D&D General Jennell Jaquays Appreciation


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever

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Spinning off from another thread, let's talk Jennell Jaquays and why her work is awesome!

Though I have become a big Judges Guild fan in the ensuing years, my first experience with her work has to have been the Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide. This was the first really good advice I came across about DMing.
Not even exaggerating, the "Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide" is the best supplement TSR ever released. I've read it a dozen times over the decades. I reread it before I start a really big campaign, no matter what system I'm using. There's so much information in there every time you read it you're having a deep conversation with the greatest DMs ever. To any DM reading this, if you don't own a copy of CS & CG then I highly recommend you find one. If doesn't matter if you're DMing a D&D game or not.

About 30 years later, it's still relevant. That alone says a lot.

Not even exaggerating, the "Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide" is the best supplement TSR ever released. I've read it a dozen times over the decades. I reread it before I start a really big campaign, no matter what system I'm using. There's so much information in there every time you read it you're having a deep conversation with the greatest DMs ever. To any DM reading this, if you don't own a copy of CS & CG then I highly recommend you find one. If doesn't matter if you're DMing a D&D game or not.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
I'm here just to join the Jennell Jaquays love fest. But I never owned any of her work. My 4 D&D Judge's Guild stuff was not done by her... (and to my surprise, I own more Judges Guild Traveller stuff than D&D stuff)

Voidrunner's Codex

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