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D&D General JMISBEST's questions. Most of them about campaign ideas that either he or A GM he knows has and wants to know what people think


I've got a problem, I recently generated A Adventurer Conqueror King Character for a group I'll be joining soon, I e generated The History, background, family and inheritance of A Adventurer Conqueror King character using tables A Mate and I've ended up with A Character that despite only being A Level 1 Fighter

Among his inheritance is the title of Very Powerful Regular Viscount that rules A Fairly Large Viscountdom that has 4 Vassals, all of them are Very Senior Barons that rule A Massive Barony

Even if you only count the soldiers in his domain and not those in The 4 Vassal Domains among those he commands are 6 very young Silver Dragons, 5 Pegasus, 2 7th level Str 17 Fighters, 2 8th level Int 18 Mages, 1 7th level Dex 18 Thief, 1 7th level Wis 17/Int 13 Cleric and 1 10th level Fighter

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I've got a problem, I recently generated A Adventurer Conqueror King Character for a group I'll be joining soon, I e generated The History, background, family and inheritance of A Adventurer Conqueror King character using tables A Mate and I've ended up with A Character that despite only being A Level 1 Fighter

Among his inheritance is the title of Very Powerful Regular Viscount that rules A Fairly Large Viscountdom that has 4 Vassals, all of them are Very Senior Barons that rule A Massive Barony

Even if you only count the soldiers in his domain and not those in The 4 Vassal Domains among those he commands are 6 very young Silver Dragons, 5 Pegasus, 2 7th level Str 17 Fighters, 2 8th level Int 18 Mages, 1 7th level Dex 18 Thief, 1 7th level Wis 17/Int 13 Cleric and 1 10th level Fighter
If I were you, I’d make double-sure the GM is ok with you using home brew tables that give you six silver dragons.

And by the way, isn’t this at least the second time those tables have generated huge retinues of silver dragons? I’d say those tables are probably not suitable for general games. If everyone was using them, and the game was built around them, sure. But not for every single game you join (again, unless the GM specifically approved their use).


Out of boredom I've used tables A Mate made to generate the inheritance of A Adventurer, Conqueror King Character and I've ended up with the following. Your thoughts

First off I generated The History, background, family and inheritance of A Adventurer Conqueror King character using tables A Mate

Of the 55 rolls 6 came up A 100, 33 of the other 49 came up between A 37 and A 75 and none of the other 16 rolls come up lower then A 15

I’ve got A Level 1 Fighter whose inherited the position of the most powerful Viscount In The World

The rolls show that the reason my character inherited both very little magical goodies and not that much cash but also inherited A Vast Empire from his Grandfather is because 8 years before he died my characters grandfather earned the right to buy any domain he wanted

So he sold 96% of the stuff he owned and used it to buy the title of The Worlds Most Powerful Viscount who rules A Vast Empire


I have 1.7 million domain points to play with, so lets have some fun

Can I request that people remember that that isn't a character I generated to use, rather this is A character I generated that had 1.7 million domain points with which to create the domain he inherited and the rest of his inheritance and because I was very bored and knew it would pass roughly 2 hours I decided to generate both the domain he inherited and the rest of his inheritance?

How long I can be absent for without my absence effecting my land

The domain is so calm, prosperous, tranquil, quiet and peaceful that my character can be absent for up to 8 years without my characters absence having a effect on the domain

The education that my characters grandfather paid for his grandson/my character

It was 1 of the best educations money can buy

No matter how many or how few extra languages my character ends up with he will get 3 more then he’d normally get

When rolling for his stats I choose 3 of them, roll 3D6 3 times per stat and take the highest and for the other 3 stats I roll 3D6 twice per stat and take the highest and no matter what all of my characters stats will have a minimum value of 10

I choose Str, Con and Ch to be the 3 stats I roll 3 times for and take that highest. That’s how my character ended up with Str 18, Con 16, Dex 12, Int 13, Wis 8 which got boosted to the minimum value of 10 and Ch 14


In case your wondering the 1st roll for Wis was 2 2’s and 1 4 or 8 and the 2nd roll for Wis was 3 1’s or 3, luckily the Empire Points I spend mean that all my characters stats have a minimum value of 10

My actual character


Erin Belpois


He’s named after my favourite male character from my Code Lyoko Dreams that isn’t in The Code Lyoko TV Show


Lord Belpois








His actual title

The most powerful Viscount in The World














Str 18, Con 16, Dex 13, Int 13, Wis 10 and Ch 14

Permanent stat changes

Negative 1’s


Positive 1’s



Automatic 8+2 or 10 at 1st level


All in all that gives my character 10Hp





The Proficiency that all Adventurers have


Adventuring Rank 1

Fighter proficiencies

Combat Manual Rank 1

General proficiencies

Diplomacy Rank 1 and Healing Rank 1


Adventuring Rank 1

Fighter proficiencies

Combat Manual Rank 1

General proficiencies

Diplomacy Rank 1 and Healing Rank 1


Number of Henchmen he can have


As long as I don’t take them with me on adventures my characters dead grandfathers 5 henchmen that stuck around because they were getting very well paid for almost no risk don’t count





Number he has


Number he can recruit






The Common Tongue and The Good Alignment Tongue


The 1 extra 1 he gets from his INT of 13

The Goblin Language

The 3 that rolls on A Table The GM made show he got from training his grandfather paid for

Hill Giant, Goblin and Orc

Armor Class

When adventuring for the thrills


If he use’s all the stuff he has access to



When he started his career

18 years, 0 months, 0 weeks and 1 day old


18 years, 0 months, 0 weeks and 1 day old

Time he’s been a adventurer for

Not started yet

Time the campaign has lasted for

Not started yet



Even though these wouldn’t normally follow A Level 1 Fighter they are loyal enough to the memory of his grandfather that they’d rather stick with A Job that has both a very high wage and almost no risk


40 0 level Mercenaries

2 1st level Fighters

2 2nd level Fighters


1 3rd level Fighter


1 7th level Dex 18 Thief

1 7th level Str 16 Fighter

1 7th level Str 17 Fighter

1 7th level Wis 17/Int 14 Cleric


1 8th level Int 18 Magic User


Rolls on tables The GM made show that the 8th level Mage has 4 Spellbooks and 2 Spellscrolls


Those rolls also show that between them her 4 Spellbooks and 2 Spellscrolls that hold 11 1st level, 8 2nd level, 5 3rd level, 3 4th level and 1 5th level Spells

