D&D General Jennell Jaquays Appreciation

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I ran this a while back with Mythic Constantinople, using Cyrene in North Africa as a substitute location for Thracia, it is still a great adventure.

caverns and mythras 1a.jpg


Great Old One
I ran this a while back with Mythic Constantinople, using Cyrene in North Africa as a substitute location for Thracia, it is still a great adventure.

View attachment 149625

I see Mythras in the background, great choice, I have a personal friend at the Design Mechanism, best DM and roleplayer I've ever met, and a bit sad that they lost the RQ license. And the combination with Caverns of Thracia should indeed be awesome.


I see Mythras in the background, great choice, I have a personal friend at the Design Mechanism, best DM and roleplayer I've ever met, and a bit sad that they lost the RQ license. And the combination with Caverns of Thracia should indeed be awesome.
Indeed it was; I like Mythras a lot, though I feel that the adventure could be run with 5e just as easily. Mythras is a bit more deadly, as a fact Thanatos was the ruin of the party here, which 5e would have been easier on.

Voidrunner's Codex

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