's work and climbing up the ladder of the guild while Daedarai toiled away in obscurity.

Then, the Al-Karrith job happened.

Daedarai had been carefully manipulating various businesses towards storing valuable goods in a certain block of warehouses owned by the Al-Karrith Consortium. Months of preparation had allowed for one night where a multitude of companies would be storing valuable products there. It was an audacious plan. One evening would permanently change the fortune of every thief involved. Leading the effort for this massive haul was Daedarai's mentor, Bethriele, who saw this as an opportunity to catapult herself beyond her rivals. She told Daedarai to stay behind placating him with honeyed words that he was too valuable to risk, but he recognized the truth. This was to be Bethriele's victory and he should be know his place.

It was a large operation. In retrospect, many would come to believe it was too large of an operation. They would argue that an operation of that size could not help but be compromised. Jandar Dumein of the Free Army Spies had somehow gained information on the entire operation for that evening and led the authorities in one of the most effective law enforcement raids in recent memory. Every thief involved was captured that evening.

In the aftermath, the guild was in chaos. The leadership of the guild varied between thinking Daedarai incompetent, a traitor, or a brilliant tactician who arranged the removal of his mentor. Whether Daedarai knew the truth of how the FAS came to know about the plot, he never shared. He felt that his silence might be his best defense. It was a gambit that paid off. The admiration of those who thought him devious was enough to sway those saw him as merely an idiot. His life was saved, but he would be on probation and have his activities overseen until he had proven his worth again to the guild. [/SBLOCK]
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First Post
Name: "Mina"; Yasmina bina G'Shar of House Silverfrost

[sblock= Stat block/details]
>Half-elf, female; CG (tending Neutral)
>Former minor noble; now apprentice 'adventurer' (and budding revolutionary)
>Bard 3 (Lore)/Rogue 1
>Hit points: 27 (8+1+5+1+5+1+5+1)
>Armor class: 15 (Studded leather/ 12, +3 DEX)
>Initiative: +4
>Size= Medium; Speed= 30 feet
>Passive Perception 16; Darkvision 60 feet
-STR 8 (-1)
-CON 12 (+1)
-DEX 16 (+3, save +5)
-INT 10 (+0)
-WIS 14 (+2)
-CHA 16 (+3, save +5)

[sblock= Background]
>Background: Noble (ex-), Criminal
>Trait 1: I am always calm and serene, even in the face of disaster- or at least I appear to be. I never raise my voice, or let my true emotions show.
>Trait 2: I've never left the city (and until recently hardly ever left my family compound)- the outside world is full of wonders.
>Trait: I still have a taste for the finer things in life- that is where most of my money goes...
>Ideal: (Freedom) Chains were made to be broken- as are those who would forge them. (While I was born a noble, I feel that the current society must be changed- too many people are subject to too few). (AKA: "I'm not going to stop the wheel. I'm going to break the wheel.")
>Bond: A powerful person killed someone I love. Someday soon I will have my revenge. (My brother killed my father and beloved tutor/surrogate mother figure; I will have my revenge on him, and his political cronies).
>Flaw: I will never fully trust anyone other than myself- those days of naivete are past.
>Background feature: Position of privilege (modified). While Yasmina can no longer draw upon the resources of her family in any kind of public or long-term way, she can still pass as a member of the nobility (or as a servant or courtier, perhaps), and she has an extensive knowledge of the various Houses (important names, alliances and areas of influence, and minutia such as who owns which estate). She also has knowledge about behavior, forms of address, and other such protocol. (Due to her rather unusual training, she also has a very basic awareness of the criminal underworld in Is’Merith- she has no official contacts, but she is at least aware that there is such a network; most nobles would have no idea…)