My characters belongings


120 Darts

12 Slings that all come with 30 Sling Shots

12 Bola’s

6 Swords

4 Silver Daggers

4 Battle Axe’s

4 Great Axes

4 Crossbows that all come with 1 case of 20 Crossbow Bolts

4 Warhammers

1 Longbow that comes with 3 Quivers that each hold 20 Regular Arrows and 5 Silver Arrows

1 Hand Axe


11 Suits of Leather Armor

7 suits of Ring Armor

5 sets of Fur Hiding

3 suits of Banded Mail

3 suits of Platemail

3 Shields

1 Suit of Chainmail


2,400 foot of rope

1,488 Iron Spikes

670 torch’s

330 flasks of oil

115 wax candles

60 3-pint flasks of military oil

15 4-pound boxes of salt

15 4-pint bottles of Olive Oil

14 1-pint bottles of Holy Water

11 20-gallon barrels

11 sets of 12 Stakes and 3 Mallets

6 Small Hammers

5 fairly good quality Nobles Gowns that are each worth 300 Gold Coins

5 Grappling Hooks

5 Goldenrods

5 good quality blankets

5 sets of daywear

5 sets of nightwear

3 Lanterns each of which come with 5 3-pint bottles of lamp oil

3 cords of hardwood logs

3 good quality Blankets

1 regular Noble’s Gown

1 Musical Instrument worth 30 Gold Coins

1 massive crate that holds 1 kilo of mining tools

1 very good quality tent

Herbs, plants and flowers

30 pounds of Wolfsbane

30 pounds of Woundwart

6 dose’s of Belladonna


1,000 loaves of good quality bread

1,000 1-pound locks of good quality cheese

400 meals worth of Dried Fruits

200 feast type meals

44 meals worth of honey

17 boxes of 12 eggs

12 3-pound slabs of beef

12 3-pound slabs of chicken

12 3-pound slabs of lamb

7 barrels of preserved venison

4 2 kilo barrels of dried pork

4 meals worth of pumpkins

4 3-pound wheels of sheep cheese

1 100 pound crate of marshmallows


1,000 1-pint bottles of water

200 2-pint bottles of Good Wine

60 2-pint of good quality Beer

60 2-pint of good quality Ale

60 2-pint of good quality Sherry

33 3-pint bottles of Rare Wine

17 bottles of fine Tirenean wine

6 bottles of stout halfling ale

4 barrels of dwarven beer

2 4-liter barrels of fine Tirenean brandy


Type 1

Monster venoms

2 of Giant Scorpion Venom

2 of Sea Snake Venom

2 of Pit Viper Venom

1 of Wyvern Venom

1 of Giant Spider Crab Venom

1 of Giant Killer Bee Venom

Type 2

Plant toxins

2 of Hellbore

2 of Hemlock

2 of Foxglove

1 of Henbane

1 of Yew


3 Ballista’s that all have 35 shots worth of ammo and 4 crew

3 Light Catapults that all have 26 shots worth of regular ammo and 4 crew



6 Heavy Draft Horse’s

4 Heavy Warhorse’s, all of which have Chain Barding

4 Hunting Dogs

4 Trained Hawks

4 War Dogs

2 very Heavy Camels

1 Heavy Donkey

Very rare

6 young adult Pegasus


4 of them were acquired via gifts when rolling on the favour/duty table


As for the other 2 The GM decided that because I bought them when they were eggs and I agreed that both of them only had A 50/50 chance of surviving the hatching progress that both eggs would only cost my character 900 Gold Coins

Land vehicles

4 Small Carts

4 large Carts

2 very large Wagons

1 coach that has room for the owner, the driver and 2 passengers


Despite being old its still fairly comfortable, still fairly reliable and barring something unexpected happening completely safe to use, which is why The GM decided that it only cost my character 350 Gold Coins

Water going vessels

2 2-seater rowing boats



Electrum Coins


Gold Coins


Silver Coins


Copper Coins



20 Bloodstones that are each worth 25 Gold Coins

20 Topaz’s that are each worth 25 Gold Coins

10 Coral Stones that are each worth 50 Gold Coins

6 Pearls that are each worth 100 Gold Coins

3 Zircon’s that are each worth 160 Gold Coins

3 Rubies that are each worth 500 Gold Coins

1 Diamond that’s worth 560 Gold Coins


20 Gold Rings that are each worth 10 Gold Coins

20 Gold Earrings that are each worth 10 Gold Coins

4 large silver armbands that are each worth 65 Gold Coins

3 small silver nose rings that are each worth 20 Gold Coins

1 decent sized Torc made of very good quality silver worth 500 Gold Coins

Special Treasures

30 Brass Ignots that are each worth 4 Gold Coins

10 Pouch’s that all hold 15 Gold Coins worth of The Herb Saffron

8 very large rolls of very poor quality cloth that are each worth 10 Gold Coins

5 Holy Symbols made of silver that are each worth 130 Gold Coins

3 Barrels that all hold 50 Gold Coins worth of decent quality preserved meat

1 very Small Bear Statue made of Silver that’s worth 300 Gold Coins

1 Rare Book that’s worth 150 Gold Coins

Animals Pelts

25 Beaver Pelts that are each worth 6 Gold Coins

25 Wolf Pelts that are each worth 6 Gold Coins

3 Bear Pelts that are each worth 200 Gold Coins

2 Dire Wolf Pelt that are both worth 220 Gold Coins

1 Lion Cub Pelt worth 100 Gold Coins

Trade goods

3 Crates that all hold 120 Gold Coins worth of Tobacco

1 Crate that holds 200 Gold Coins worth of Tobacco

1 Crate that holds 120 Gold Coins worth of Cloth

1 Crate that holds 120 Gold Coins worth of Spices

1 bag that holds 75 Gold Coins worth of Coffee Beans

1 bag that holds 75 Gold Coins worth of Tobacco

1 bag that holds 75 Gold Coins worth of Herbs used in Cooking

Other stuff of value

14 small Gold Teeth that are each worth 5 Gold Coins

2 Barrels that both hold 490 Gold Coins worth of Vintage Ale

1 Box that holds 110 Gold Coins worth of slightly below average quality Powdered Silver

1 very small Tiger Model made of poor quality jade that’s worth 110 Gold Coins

1 small cup that’s made of slightly above average quality Silver that’s inlaid with 2 very small good quality Sapphires that’s worth 130 Gold Coins

