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D&D (2024) Jeremy Crawford discusses what are the 2024 Fitfh Edition Core Rulebooks.

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OK, so detailed speculation breakdown, let's go.

We might see a Setting product, either Greyhawk or Forgotten Realms, but nothing is super determinate for that right now.

We know that we are getting a big flashy Campaign starring Vecna, most likely in late September at the close of Q3. Most likely made with the idea that people can use either set of Core books.

We know we are getting three core books, staggered over the year instead of released as a batch.

Since 1977, the PHBs have dropped between April and August, with D&D'14 dropping day and date with Hoard of the Dragon Queen. So a Q2 or Q3 release is likely based on historical precedent. Releasing the PHB before Vecna is fine, since there is a decade worth of potential tie-in products.

We may see the MM drop in Q1 or Q2 before the PHB, or in Q3 or Q4 agyerthe PHB. History shows that can go either way, and just using the new Monsters with old options would be fine, so there is no necessity to the release order.

I suspect the DMG will be November or December, as a Christmas release, but we may also see another Setting product in that area (Greyhawk slipcase, Forgotten Realms box set...?).

I think the DMG gets Greyhawk, a backdoor way for Chris Perkins and crew to get the setting for the anniversary (and maybe released to dmsguild) and FR gets either a Campaign Book updating the setting since SCAG or a Slipcase like Planescape.

I'll be surprised if the core books aren't released in order of playtesting.

Also remember playtesting for the MM and DMG will be alot less then the PHB, I expect 2 or 3 playtests at most for each, I think the DMG will be released before winter, Spring, Summer (along with Vecna, but different Month), Fall, setting book Winter/Christmas.

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I think Greyhawk is extremely likely to get a chapter of the DMG.

I think that is probably true, but I have more fun playing 5e (and I like 4e and played it for its whole run) so it doesn’t really matter that much to me.
I had fun playing 3.5 in the end. I had fun playing 4e. I do have fun playing 5e. I miss 4e but would not go back to 3.5 if you paid me. I don't know how to quantify the amount of fun of one over the other, but 4e gave me more room to make concepts then 5e does.


The problem with 3.5 is, despite similarities, it was ultimately mechanically disruptive to use 3.0 content with it. 3e players felt a need to replace the earlier books.

By contrast 2024 makes an effort to keep the earlier books conveniently usable.

Therefore I feel the term "5.5" would be misleading.

My takeaway from the video in the Original Post. The 2024 designers want to smooth out certain parts of 2014. But. 2014 is financially successful and is still growing, even now. The designers dont want to disrupt this.
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The problem with 3.5e was the use of decimals. Real fantasy RPGs use the imperial system, and fractions. This is D&D, not Traveller!

That's right. I might have played D&D 3 1/2e, but I've never heard of "3.5e."
At the time "decimals" were fashionable connoting cutting edge technology.

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