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Jemal's Prisoners


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Eoghan looks at her under suspicious eyes, "Tis not they who receive my sorrow. You are right; they 'ave no honor and 'twas my duty to rid this wretched land o' their ill-worthy souls." He tilts his head to the side and looks down over his shoulder before continuing, "It..." he pauses as a deep breath fills his lungs and expands his chest. "It 'as just been a long day, and an 'orrible day for us all, I am sure."

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With a quick, grateful look at Quill for translating them so quickly, Mei-Ying bestows a smile on the knight. The simple expression transforms her face from an austere mask into a surprisingly young-looking woman's face...albeit still covered in white makeup and of unusual if not unattractive features.

"Do not mourn the life and world you were taken from, strange warrior," she says, echoed by Quill's telepathy. "Instead, believe that you will return to them, in the fullness of time."


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Quill gathers with the others in the middle of the open fort "Okay Chums, I'm sure things are starting to look pretty glum right about now, but instead of moping around and feeling sorry for ourselves, I suggest we get organised and begin planning what we do next"

"Firstly I have some good news for you all! up until today I was a guard stationed to work on this forsaken rock. That means is I know the lay of the land, and more importantly I know how to escape."

"I'm not saying that it's going to be easy, in fact it's going to be extremely difficult. No doubt my former employers will have changed the passwords and codes, but that aside I know it is possible to escape. Assuming we work together and that you all want to escape."

Hunkering down on the ground Quill spreads out a piece of black cloth that many of you recognise as a 'portable hole' and begins to climb down a ladder into it. Quill emerges a few minutes later with an arm load of clothing which he dumps at the feet of the scantily clad knight.

Sitting down on the ground Quill resumes his telepathic communication "Firstly we need to pool our resources together if we are to survive. I have a barrel of water stored in my portable hole, also the cloak that I wear ensures that myself and those who're close to me will remain pleasantly warm. On the down side it never occurred to me to store any food down there, so until we reach the closest community, I suggest we go easy on the rations provided by my former compatriots."

"Also from the recent melee we've learnt about some of the abilities we posses as a group, I suggest we be open and frank with each other about any other skills we might possess. For instance while I'm a regular arcane caster I have picked up the trick on how to cure moderate wounds. Obviously I can only do this a limited amount of times so I'd rather save it for bringing someone back from the point of death. So if someone here can cast divine spells and heal I suggest you make yourself known."


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Eoghan allows the apparent insult that the winged wood creature named Quill issued slide by without confrontation. Had he been younger and in his more haughty days, Eoghan might have challenged the odd man, but not today; not here.

After the pronouncement of abilities, Eoghan takes the clothes and silently puts them on. Even though they do not quite fit up to his liking, at least he is not half-naked and bloody. In his heavy European accent, Eoghan steps forward and says, "I am a knight where I come from...was a knight. I 'ave very limited abilities to 'eal too, but at best it is once or twice a day. But I can 'eal myself, for those of you who saw m' do that earlier. It shames m' to say, though, that I 'ave no weapons or armor with me. Just these odd gauntlets that I found out there." He looks down at the pair that fit so perfectly, hugging the contours of his calloused hands.


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Mei-Ying listens to Quill's 'voice,' backing discretely away from Eoghan as he lays out the situation, and returning to her previous impassive expression. When he finishes, she says in her fast, melodic language, "I agree. My own powers do not include healing, and are primarily protective of body and mind, and destructive. It is also my gift to pluck at the strings of fate, and bend it to my desires."

"As for what I carry...it is fortunate that I was traveling for some time before I was sent here. I have this." She produces a rather pretty, clear orb of what looks like glass, with ornate serpentlike dragons of gold writhing up and around it.

"The Orb of Spring's Garden. When I use it, it spreads the warmth and gentle air of the eternal gardens in the Imperial City through the orb's location. It could easily let us all stride harmlessly through a blizzard, or walk without discomfort through the harshest of deserts. It will last only one week though, before it must rest for a like period of time."

She puts the sphere away. "I have little in the way of food besides what I was given though."


As Eoghan looks back at the gauntlets he (And anyone else with +5 or better spot) notices that there is not a drop of blood on them. But he could have sworn that they were dripping earlier...