1 very small letter opener that’s of decent quality Silver worth 20 Gold Coins

Magic stuff



1 that’s +1 or +2 VS Spellcasters

1 that’s A +1 Flametongue


1 Quiver of 4 +2 Crossbow Bolts

1 +1 Axe

Armor, shields and similar stuff

1 suit of +4 Chainmail Armour

1 suit of +1 Leather Armour

1 +1 Shield

1 pair of +5 Bracers of Armor


1 +2 Ring of Protection

1 Ring of Invisibility

1 pair of Elven Boots

1 Decanter of Endless Water

1 Flying Carpet

1 set of eyes of petrification

1 Crystal Ball of ESP


4 of Healing

1 of Extra Healing

1 of Plant Control

1 of Treasure Finding

1 Animal Control

1 of Heroism

1 of Fire Resistance


1 in The Common Tongue that holds The 3rd level Arcane Spell Haste and The 4th level Arcane Spell Remove Curse

1 in The Elven Tongue that’s A Scroll of Ward Against Magic

1 in The Dragonic Tongue that holds The 5th level Arcane Spell Cloudkill

1 in The Dwarfern Tongue that’s A Map to A Treasure Horde that thanks to A 1D100 roll of A 88 contains 23,000 Gold Coins and 23 Jewels that are individually worth between 25 Gold Coins each and 4,000 Gold Coins each and are worth a combined total of 5,750 Gold Coins

1 in The Elven Tongue that holds 3 castings of The 1st level Divine Spell Cure Light Wounds

1 in The Common Tongue that holds The 1st level Arcane Spells Magic Missile and Shield and The 2nd level Arcane Spell Phantasmal Force


1 that’s worth 20,000 Gold Coins that nets me 200 Gold Coins per month

His domain

Most of the area is very fertile farmland, theirs 2 decent sized forests that nets the ruler/my character, money from logging and theirs a small marshland were people pay to hunt the moorhens, wild geese and wild ducks that live their

The ruler/my character also gets money from people selling the hides and meats of the animals they kill, earns quite a bit from selling fishing license’s and the domain has a meadow that has 5 types of rare flower and 2 types of very rare plants that locals gather then sell


Or rather that’s how I choose to justify my characters lands earning both him and his 3 Vassals a income of 8 Gold Coins per month per family

His title

He’s A Regular Viscount that’s a lot more powerful then normal

He rules A slightly larger then normal Viscountdom

He has 3 Vassals and all 3 of them are very Senior Barons that rule A massive Barony

He has A 4th Vassal Domain that has no ruler

Even though 1 of my characters 3 Vassal Barons is female the country is progressive enough in the area of gender equality that regardless of whether the title holders male or female all bearers of that title are referred to by the same title


In the case of the noble in question in my characters homeland regardless of whether the title holders male or female everyone that rules A Barony is referred to as A Baron






The 2nd and 3rd modifiers were both created by and added in by The GM



Here’s how that works out

+3 for his Ch

+1 for a garrison that’s a lot bigger then normal

+2 for being able to have a garrison that’s a lot bigger then normal without increasing taxes


-1 for not being able to afford any festivals


That’s +5, which means their steadfast


That means the following

That the domain’s inhabitants hail their rulers as a great leader deserving of strident support

The population grows by an extra 3D10 families per thousand each month

That means that they go up by 6D10 families each month

Spies and thieves operating against the domain suffer a -3 penalty to their proficiency throws


Service income is increased by 1 Gold Coin per peasant family

His personal land

Its in civilized lands

It’s A Decent Sized Viscountdom type Domain that has 4,320 families and has A Castle worth 135,000 Gold Coins

It has 4,320 families in it

They are spread across 182 Farms that each have 2 Families, 63 Farming Communities that each have 6 Families, 34 Fishing Communities that each have 8 Families, 21 villages that each have 50 families and 1 Town that has 2,256 Families in it

Money wise it earns my characters 4,320x16 or 69,120 Gold Coins per month from his domain

It also earns him 1,920x3x4 or 23,040 Gold Coins per month from his Vassal Domains

That means that it earns him a total of 92,160 Gold Coins per month

All in all my character gets 92,360 Gold Coins per month

Take costs of 80,785 Gold Coins per month leaves my character with 11,575 Gold Coins per month

Of those 11,695 Gold Coins per month he uses 1,600 +1,600 +1,600 +1,600 +3,000 or 9,400 Gold Coins per month to employ 5 henchmen that consist of 1 7th level Str 16 Fighter, 1 7th level Str 17 Fighter, 1 7th level Dex 18 Thief, 1 7th level Wis 17/Int 13 Cleric and 1 8th level Int 18 Mage

Rolls on tables The GM made show that the 8th level Mage has 5 Spellbooks and 3 Spellscrolls that hold 10 1st level, 8 2nd level, 5 3rd level, 3 4th level and 1 5th level Spells

That leaves my character with 11,575 Gold Coins per month -9,400 Gold Coins per month or 2,175 Gold Coins per month


In edition to my character getting a profit of 2,175 Gold Coins per month he also gets more food and drink then he could ever even try to consume


The town has 2,256 families(11,280 people) in it, that means it’s a small city, that makes it a Class V Settlement and it gives The Town A Market Class of IV

That means that it has 100 criminals in it and the level of leader is determined by a combination of the number of people in The Guild and the whether The Guild is A Thieves Guild or A Assassins Guild

The GM has decided that because the list of people in a starting tiny city with 2,256 families(11,280) people in it automatically has 400 Thieves and/or Assassins that I must add another 400 Thieves and/or Assassins

A GM I asked said that as I’m making A King Tier character that I should decide how many criminal guilds the city has and how many members they have


Those 500 crooks, at least 400 of which must be Thieves and/or Assassins make up the following groups

2 Thieves Guilds that both have 100 members, they are both lead by A 7th level Thief and they both earn 7,350 Gold Coins per month

2 Thieves Guilds that both have 50 members, they are both lead by A 5th level Thief and they both earn 3,350 Gold Coins per month

1 Smuggling Ring that has 100 members, its lead by A 7th level Fighter and it earns 7,350 Gold Coins per month

1 Assassins Guild that has 60 members, it is led by A 4th level Assassin and it earns 3,350 Gold Coins per month


1 Assassins Guild that has 40 members, it is led by A 4th level Assassin and it earns 1,500 Gold Coins per month

Castle Staff

The GM rules that between them the domains 4,320 families give me 43.2x4 or 172.8 unskilled servants rounded up to 173 unskilled servants