>History: Alamira Silverfrost was one of the archmages in the army which ruined the old empire and led to the current society of Is’Merith. House Silverfrost is one of the oldest families in the city- though they have never been among the most powerful, they have often been seen as valuable allies, and they have always weathered the storms and conflicts of the court quite well. One of their secrets (known only to the head of the House and the designated heir) is their employment of surplus children as spies, and occasionally assassins- it was a tactic that was rarely used, but it helped them keep their position.
Yasmina is one such offspring of the House- as the third daughter and youngest child of her generation, she would otherwise have been entirely superfluous. Her father hired a particular nanny and tutor, an elderly gnomish woman with a rather unusual skill set- and Yasmina was educated from an early age to be of service to her house. To all outward appearances, she was as flighty and ornamental as one might expect, trained in courtly dance, graces, and repartee. Her true training was far more complex, however- and if she had been able to complete it, she would surely have been an exceptional agent for the family. Unfortunately, she is still fairly young, and her training is hardly complete. When her second-eldest brother staged a household coup (with the advice and assistance of other noble houses who sought Silverfrost’s resources and alliance), Yasmina’s father and his heir were slain, as was her tutor- in short, everyone who knew her secret. Yasmina herself managed to gather a few belongings before she fled- and her brother could care less about the loss of one more flighty ornamental mouth to feed; he was too busy abusing his new position as head of the House. Yasmina is believed to be dead, or perhaps to have fled the city for foreign lands- in fact she has only left the inner ring; she wants to develop her skills enough to avenge her family and cleanse the name of her House (though she is well aware the journey will be a long one).

-5'0" tall; 103 lbs
-Hair: Black, naturally wavy but cut short
-Eyes: Brown
-Usually dresses in plain, well-made traveling clothes of a loose, flowing style (save for the sleeves, which are tightly laced from elbow to wrist). Accents plain clothing with decorative sash and embroidered slippers- not a dandy or fashionista certainly, but not too plain either; it fits with her 'entertainer' persona. Still has one set of fancy clothes, just in case. Typically wears a veil, like many modest (or sun-fearing) women, and keeps her armor and most weapons concealed.


[sblock= Class and Race features]
>Race: Half-elf
-Size Medium, Speed 30 feet
-Ability score increases: +2 CHA, +1 each to any two (DEX, WIS)
-Languages: Common, Elven, 1 other
-Darkvision 60 feet
-Skill versatility: Proficiency in any two skills
-Fey ancestry: Advantage on saves vs. charm, cannot be put to sleep by magic

>Class: Bard
-Proficiencies: Light armor; Simple weapons, hand crossbow, longsword, rapier, shortsword; Any three musical instruments; Any three skills; DEX and CHA saves.
-Bardic spellcasting (CHA-based, can use musical instrument as arcane focus; ritual casting)
-Bardic inspiration: +1d6; 3x/day
-Jack of all trades: Apply half of proficiency bonus (+1) to all ability checks that do not have proficiency (Initiative and most skill checks)
-Song of rest: Add +1d6 HP to any HP restored (By spending HD) during a short rest, for self and allies (with appropriate performance)
-Cutting words: Use Bardic Inspiration die to reduce enemy attack, ability check, or damage roll; usable within 60 feet, must apply before result of check is known.
-Expertise: Double proficiency bonus in two skills (History, Insight)
-Bonus proficiencies (College of Lore): Gain 3 extra skill proficiencies (Arcana, Medicine, Investigate)

>Class: Rogue MC
-Add one skill from class list (Insight) and proficiency in thieves tools
-Add Thieves Cant to languages
-Sneak attack: +1d6 in appropriate situations
-Expertise: Double proficiency bonus in two selected skills (Perception, Deception)

>Background: Noble (ex-)/Criminal
-Two skills: History, Persuasion
-Two tool proficiencies/Languages: Herbalism kit, Language- draconic
-Feature: Position of privilege (modified)

[sblock= Proficiencies]
>Proficient skills: Acrobatics +5, Arcana +2, Athletics +1, Deception +7 (x), History +4 (x), Insight +6 (x), Investigate +2, Medicine +5, Perception +6 (x), Performance +5, Persuasion +5
>Other skills: Animal handling +2, Intimidation +3, Nature +0, Religion +0, Sleight of hand +3, Stealth +3, Survival +2
>*NOTE: Add half proficiency bonus to ability checks (including Initiative and most skills) that do not have proficiency
>Languages: Common, Elven, Gnomish, Draconic
>Tool proficiencies: Herbalism kit, Flute, Drum, Hammer dulcimer, Thieves tools
>Feats/ASI: (none yet)

[sblock= Magic]
>Bard: CHA-based (Attack +5; Save DC 13)
Cantrips known: Prestidigitation, Vicious mockery
Spells known: (5) Disguise self, Detect magic, Healing word, Comprehend languages, Lesser restoration, Suggestion
Spell slots: Level 1= 4; Level 2= 2

