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Jemals School

Myth and Legend

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Jamien raised his head quickly and put his fork down. "Meet one? I would surely hope not, unless it is tied to a stake, awaiting the executioner to set it on fire!"

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Jamien raised his head quickly and put his fork down. "Meet one? I would surely hope not, unless it is tied to a stake, awaiting the executioner to set it on fire!"

Arin raises an eyebrow at the mans words "wouldn' suggest turnin 'round then." Those on the same side of the table as Arin (Opposite from Jamien) Look up to see a dark skinned elf standing up from the next table and turning around, anger in his eyes.

'he's right behind me isn't he?'
*L* sorry, couldn't resist[/sblock]


First Post
Amaya smiles at Jamien's misstep, but is glad that the attention is no longer focused on her. She smiles up at the drow and tries to defuse the situation. "Well met friend. Please, have a seat with us."

When his Rat appeared Aussir lets off a squeal of joy and leaps across the table. Tackling his rat on a stick he rolls and ends up under the table. From under neath the table smacking and chewing could be heard "NOM NOM NOM!" Folowed by a belch. "Aussir not hear stories of drow. But meet some. Treat Aussir better then some humans did. Better then Adventurers did. Aussir pauses for a moment. When he continues he sounds sad. [sblock=undercommon] "One drow. One Eye Aussir called. One Eye was barkeep at inn. Some times feed Aussir when adventurers forgot. 'Spilled' beer by door. Adventurers gone then. No one else on floor. One Eye no reason have beer there. One Eye would talk to self on stairs. Aussir learn many new words. Aussir liked One Eye. One Eye left door open one day. Aussir get out. Aussir out side hear One Eye say not seen Aussir. But Aussir know One Eye did. Aussir Miss One Eye. [/sblock] Aussir crawls back on to the bench looking wistful.
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"Wha...?" Cal turns to look over one shoulder behind himself and Jamien. His eyes dart back and forth until he realizes that the drow standing there is, well, the drow. He swallows the bite of pie he had been chewing and smiles at the dark-skinned man. "Sorry, didn't mean to stare; your people aren't known in my world. We've got plenty of room here," he says agreeing with Amaya and motioning towards their table.

Aussir's mournful soliloquy catches his attention and even though he doesn't understand the words he grasps the tone. Cal feels a little guilty he ignored him earlier and also sorry for the creature: the one most different in their group. He breaks off a chunk of his pie and gives it to Aussir telling the kobold, "Try this. It's called shepherd's pie. I like it better than rat, even."

Myth and Legend

First Post
"Well they are known in mine!" Jamien revealed a row of white teeth, staring boldly in the Drow's angry eyes.

"Truth be told I could understand and forgive most of the savage, dimwitted races. Orcs and Goblins can do only so much against their nature. But Drow - slaughtering innocents, sacrificing thier own children to that twisted bitch of the Abyss, ever power hungry and ever the egoistic backstabbers. Drizzt Do'Urden is one of the very few to ever break free of this twisted society and surface untainted from the Underdark. But he is an exception - a fluke, and cannot redeem his kind despite all his effort."

Jamien's voice was full of passion and quite intense
, the feelings of anger and spite boiling inside him. Only his training as a Knight helped him contain his emotions and the urge to challenge the Dark Elf to a duel. That, and the fact that he could be a teacher.
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First Post
Jamien.. you WILL hold your tongue... I must insist... we ARE guests here and you must remember your manners... yes? Terrance boasted to try and break the tension he could feel building... his eyes looked the young night in the eyes if he is to take them off the drow for a moment...

He would turn to the drow with parchment and ink pen in hand as he smiles most graciously to their new guest....

"I sincerely apologize for my companions... well... misunderstood behavior... I have read tomes on your kind before but not met your race in person... I must say it is indeed my pleasure...I'm Terrance Hawthorne.. son of Rathan Hawthrone... tis a pleasure to meet you sir...." added as he tried to calm the emotional build-up circumventing the dining table...

[sblock=Diplomacy Checks]
1d20=17 (On Jamien), 1d20=1 (On the Drow...ouch LOL)[/sblock]
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Myth and Legend

First Post
Jamien raised an eyebrow to the Cleric's words. "My manners are well in place, master Terrance, and my tongue speaks no lie. I would advise you to watch your tone with me, and do more of your deeply valued research before taking sides. I swear on my honour i am not speaking slander - my words are true. You have read tomes on the Drow, and yet you have missed the fundamental principles of their twisted society?"

The young Knight faced the Drow yet again, standing up from the bench. "Well, what say you Dark Elf? Am I speaking lies?"

[sblock] the Diplomacy check could have had better effect had you not used hold your tongue, which sounds more like an Intimidate check to Jamien :)[/sblock]
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First Post
Terrance gave Jamien a sideways glance and nearly a scoul...

Did THIS particular drow kill your grandfather?... I sincerely doubt that... I do apologize for my brash word to you Jamien... but I still must insist you cease with the accusations that someone you don't know has malice intent... I do have deep regret that your family member was murdered by a people known for their violence.. but THIS drow has done nothing to you.. I ask not that you change your views.. just keep them to yourself... if you cannot then take leave... this place is about understanding is it not?"

Aussir still appearently lost in his memories mummers. "So judged by race is truth? So there be race that never harmed another. There be race where not one has hurt other? If not does not make all race same? Human hurt Aussir so Aussir judge Jamien by that human? Aussir treat Amaya like Aussir treat Adventurer? Cal? Terrence? Aussir swore hunt Adventurers. Should Aussir start hunt here?." Aussir sniffels, then takes another sniff. Then a longer one, he looks up, sees Cal offering him the pie. A quick move and Aussir snatches the morsel and begins to nibble on it like a rodent. When finished he dives under the table and comes up between Cal and who ever is beside him muscling his way in and curling up on the bench.

Voidrunner's Codex

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