That means that the castles staff consists of 173 unskilled servants


The domains garrison


500 Light Infantry with Ranged Weapons, 400 Very Heavy Infantry with Melee Weapons, 271 Heavy Cavalry, 200 Crossbowmen that fight on foot, 125 Medium Infantry with Ranged Weapons, 125 Medium Infantry with Melee Weapons, 70 Mounted Crossbowmen and 3 War Elephants that each have 4 Riders

That have levels

46 1st level Clerics, 22 2nd level Fighters, 8 3rd level Clerics, 1 4th level Cleric, 1 5th level Cleric and 1 8th level Mage


3 Ballista’s that all have 4 crew and 35 shots worth of regular ammo and 3 Light Catapults that all have 4 crew and 26 shots worth of regular ammo

Animals and pets that can fight

6 Young Adult Pegasus, 4 Hunting Dogs and 4 War-Dogs

Sentient monsters

10 13 year Old Very Young Silver Dragons that all have 4D8Hp that works out as 8+3+7+5 or 23Hp


Being Silver Dragons they take payment in Silver Coins


That means that why even with them getting double their normal wage she can afford to employ them


Those that work for me

40 0 level Mercenaries, 2 1st level Fighters, 2 2nd level Fighters and 1 3rd level Fighter

Those that work for the leader of my army

30 0 level Mercenaries, 3 2nd level Fighters and 1 1st level Fighter


Those that work for me

1 7th level Str 16 Fighter, 1 7th level Str 17 Fighter, 1 7th level Dex 18 Thief, 1 7th level Wis 17/Int 13 Cleric and 1 8th level Int 18 Mage


Rolls on tables The GM made show that the 7th level Mage has 4 Spellbooks and 2 Spellscrolls


Those rolls also show that between them her 4 Spellbooks and 2 Spellscrolls hold 11 1st level, 8 2nd level, 5 3rd level, 3 4th level and 1 5th level Spells

Those that work for the leader of my army

1 6th level Paladin, 1 7th level Wis 16/Int 15 Cleric, 1 7th level Dex 18 Thief and 1 8th level Intelligence 18 Mage


Rolls on tables The GM made show that the 8th level Mage has 4 Spellbooks and 2 Spellscrolls


Those rolls also show that between them her 4 Spellbooks and 2 Spellscrolls hold 9 1st level, 8 2nd level, 5 3rd level, 3 4th level and 1 5th level Spells

Civilian militia

2,700 0 level Fighters


Rolls on tables The GM made show that 15% of the domains population of 21,600(4,320x5) consists of A Civilian Militia of 0 level Fighters, which means 2,160 +1,080 or 3,240 0 level Fighters

The armies leader

She’s both A Very Senior Colonel and A 10th level Fighter whose Str was once 18 but her age has dropped it to 14


Her underlings and henchmen also serve in my army but their loyal to her, not me

They cost her a total of 7,000 Gold Coins per month

That leaves her with 5,000 Gold Coins per month


All in all she earns 4,465 Gold Coins per month


Rolls on tables The GM made show the reason why she despite being A 10th level Fighter the commander of my characters army doesn’t have a domain

She’s 59

Both of her parents were minor Barons

Between them her parents ruled 3 decent sized Baronies

She inherited all 3 decent sized Baronies when she was 16

By the time she was 18 she was completely fed up of the life of A Minor Baron that ruled 3 decent sized Baronies

That’s why she decided that she would only retain her title long enough to have a child and for that child to reach the age that he or she would be old enough for her to abdicate in his or her favour, meaning the day he or she turns 15

Having a child/a girl, took another 3 years and it took another 15 years for the child/a girl, to become old enough for her to abdicate in her favour, meaning it happened when she was 36

The same day her child/a girl, became old enough for her to abdicate in her favour, she abdicated in her favour

The day after she abdicated in her daughters favour she became a adventurer, which she knew would grant her the thrills, danger and excitement that she’d long graved, and that was 24 years ago

Even though she’s now A 59 year old 10th level Fighter and has enough cash and other stuff to easily set up A Domain why would she?


After all its been 41 years since she got so bored of the easy life of a noble that she decided that as soon as she had a heir that was old enough that she would abdicate in his or her favour and 23 years since she abdicated in her heirs favour


The clerics that see to the spiritual needs of the people that can’t fight but can defend themselves

Rolls on tables The GM made show that the number of Clerics is equal to 14% of the domains population of 21,600(4,320x5), which means it has 2,160 +864 or 3,024 Clerics


Yet more rolls on tables The GM made show that those 2,128 Clerics consist of 1,300 1st level Clerics, 800 2nd level Clerics, 400 3rd level Clerics, 300 4th level Clerics, 140 5th level Clerics, 43 6th level , 20 7th level Clerics, 10 7th level Clerics, 8 8th level Clerics, 2 9th level Cleric and 1 10th level Cleric


The towns police force

As its has 11,280 people(2,256 families) it has 800 Fighters, 400 Clerics and 200 Magic Users

The composition of those 800 Fighters, 400 Clerics and 200 Magic Users is listed below


This composition was determined by rolls on tables The GM made


411 1st level, 170 level, 110 3rd level, 60 4th level, 22 5th level, 15 6th level, 8 7th level, 3 8th level and 1 9th level


211 1st level, 102 2nd level, 50 3rd level, 25 4th level, 8 5th level, 3 6th level and 1 8th level


105 1st level, 57 2nd level, 24 3rd level, 9 4th level, 3 5th level, 1 6th level and 1 8th level

My characters 4 Vassal Domains


But only 3 of them have rulers

Their morale’s







The 2nd and 3rd modifiers were both created by and added in by The GM



Here’s how that works out

+1 for his Ch

+1 for a garrison that’s a lot bigger then normal

+2 for being able to have a garrison that’s a lot bigger then normal without increasing taxes


-1 for not being able to afford any festivals


That’s +3, which means their steadfast


That means the following

That the domain’s inhabitants hail their rulers as a great leader deserving of strident support

The population grows by an extra 3D10 families per thousand each month

That means that they go up by 6D10 families each month

Spies and thieves operating against the domain suffer a -3 penalty to their proficiency throws


Service income is increased by 1 Gold Coin per peasant family.