[sblock= Equipment, etc.]
-Studded leather armor
-Small drum
-Dagger (x4)
-Traveler's clothes (x2)
-Short bow
-Quiver, 30 arrows
-Explorer's pack (no rope or torches, 2 days rations)
-Belt pouch (x2)
-Fine clothes (1 set)
-Thieves tools
-Disguise kit
-Signet ring (House Silverfrost)
-2 sets of ID (One for her 'actual' identity- of very limited usefulness to anyone who is aware of her recent change in status; one for 'Mina Nightsong', apprentice bard/dancer/entertainer)
-Healers kit
-Comfortable lifestyle (10 days prepaid)(Used: 2)
-10 gp +assorted small coins

[sblock= Equipment for desert/mines trip]
-ID documents (Mina Nightsong)
-Healer's kit
-Traveler's clothes (1 set, worn)
-Short bow, quiver, 20 arrows
-Dagger (x2)
-Explorer's pack (no rope or torches, 2 days rations)
-Studded leather armor
-Belt pouch
-Thieves tools
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First Post
Name: Isaac Perricolo
Race: Stout Halfling
Alignment: CN
Class: Fighter(Champion)
Background: Criminal
Level: 4

STR 15 (+2)
DEX 15 (+2)*
CON 14 (+2)*
INT 10 (0)
WIS 8 (-1)
CHA 12 (+1)
*includes Stout Halfling racial adjustment

Proficiency Bonus +2

Max HP: 36
AC: 16
Move: 25'
Initiative: +2
Hit Die: 3d10

Attack(main hand):
Silvered Rapier
1d8+2 Piercing (Versatile)

Attack(off hand):
Magic Elven Shortsword 1d6+2 Piercing (Versatile)

Curved Guard's Sword
1d10+2 Slashing (Versatile)

Longbow 1d8+2 Piercing
Arrows: 20

[sblock=Racial Traits]
Dark vision 60'
Lucky: can reroll 1's
Halfling Nimbleness: can move through spaces of creatures medium or larger
Stout Resistance: advantage on saving throws against poison, resistance to poison damage
Languages: common, halfling[/sblock]

[sblock=Class Traits]
Two Weapon Fighting: can add attack modifier to the damage of second weapon
Second Wind
Action Surge
Improved Critical
Dual Wielder (feat)

Armour: Light, medium, heavy, shields
Weapon: Simple, martial
Tools: Thieves Tools, Poker Dice Gaming Sets
Saving throws: STR, CON
Skills: Athletics, Intimidation, Deception, Stealth

Silvered Rapier,
Scimitar, Chain Shirt,
Magic Elven Shortsword,
Curved Guard's Sword, Longbow, 20 Arrows, Handaxe(2), Explorer's Pack, Crowbar, Common Clothes(Hooded),
Potion of Healing (2)

Wealth: 60gp, 82sp, 34cp

Potion of Healing(2)

[sblock=Magic Items]
Magic Elven Shortsword:
Attuned. Command word makes it shine like a candle. A different command word causes wielder 1d6 damage, and until their next turn, the blade shines like a torch and is treated as magical for overcoming resistance.

[sblock= Background Abilities]
Specially: Enforcer
Criminal Contract

[sblock=Traits etc]
Trait: I blow up at the slightest insult.
Ideal: Freedom
Bond: I'm trying to pay off an old debt I owe to a generous benefactor.
Flaw: Someone else is in prison for a crime I committed. I'm okay with that.

Having lived in Is'Merith all his life, Isaac knew little in the way of adventure, but that is not to say his life was bland or mundane. His father, Spider Perricolo, trained him in the ways of swordfighting from a young age. They trained together all his life until his father died at the age of 19. On the day of his father's death Isaac headed to the tavern to drown his sorrows in some whiskey. After getting a few drinks in him one particular drunk started spouting off insults about his father. Deciding today he was NOT in the mood for any of this he decided to take this argument to the street. Stepping outside, Isaac started off just parrying the drunken fool's blows, to keep the show interesting. Little did he know, for one man in the crowd, it was indeed a show. He finished the man off with a dazzling display of swordplay. He didn't realise until it was over that the man was quite dead.

After the fight two guards quickly ran over and arrested Isaac. He lay sitting in his cell after a hard day of mining, thinking about the fight when he heard someone whispering to him. From outside he heard a guard whispering that if he was willing to put his blades to work again, he could leave the mine this very night. Barely starting to shake his head to say yes, a hooded figure pulled him from the cell and tossed another halfling inside in his place. "They won't even know the difference" the hooded man whispered while leading Isaac out through the secret passway. That was the day Isaac become the new enforcer for the Thieves' Guild.
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