Jemal's Prisoners


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Standing there, with this oddity coalescing around his feet, Eoghan furrows his brow. Thinking to himself he states flatly I could not leave 'im behind, he dies, one of us dies. He plants his throbbing feet firmly in the ground, his heart beating furiously in his body, shaking his core.

"Let us get this over with."
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ethandrew said:
Standing there, with this oddity coalescing around his feet, Eoghan furrows his brow. Thinking to Quill he states flatly I could not leave 'im behind, he dies, one of us dies. He plants his throbbing feet firmly in the ground, his heart beating furiously in his body, shaking his core.

"Let us get this over with."
[sblock=Telepathy]Since practically everyone is further then 100 feet away from Quill, no telepathic communication is possible.[/sblock]


Xing'dao: 19
Valak: 14
Eoghan: 8
Bandits: 7
Quill: 6
Mei-Ying: 5
Celes: 4

Xing'dao and Eoghan both stand waiting for the bandits to arrive at their location, while Valak continues moving , finally catching up to them and turning around, the three of them facing the oncoming troops.

The bandits charge headlong at the group, the worgs rushing in and their riders leaning down to hack at them as they come.

Having waited for their arrival, Xing'dao and Eoghan each target a bandit and strike out at him. (I'll assume Readied Actions. Please post 2 attack/Damage roles, 1 for readied action one for AoO on the first Worg that passes you. Valak gets an AoO vs 1 worg.). The three of them are soon assaulted themselves, however, as the Bandits blades finally find flesh!
*2 attacks on each of you. Valak shrugs off both blows, Xing'dao is struck by both(32 damage after DR), as is Eoghan hit twice(29 damage).

Quill surrounds the trio with Tentacles, which begin grasping at the bandits while Mei-ying begins Blinking and continues absently crushing the Worg, hundreds of feet from the battle.

As a couple of the bandits wheel around to come at them again, one takes a trio of arrows in the back. (38 damage) It drops to the ground dead, and another one off to the side screams and clutches his heart, falling off his Worg.

Fort: Mei'Ying, Quill
50' : Tripwire
105': Celes
200': Eoghan, Xing'dao, Valak.
~200': 4 Bandits (surrounding Eoghan, Xign'dao, and Valak.
300': Bandit Leader

Could you include AC and current HP in your posts, btw? Also, feel free to roll Damage for your attacks.[/sblock]


First Post
Eoghan reacts quickly at the now present Riders with two slashing gauntlets, aimed to tear at their chest. At the same moment he grunts in pain as his flesh opens up to their weapon, sending a flash of blood spraying across his attacker. He grits his teeth and lets out a low, gutteral growl as he renews a frenzied attack with his fists.

AC 10; HP 80/117 (77/117 Subdual); ATTK +20/+15/+10 1d4+7

[sblock=Actions]His first two attacks strike at 31 and 29 dealing 9 and 11 damage. For his full attack, a 25, Crit Threat 35 (Confirmation Roll of 23), and a 16. The possible damage is oddly enough, 10, 10, and 10 (x2 if crit. confirmed).

Phew! :confused: [/sblock]


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"Vermin!" Celes yells out, her voice a thundering roar that easily carries across the distance to reach the bandits' ears as she begins to gallop towards them, he sword held aloft. "Stray dogs scrabbling for a bone. You fancy yourselves wolves? Then show me what you've got! Or else crawl away, with your tails between your legs."

She gives a laugh of pure exultation, her eyes flashing in an irresistible challenge to all the enemies around her as she charges into the fray.

[sblock=OOC]I guess that I misunderstood Valak's position, I thought he still had a grace period of a couple of rounds before he'd be caught. But never mind, this works too I guess!

Move 90' forward to join the others and call out a Test of Mettle. Swift action. Enemies within 100' who have a CR of 10 or greater make a DC 17 will save or else attack Celes in preference to anybody else.

AC 35, Current HP 166[/sblock]
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Activating his ring of invisibility once again, Quill launches himself into the air, swiftly gaining altitude Quill levels off at 30 feet and then heads towards the fray.

AC 13, HP's 47/47.
Invisible, Extended Alterself(Wing Elf) 2 hours duration.
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As the raiders come closer, Mei-Ying nods to herself. Now was the time.