The Title that the ruler has

2 of them are Very Senior Barons

1’s A Very Senior Baroness

They all rule A Massive Barony


The influence, respect and power they all have are all slightly higher then normal

Their personal lands

All 3 of them rule a massive Barony, they all rule over 1,920 Families and they all rule from A Castle that’s worth 60,000 Gold Coins


In all of them are 70 Farms that each have 2 Families on them, 42 Farming Communities that each have 11 Families, 14 Fishing Communities that each have 14 Families, 6 Villages that all have 30 families in them and 1 town that has 942 families in it


Money wise all 3 Baronies earn The Baron or Baroness gets 1,920x16 or 30,720 Gold Coins per month

Take away costs of 27,320 Gold Coins per month


The Baron or Baroness makes a profit of 3,400 Gold Coins per month


With 942 families/4,710 people, the primary settlement is A Large Town

It has A Market Class of IV

Its Market Class gives it 100 Thieves and/or Assassins and its population gives it 200 more criminals or 300 criminals

At least 200 of its 300 criminals must be either Thieves or Assassins

Again The GM lets me choose the number and type of criminals


I go for the following

2 Thieves Guilds that both have 50 members, they are both lead by A 4th level Thief and they both earn 3,350 Gold Coins per month

1 Thieves Guid that has 100 members, it is led by 7th Thief and it earns 7,350 Gold Coins per month

1 Smugglers Ring that specializes in ingredients used in Spells that has 50 members, it is led by 5th level Mage User and it earns 3,350 Gold Coins per month


1 Protection Racket that that has 50 members, its led by 5th level Barbarian and it earns 3,350 Gold Coins per month


Rolls on Tables The GM made show that The 5th level Mage that runs Smugglers Ring that specializes in ingredients used in Spells has 4 Spellbooks and 1 Spellscroll that between them hold 7 1st level, 4 2nd level, 3 3rd level and 1 4th level Spells

Castle Staff

The GM rules that between them the domains 1,920 families give The Baron or Baroness 19.2x4 or 76.8 unskilled servants rounded up to 77 unskilled servants


That means that the castles staff consists of 78 unskilled servants

The garrison the town has

As its has 850 people(4,250 families) it has 400 Fighters, 200 Clerics and 100 Magic Users

The composition of those 100 Fighters, 50 Clerics and 25 Magic Users is listed below


This composition was determined by rolls on tables The GM made


154 1st level, 120 2nd level, 70 3rd level, 30 4th level, 15 5th level, 8 6th level and 3 7th level


70 1st level, 70 2nd level, 30 3rd level, 15 4th level. 8 5th level, 5 6th level and 2 7th level


34 1st level, 30 2nd level, 20 3rd level, 10 4th level, 4 5th level, 1 6th level and 1 7th level

The garrisons they all have


All 3 of them have identical garrisons


360 Light Infantry with Melee Weapons, 360 Light Infantry with Ranged Weapons, 240 Light Cavalry with both melee weapons and ranged weapons, 180 Medium Infantry with Ranged Weapons, 180 Medium Infantry with Melee Weapons and 60 Heavy Cavalry

That have levels

110 1st level Clerics, 110 1st level Fighters, 15 2nd level Clerics, 15 3rd level Clerics and 5 6th level Mage


The 1 6th level Mage per Barony each have 5 Spellbooks and 2 Spellscrolls that between them hold 7 1st level, 6 2nd level, 4 3rd level, 2 4th level and 1 5th level Spells

Pets and animals that can fight

1 young adult Pegasus

Sentient monsters

4 13 year Old Very Young Silver Dragons that all have 4D8Hp that works out as 8+3+7+5 or 23Hp


Being Silver Dragons they take payment in Silver Coins


That means that why even with them getting double their normal wage she can afford to employ them

Civilian militia

They all have A Civilian Militia of 1,200 0 level Fighters


Rolls on tables The GM made show that 10.5% of the domains population of 9,600(1,920x5) consists of A Civilian Militia of 0 level Fighters, which means 960 +240 or 1,200 0 level Fighters rounded up to 710 0 level Fighters

The clerics that see to the spiritual needs of the people that can’t fight but can defend themselves

Rolls on tables The GM made show that the number of Clerics that all 3 domains have is equal to 13.5% of the domains population of 9,600(1,920x5), which means it has 960 +288 +48 or 1,296 Clerics


Yet more rolls on tables The GM made show that the 845 Clerics the 3 domains all have all have the same mix of levels and they all consist of 620 1st level Clerics, 210 2nd level Clerics, 210 3rd level erics, 150 4th level Clerics, 70 5th level Clerics, 24 13 6th level Clerics, 7 7th level Clerics , 4 8th level and 1 9th Clerics

The 4th Vassal Domain

The title is very Senior Barons

The domain is A Massive Barony

As it borders the sea it has 480 families more then normal

Its castle is worth 60,000 Gold, meaning it has 2,400 families


In it is 90 Farms that each have 2 Families on them, 52Farming Communities that each have 11 Families, 18 Fishing Communities that each have 14 Families, 7 Villages that all have 45 families in them and 1 town that has 1,151 families in it


Money wise it makes 2,400x16 or 38,400 Gold Coins per month

Take away costs of 34,750 Gold Coins per month


The Baron or Baroness makes a profit of 3,650 Gold Coins per month


With 1,151 families/5,755 people, the primary settlement is A Large Town

It has A Market Class of IV

Its Market Class gives it 100 Thieves and/or Assassins and its population gives it 200 more criminals or 300 criminals

At least 200 of its 300 criminals must be either Thieves or Assassins

Again The GM lets me choose the number and type of criminals


I go for the following

2 Thieves Guilds that both have 50 members, they are both lead by A 4th level Thief and they both earn 3,350 Gold Coins per month

1 Thieves Guid that has 100 members, it is led by 7th Thief and it earns 7,350 Gold Coins per month

1 Smugglers Ring that specializes in ingredients used in Spells that has 50 members, it is led by 5th level Mage User and it earns 3,350 Gold Coins per month


1 Protection Racket that that has 50 members, its led by 5th level Barbarian and it earns 3,350 Gold Coins per month


Rolls on Tables The GM made show that The 5th level Mage that runs Smugglers Ring that specializes in ingredients used in Spells has 4 Spellbooks and 1 Spellscroll that between them hold 7 1st level, 4 2nd level, 3 3rd level and 1 4th level Spells

Castle Staff

The GM rules that between them the domains 2,360 families give The Baron or Baroness 23.6x4 or 94.4 unskilled servants rounded up


That means that the castles staff consists of 94 unskilled servants

The garrison the town has

As its has a population of 5,755 it has 400 Fighters, 200 Clerics and 100 Magic Users