Excellent roleplaying btw, guys. And now that you're in a "safe" place, it's...
Defeating 10 CR 6 Barbarians & 10 CR 5 Advanced Worgs(12,500). Bonus XP for letting the wolves go(2,500). Bonus XP b/c all the baddies had MAX HP! (Yeah, I went there... 5,000)
Total Xp: 20,000. I'm dividing it by a straight 4, regardless of party members.
Every Player who posts (something worthwhile) within the next 2-3 days gets 5,000 XP. Each day after that is 1000 less (Unless you've posted a "going away for a while" thread in Talking the Talk and I happened to miss it).
So far, Shayuri/Ethandrew/Lord_Raven qualify.

Also, you managed to Salvage:
15 Rations, about a hundred gold coins from different dimensions (maybe they DO use money here), 3 full water skins, 2 MW Great swords, 1 MW Great axe.


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Celes views Eoghan's breakdown with sympathy, but remains silent. For now it's all she can really do to keep her own head above water, and she doesn't feel like she's in a position to be providing counsel to anybody else.

She's rather glad when Quill puts things back on a practical and concrete level.

"I, too, am a knight," she pronounces, though with little of the pride and assurance that she would customarily have put into such a statement. Still, it doesn't occur to her to use the past tense. She may have been expelled from her order, but such a thing... in such circumstances... it can't change what she is. She knows she's still true to her code.

"I can track and hunt, too. So long as there's a normal balance of plants and wildlife in this place, I think I can keep us from going hungry. I know nothing of healing myself, but if anybody has desperate need then I do have a small stock of healing draughts for emergencies."

She catches sight of Eoghan's gauntlets and for a moment lingers with an inquisitive and somewhat perturbed glance. "Eoghan... those gauntlets..." she looks at him with concern.

[sblock=OOC]Thanks Jemal! That xp will be enough to level Celes, since she was on an odd xp count due to her LA buyoff. Do you want me to do that now, or do you have some system where we need downtime with training or somesuch? Just let me know and I'll take care of it. Or not, as the case may be. ;)[/sblock]
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At the fort, Xing'dao watches Eoghan as the latter begins crying. His lips curve up into a sneer at the sight and he lets out one word barely audible to the others. "Pathetic."

Sometime later as Quill reveals some information about himself and giving a lousy (in his own opinion) motivational speech about not being sad with what they had done, Xing'dao lets out a maniacal laugh. "Why should we be sad? They were the ones who attacked us in the first place. And I assume that all new entrees in this portion of the Great Wheel recieve the same arrival speech that we were subjected to? They knew the risks and still acted like imbeciles. Anyone who chooses to insult me have only one thing coming for them....death!"

"I am a practitioner of the dark arts. I have read the Pnakotic Manuscripts, the Book of Eibon, the De Vermis Mysteriis, the Unaussprechlichen Kulten, and the dark tome written by the mad sage Abdul Alhazred, the Necronomicon. I am a worshipper of the Nameless gods forgotten by even time itself and I am a warrior of few peers. I have access to spells of curative nature but I am loathe to use them for the minor nicks I have seen so far experienced by those present."


You guys can level as soon as I give you XP. I'll only be giving XP at "rest periods", which is enough downtime for me. I work off the 'constantly training/studying/learning during your off-time' theory of Level-ups.
Also, Avalon & Autumn XP.[/sblock]

After Xing'dao finishes speaking, laughter fills the air, and a voice speaks in Asian "Read the Necronomicon, have you? A mere translation, and a bad one at that.. You've read the equivalent of a BOOK REPORT on the Necronomicon. Everybody who's read the REAL book has gone insane, including the writer."
A man steps through the forts doorway then - A young Asian Man, long black hair down to his waist. He wears a vest and a strange pair of blue pants (Jeans), and has a katana at one hip and a wand at the other. He stops 2 dozen feet away from you and bows deeply "Not that I care, really, but if you folks plan on coming into town, you should know we don't let crazy people in." He stops and grins, crossing his arms nonchalantly "Sorry, was I interupting?"


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"Who is to say that I am sane? Insanity can take on many forms. One of which would be the typicall raving lunatic sent to be cared for by those whose job it is to take care of them. And you are pretty presumptuous, young pup, to be able to just come here and getting off on a bad start with those whose abilities you know nothing about."

The sigils floating around his head begin to spin rapidly and pulse randomly giving off a dark red glow.

Voidrunner's Codex

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