"See now what becomes of those who challenge one such as I," she calls in a surprisingly loud voice for one built so slimly.

She holds her hands facing one another, one palm up and the other down. Her lips shape siblant words, and glowing green vapors form yet more strange shapes in the air around her head. In the space between her hands appears a bead of viridian light, little more than a point. Energy crackles up her arms like lightning bolts as the spell continues though, feeding the tiny orb until she can barely contain it. Her face is contorted with effort, and her voice, once nearly whispered, now shouts her invocations to the heavens. The ball of light, like a tiny green sun, suddenly erupts from her hands and streaks across the field towards the nearest uninjured bandit.

(Empowered Orb of Force! Ranged touch roll 26, and it does 10d6+50% damage! Base damage is 41, +50% is 61 total damage! AC 32, 50% miss chance from Greater Blink, 70HP. Note: No longer maintaining TK spell.)


First Post
Once the bandits came into range, Xing'dao lashes out at him with a vicious kick aimed at his head then a savage chop unto the mount's neck. [sblock=Attack and Damage]Readied Attack=32, AoO=22, 3d6+4=16, 3d6+4=11[/sblock]

Feeling the sting of metal cut against flesh, he lets out a hiss. "You dare pierce the flesh of the great Xing'dao Li!?! You will pay for your impudence." He lashes out in a flurry of blows at his attacker but the pain of his wounds slows down his strikes. [sblock=Attack and Damage]1d20+17=25, 1d20+12=13, 1d20+7=16, 3d6+4=20, 3d6+4=15, 3d6+4=21 Ow! A nat 1. What are your rules on critical misses Jemal?[/sblock]

AC: 23, HP: 70/102
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Valak: 14
Eoghan: 8
Xing'dao: 8(Readied action last turn)
Bandits: 7
Quill: 6
Mei-Ying: 5
Celes: 4

Valak, suddenly encircled, decides to defend himself (Full Defense) as Eoghan and Xing'dao lash out at the bandits. Eoghan scores multiple hits, shredding skin off one of the bandits, who falls off his wolf into the tentacles. Meanwhile, Xing'dao unleashes his anger on the bandit who struck him, scoring only a single hit(20 damage), but over-reaching on one and allowing the bandit a chance to strike at him again. (Crit miss=Provoke AoO from person you missed.) Fortunately, Xing'dao manages to recover quickly enough to block the clumsy counter-attack.

The leader lets out a deep Battlecry as he leaps into the battle, landing on the opposite(Fort) side as the 3 other riders still alive join in, rage evident in their eyes as they renew their assault. Their cries are joined by bloodthirsty Howls from the viscious worgs as they rip and tear at the 3 prisoners trapped in the field of tentacles. (Eoghan 4 hits, total 60 damage. Valak 2 hits, 31 damage, Xing'dao 2 hits(1 crit), 34 damage and an AoO*#9*)

As Quill takes flight towards the melee, Mei'Ying flings a globe of deadly energy that strikes a bandit square in the chest(61), though he disregards it in his bloodrage. Charging forwards, Celes closes with the fray, as the leader turns to face her.

Fort: Mei'Ying, Quill
50' : Tripwire
195': Celes
200': Eoghan, Xing'dao, Valak.
~200': 3 Bandits + leader, 7 Worgs (surrounding Eoghan, Xign'dao, and Valak), Field of Tentacles.

Eoghan Heals 10 HP, btw, though he doesn't notice it. Gauntlet power # 2: Heal 2 HP every time your guantlets draw blood(Deal damage) from someone other than you. Though the penalty will be kicking in after this fight. :]
BTW, Celes's test of Mettle does nothing, as none of them are CR 10 or higher individually. Instead, I gave you the leader. :)

Also, all damages are BEFORE any Damage Reduction.


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Exhausted and battered, Eoghan severely regrets his decision to meet these foes out in the open, or even at all. Blood covering his body and his night-clothes and his head feeling very dizzy and woozy and knowing he cannot stand another beating like he just received, Eoghan laxes his assault and mentally tends to his wounds.

[sblock=Actions]Lay on hands, Cha Bonus x Level = 5 x 13 = 65 HP[/sblock]

AC: 10; HP: 95/110

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