Rolls on tables The GM made show that those 400 Fighters, 200 Clerics and 100 Mages have the following levels


154 1st level, 120 2nd level, 70 3rd level, 30 4th level, 15 5th level, 8 6th level and 3 7th level


70 1st level, 70 2nd level, 30 3rd level, 15 4th level. 8 5th level, 5 6th level and 2 7th level


34 1st level, 30 2nd level, 20 3rd level, 10 4th level, 4 5th level, 1 6th level and 1 7th level

The garrison


360 Light Infantry with Melee Weapons, 360 Light Infantry with Ranged Weapons, 240 Light Cavalry with both melee weapons and ranged weapons, 180 Medium Infantry with Ranged Weapons, 180 Medium Infantry with Melee Weapons and 60 Heavy Cavalry

That have levels

110 1st level Clerics, 110 1st level Fighters, 15 2nd level Clerics, 15 3rd level Clerics and 5 6th level Mage


The 5 6th level Mages each have 5 Spellbooks and 2 Spellscrolls that between them hold 7 1st level, 6 2nd level, 4 3rd level, 2 4th level and 1 5th level Spells

Pets and animals that can fight

1 young adult Pegasus

Dragons that aren’t part of The super-powered commando Force

4 Very Young Silver Dragons

The super-powered commando force that she keeps to counter threats to the entire domain, meaning not just her lands

170 Light Cavalry, 58 Very Light Infantry, 36(18 males and 18 females) Centaurs, 27 Heavy Infantry and 12 Very Young Silver Dragons

Also 1

The Centaurs were once slaves

Centaurs that were once slaves normally get very little pay

The minimum wage for Centaurs that were once Slaves is so low that the richest of my characters 4 Vassals can afford to employ 36 Centaurs that were once Slaves, pay them 50% more per month then the minimum wage their entitled to(225 Gold a month rather then 150 Gold a month) and still pay 700 Gold a month less then what it would cost to employ 22 Centaurs that were never Slaves(225x36 or 8,100 Gold a month rather then 400x22 or 8,800 Gold a month)

The Centaur that leads those them is named after my favourite Male character from Rising of The Shield Hero that isn't 1 of the main characters, meaning he's called Keel


The groups leader turned down a higher wage because he's more popular and not because he's stronger or more powerful and he doesn’t believe that being the leader because he's the most popular and not because he's stronger or more powerful entitles him to a higher wage

Also 2

Being Silver Dragons they take payment in Silver Coins


That means that why even with them getting double their normal wage she can afford to employ 12 of them

Also 3

She use's 4 of the 16 Silver Dragons as her personal bodyguards

The that got the job weren't chosen because of bias or favouritism, rather she let her 16 Silver Dragons choose which 4 would be her personal bodyguards

The 1's that are her personal bodyguard are the 1's that got chosen


Even though all of her very young Silver Dragons are loyal to Monica Star(named after the star shaped birthmark on the left side of her snout) is the only 1 that’s loyal enough to Monica to let Monica ride her

Civilian militia

It has A Civilian Militia of 1,440 level Fighters

The clerics that see to the spiritual needs of the people that can’t fight but can defend themselves

Rolls on tables The GM made show that the number of Clerics that the domains has is equal to 13.5% of the domains population of 12,000(2,400x5), which it has 1,200 +360 +60 or 1,620 Clerics


Yet more rolls on tables The GM made show that the 845 Clerics the 3 domains all have all have the same mix of levels and they all consist of 700 1st level Clerics, 300 2nd level Clerics, 300 3rd level erics, 180 4th level Clerics, 90 5th level Clerics, 38 6th level Clerics, 7 7th level Clerics , 4 8th level and 1 9th Clerics

The fleet that guards the coast

34 decent sized converted trading carracks that all have 25 crew/17 1st level Fighters and 8 1st level Clerics, 4 Officers/3rd level Clerics and 1 Captain/5th level Rogue


The deal she struck

in return for them and their crews getting free food, drink, accommodation and clothing, their ships getting free repair work, all earnings the crew, officers and captain make being tax free and the captain not having to give my character a share of all the ships earnings the captains will pay all other expense's, which means that once the ships are paid for my character won't have to pay a thing

More info on my characters 4 Vassal Domains

Notable things regarding loyalty about 1 or more of them that were determined by rolls on A Table The GM made

The only 1


Its about Monica Ochs

Monica's mothers Rags to Rich's Story

Its of spending the 1st 17 years of her life as a Slave, admittingly a very well treated Slave but still a slave

Then in the space of only a few weeks she was freed and became A National Hero due to being in the right place at the right time to accidentally prevent the countries entire royal family being murdered with poisoned wine

She was also made The most Powerful Baroness in the country that ruled a massive Barony that had a population of 14,584 that consisted of 12,000 Civilians, 1,594 troops and 990 Navy Personnel

Then she married A Merchant that was very powerful, very influential and very wealthy who invested most of his fortune in 34 slightly smaller then normal trading carracks that all have 30 personnel that had been converted so they could attack enemies with which to protect the costal area's of his new wives domain

More info on Monica’s loyalty

The reason that my character lets Monica maintain such a powerful army is because of how loyal she is and her mother was, meaning he trusts her not to use her powerful army against him

The reason he trusts her so much is because Monica’s mother was A Slave that thanks to being in the right place at the right time to accidentally prevent the murders of the entire royal family was both freed and made A Very Senior Baroness that ruled a massive Barony

My character knows that given her mothers humble background and Monica’s own humble nature that Monica is more then content with being the most powerful Baroness in the world


My character also knows that Monica would never do anything that would risk her family becoming slaves again, which is what would happen if she tried and failed to used her powerful army against her liege/my character

Notable things about ambitions about 1 or more of them that were determined by rolls on A Table The GM made

The only 1


Its about Liza Shret

Even though she is too loyal to ever make a move to seize control of the entire area her daughter is the same age as my characters grandson, and Liza is ambitious enough to try to ensure that her family will 1 day rule the entire area by arranging for her daughter to marry her lieges grandson

More on that

Rolls I made on A Table The GM sent me that show that her dream of seeing 1 of her grandchildren one day rule the entire area by having her daughter marry my character's grandson would have come true if she hadn't try to make sure that her daughter married my character's grandson but because she tried to make sure that her daughter married my character's grandson she will never see her dream fulfilled

So here’s 4 possible interpretations of the rolls I made on tables The GM made that aren’t as bad as what the rolls may suggest

Number 1

Liza Shret will never live to see her dream come true not that her dream will never come true, meaning that its possible that her dream of seeing 1 of her grandchildren one day rule the entire area by having her daughter marry my character's grandson could still happen but if it does still happen it happens after Liza Shret dies

Number 2

My character will agree to his grandson marrying Liza Shrets daughter but because they won't be old enough to marry until their both 19, meaning they won't get married for at least another 10 years, 5 months, 2 weeks and 4 days, that even though her liege has agreed to the marriage Liza could die before the wedding

Number 3

Lisa Shret won't live to see her dream come true that my character will agree to his grandson marrying Liza Shrets daughter but because they won't be able to get married until their both 19, meaning they won't get be old enough to get married for at least another 10 years, 5 months, 2 weeks and 4 days, that even though her liege has agreed to the marriage Liza could go blind before the wedding

Number 4

Liza Shret will never live to see her dream come true because her daughter will marry someone that’s the heir of A Noble that’s even more powerful then her liege

On their levels and classes


The reason they have so much belongings, cash, treasure and magical equipment despite their levels is that all 3 of them inherited it from their respective father

On their levels and classes

The 1st


Lisa Shren

She’s named after my favourite villain, 2nd in command beneath Xann, from my Code Lyoko Dreams that isn’t in The Code Lyoko TV Show

The dreams make it clear that because she’s human she’s capable of thinking and acting illogically and its her capacity for both illogical thinking and taking illogical actions that makes her far better at leadership, diplomacy, strategy and tactics then Xanna


She’s A human Female 7th level Dex 17 Thief that has 52,750 experance

The 2nd


Patrick Belpois

He’s named after my favourite male Code Lyoko Character that isn’t A Lyoko Warrior in The Code Lyoko TV Show but is A Lyoko Warrior in my Code Lyoko Dreams


He’s A Human Male 7th level Wis 17/Int 13 Cleric that has 52,250 experance

The 3rd


Peter Duncan

He’s named after my favourite Code Lyoko Character that despite only appearing in 1 episode of The Code Lyoko TV Show in my Code Lyoko Dreams he’s 1 of the main villains


He’s A Human Male that’s A 7th level Str 18 Fighter that has 67,250 experance

The 4th


Monica Von Ochs

She is named after my favourite character from Fire Emblem Three Hopes that don’t appear in Fire Emblem Three House’s


She’s A Human Female 6th level Mage with 52,325 experance

The stuff they have

The 1st 3


All 3 of them have the exact same stuff


20 Darts

4 sings that all have 20 bullets

4 Longbows that all have 20 Regular Arrows and 5 Silver Arrows

2 Swords

1 Morning Star

1 Warhammer

1 Flail


4 suits of chainmail armour

4 suits of leather armour

4 Shields

2 Heavy Helmets

1 suit of Ringmail armour


200 Candles

120 torch’s

48 small iron spikes

20 pints of military grade lantern oil

10 large sacks

10 50-yard lengths of rope

8 pints of holy water

4 sets of nobles garb that are each worth 500 Gold Coins

4 average quality blankets

2 sets of good quality dice

2 sets of good quality daywear that are both worth 55 Gold Coins

2 sets of good quality daywear that are both worth 55 Gold Coins

2 tents

2 locks

2 mirrors

2 high quality musical instruments

2 small hammers

1 lantern

1 grappling hook

1 set of mallet and 4 stakes

1 backpack

Herbs, plants, flowers and similar stuff

4 pounds of Wolfsbane

4 pounds of Woundwart


200 pounds of very high quality cheese

120 high quality eggs

1,000 pounds worth of dried fruits

100 meals that are fit for A Earl

100 very high quality loaves of white bread

14 weeks worth of preserved rations

4 barrels that all hold 5 meals worth of fish


50 2-pint bottles of high quality beer

10 Waterskins that all hold half a pint of water

10 Wineskins that all hold half a pint of wine

4 crates that all hold 10 2-pint bottles of very good quality wine

2 barrels that both hold 4 pints of very good quality sherry



3 Light Warhorse’s

1 Camel


1 young adult Pegasus


2 wagons that are both pulled by 3 heavy draft horse’s



Copper Coins


Silver Coins


Gold Coins


Electrum Coins




7 Bloodstones that are each worth 25 Gold Coins

7 Topaz’s that are each worth 25 Gold Coins

3 Coral Stones that are each worth 50 Gold Coins


2 small armbands made of good quality Silver that are both worth 65 Gold Coins

2 small silver nose rings that are both made of good quality silver that are both worth 20 Gold Coins

Special Treasures

15 large Brass Ignots that are each worth 4 Gold Coins

6 Pouch’s that all hold 15 Gold Coins worth of The Herb Saffron

6 very large rolls of very poor quality cloth that are each worth 10 Gold Coins each

2 Holy Symbols made of silver that are both worth 130 Gold Coins each

Animals Pelts

10 Beaver Pelts that are each worth 6 Gold Coins

10 Wolf Pelts that are each worth 6 Gold Coins

1 Lion Cub Pelt worth 100 Gold Coins

Other stuff of value

12 small Gold Teeth that are each worth 5 Gold Coins

1 very small letter opener that’s made of decent quality Silver worth 20 Gold Coins

Magical belongings



1 +2 Dagger



Armour, shields and protective

1 suit of +1 Leather Armor

1 +1 Shield

1 pair of +4 Bracers of Armour


1 +1 Ring of Protection

1 Elven Cloak

1 Ring of Command Plants

1 Wand of Magic Missiles

It has 17 Charges

1 Decanter of Endless Water

1 pair of Gauntlets of Ogre Strength


2 1-dose bottles of Potion of Extra Healing

1 1-dose bottle of Potion of Healing

1 1-dose bottle of Potion of Fire Resistance

1 1-dose bottle of Potion of Speed

Spell scrolls

2 Arcane Scrolls that are both in the common tongue

1 of then holds 2 2nd level Spells

The other holds 2 1st level Spells and 1 5th level Spells


The 2 1st level, 2 2nd level Spells and 1 5th level Spells that they hold are as follows

1st level

Charm Person and Sleep

2nd level

Continual Light and Web

5th level

Hold Monster

The stuff of The 4th Vassal

The reason she inherited a lot of stuff she can’t use is because her mother was A Thief and her Father was A Fighter


5 Daggers

4 Longbows that all have 20 Regular Arrows and 5 Silver Arrows

2 sings that all have 30 bullets

2 Swords

1 Morning Star

1 Warhammer

1 Flail


4 suits of chainmail armour

4 suits of leather armour

4 Shields

2 Heavy Helmets

1 suit of Ringmail armour


200 Candles

120 torch’s

48 small iron spikes

20 pints of military grade lantern oil

10 large sacks

10 50-yard lengths of rope

8 pints of holy water

4 sets of nobles garb that are each worth 500 Gold Coins

4 average quality blankets

2 sets of good quality dice

2 sets of good quality daywear that are both worth 55 Gold Coins

2 sets of good quality daywear that are both worth 55 Gold Coins

2 tents

2 locks

2 mirrors

2 high quality musical instruments

2 small hammers

1 lantern

1 grappling hook

1 set of mallet and 4 stakes

1 backpack

Herbs, plants, flowers and similar stuff

4 pounds of Wolfsbane

4 pounds of Woundwart


200 pounds of very high quality cheese

120 high quality eggs

1,000 pounds worth of dried fruits

100 meals that are fit for A Earl

100 very high quality loaves of white bread

14 weeks worth of preserved rations

4 barrels that all hold 5 meals worth of fish


50 2-pint bottles of high quality beer

10 Waterskins that all hold half a pint of water

10 Wineskins that all hold half a pint of wine

4 crates that all hold 10 2-pint bottles of very good quality wine

2 barrels that both hold 4 pints of very good quality sherry



3 Light Warhorse’s

1 Camel


1 young adult Pegasus


2 wagons that are both pulled by 3 heavy draft horse’s



Copper Coins


Silver Coins


Gold Coins


Electrum Coins




7 Bloodstones that are each worth 25 Gold Coins

7 Topaz’s that are each worth 25 Gold Coins

3 Coral Stones that are each worth 50 Gold Coins


2 small armbands made of good quality Silver that are both worth 65 Gold Coins

2 small silver nose rings that are both made of good quality silver that are both worth 20 Gold Coins

Special Treasures

15 large Brass Ignots that are each worth 4 Gold Coins

6 Pouch’s that all hold 15 Gold Coins worth of The Herb Saffron

6 very large rolls of very poor quality cloth that are each worth 10 Gold Coins each

2 Holy Symbols made of silver that are both worth 130 Gold Coins each

Animals Pelts

10 Beaver Pelts that are each worth 6 Gold Coins

10 Wolf Pelts that are each worth 6 Gold Coins

1 Lion Cub Pelt worth 100 Gold Coins

Other stuff of value

12 small Gold Teeth that are each worth 5 Gold Coins

1 very small letter opener that’s made of decent quality Silver worth 20 Gold Coins

Magical belongings



1 +2 Dagger



Armour, shields and protective

1 suit of +1 Leather Armor

1 +1 Shield

1 pair of +4 Bracers of Armour


1 +1 Ring of Protection

1 Elven Cloak

1 Ring of Command Plants

1 Wand of Magic Missiles

It has 17 Charges

1 Decanter of Endless Water

1 pair of Gauntlets of Ogre Strength


2 1-dose bottles of Potion of Extra Healing

1 1-dose bottle of Potion of Healing

1 1-dose bottle of Potion of Fire Resistance

1 1-dose bottle of Potion of Speed

Spellbooks and Spellscrolls

She has 4 Arcane Spellbooks and 2 Arcane Scrolls that are all the common tongue


Between them they hold the following 8 1st level, 6 2nd level, 4 3rd level, 1 4th level and 1 5th level Spells

1st level

Charm Person, Detect Magic, Floating Disc, Light, Magic Missile, Magic Aura, Shield and Sleep

2nd level

Continual Light, ESP, Invisible, Levitate, Phantasmal Force and Web

3rd level

Dispel Magic, Fireball, Haste and Water Breathing

4th level

Charm Monster

5th level

Hold Monster

62,240 civilians

8,883 troops

1,020 Naval Personal that operate 34 small ships that each have 30 crew

59 people that are related to My characters 4 Vassals

My characters 4 Vassals, 1's A 6th level Int 18 Mage, 1's A 7th level Dex 18 Thief, 1's A 7th level Wis 17/Int 13 Cleric and the others A 7th level Str 18 Fighter

The heir of each of My characters 4 Vassals

My character, he's A 1st level Fighter Str 18 Fighter

11 people that were related to my character by marring 1 of his 4 kids and even though my character 4 kids died in the plague that ravaged the area 8 months ago, meaning these 11 people are no longer related by marriage he still treats them like family

11 relatives of my characters that are related by blood

My characters 2 younger sisters

Total population


That is spread across A Area of 5 massive domains that consists of my characters slightly bigger then normal Viscountdom and The 4 Massive Baronies that are each ruled by 1 of my characters 4 Vassals
Last edited:


Theirs no post session report I generated this characters number of domain points using Tables A GM I know made then spend them on his inheritance because I was bored and knew it would pass roughly 2 hours


Looks good to me, though I’m a bit surprised that people pay to hunt moorhens.
I'll admit I'm not surprised that your surprised and the reason for that is that out of all the options that would increase the gold the domain got per month by 1 Gold per family in the domain per month people paying to hunt moorhens cost the smallest amount of Domain Points


Out of boredom I've used tables A Mate of mine created for generating inheritance points with which to create your characters inheritance in Dnd, I ended up with 110 inheritance points and here's what I spend them on

70 inheritance points to buy the title of very senior Baron or Baroness that rules A Massive Barony that's 43% bigger then normal and has 1 vineyard and 1 orchard that are both 5 times bigger then normal, the title was earned and it was earned because when she was still pregnant with her child my characters mother accidentally saved the life of the countries future king and her reward was her unborn child/my character, being made a noble before he or she was even born

3x7 or 21 inheritance points goes on their being 3 young Silver Dragons that know my character that all owe my character a minor favour

3+3+3 or 9 inheritance points goes on 5 magical goodies that my character will be able to use regardless of his or her class, they are 3 1-dose bottles of Potion of Healing, 1 Magic Dagger that doesn't have any powers but can harm foes that can only be harmed by magic weapons and spells and the last magical goodie is A Pair of Armour Class 5 type Bracers of Defence

6 inheritance points go on cash and valuables that have a combined value of 4,500 Gold Coins

The last 4 inheritance points go on regular stuff that has a combined value of 450x4 or 1,800 Gold Coins

Voidrunner's Codex

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